Hello everyone! Wanted to introduce myself. (Also posted on pregnancy board.) I suffered a chemical pregnancy last month and was fortunate to get pregnant again this month. I went to my doctor due to constant urination and it was discovered through a blood test at about 3w4d! (Also had a yeast infection, it was discovered, but never mind that...)
I am now 4wd2. I'm nervous because of the chemical. My levels at 3w4d were 15hcg -- normal for so early but I pray they rise. I've been taking daily p tests (cannot help it) and the lines continue to be fairly strong and not fading at least. I had another blood test today and will get numbers tomorrow. I have no symptoms yet! Is that normal? I'm just on pins and needles due to last month's chemical, that maybe this is somehow unreal. Do these tests look dark enough to you all?