Hellobee Boards


September 2013 Mamas - Postpartum

  1. MamaMagpie

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    @marionberry: thank you Isn't it amazing how much they've changed from last month to this month?! And good luck with your work trip next week! Yikes, I would be stressed, too! You will be amazing, though, and J will do great! I will have to do an overnight next month for work so I'll probably be picking your brain about it all!

  2. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @MamaMagpie: OMG they're going to be crawling and talking before we know it. It's nuts!

  3. pmerr

    apricot / 491 posts

    @MamaMagpie: My hair loss is ridiculous! It's really bad if I wait a day or so to wash my hair. So much comes out in the shower, more in my brush, and I just shed ALL the time. I'm CONSTANTLY picking hair off myself.

  4. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @pmerr: OMG, the hair loss! It's so, so disgusting. I miss not shedding!

  5. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @pmerr: @avivoca: @MamaMagpie: yes mine too. Its driving me crazy, I want to buzz my head!

  6. pmerr

    apricot / 491 posts

    @jetsa: Ugh! I want to chop my hair short again, but it just got long and I wanted it long! But the shedding is too much!

  7. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @pmerr: yes, I feel the same way. DH really doesn't want me to cut it and I hate the growing out stage but it's driving me crazy!

  8. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @jetsa: I'm going to talk to my stylist on Saturday. I may end up with a short cut, as long as I don't have to come in every six weeks while it grows back out (not that it's really long to begin with).

  9. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @avivoca: I can't wait to see what you decide

  10. MrsStormy

    clementine / 818 posts

    @MamaMagpie: Oh gosh, the hairloss is out of control! I actually did cut my hair because it was so bad!

    I'm loving all the interaction we get now with my LO. She is getting so fun, and time is going so fast! I can't believe that soon they will be eating solids, and crawling, its crazy! My daughter has been talking for a while but is really starting to become a chatty cathy! Have any of your little ones started laughing out loud yet? My daughter doesn't really, I think she is starting to a little (like twice) so we will see...

  11. MamaMagpie

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    So yah, I chopped my hair off! I went from the middle of my back to my collarbones and I feel so freeeeeeee!!! Still shedding like crazy (like...clumps...gross) but at least it's half the amount of hair, right?!

    @MrsStormy: I know what you mean! H is super interactive now and it's so much fun And I love watching the the little gears turning behind his eyes as he observes the world around him! He fixates on our mouths when we talk to him and is very talkative He has started to giggle but not consistently, he mostly does like a silent giggle where he throws his head back and makes a huge grin -- I've got to get it on video, it's hilarious

  12. Meltini

    apricot / 495 posts

    It's been so long since I have checked in. LO started rolling from tummy to back 1 week before his 4 month birthday! He is trying so hard to roll from back to tummy but isn't quite there yet. I feel like we finally have a good handle on naps. He takes 3 a day and they last anywhere from 1-2 hours. At night he sleeps for 10.5-11 hours with 1 or 2 wake ups. We are trying to get him down to 1 wake up but he doesn't seem quite ready for that.

    Since going back to work I have serious respect for women who make it a year or longer pumping. I only go into the office once a week for now and on those days I feel like I spend all day pumping, cleaning up, or thinking about pumping. Ugh. Thankfully I have been able to keep up so far but just barely. I'm not getting a drop more than we need. I'm looking forward to starting food soon. We plan on doing cereal and purees (both store bought and home made). I am so excited to watch him experience these new flavors for the first time.

  13. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @MamaMagpie: My hair is falling out like crazy too! I wonder how long that lasts.

    @MrsStormy: Mine is starting to laugh out loud more often. The other day she had a giggle fit because we kept saying spanish words to her...like burrito and enchalada (yes, I only know names of food in spanish). It seems that we need to do new things to get her to laugh though.

    @Illumina: how did the weight check go? Is your LO doing well with the extra feeds?

    Sleep is still a struggle here, but getting better. She's waking up every 2-5 hours at night rather than the 1-3 hours that she was doing all December. Plus, we got three 1.5 hour naps last week. It was heaven and I hope it's a good sign! Paige is also working on rolling over. She can do it, but doesn't seem to interested. We introduced the excersaucer and jumperoo and she thinks they are the best thing since sliced bread.

  14. illumina

    pomelo / 5469 posts

    @Grace: Hi! Thanks for asking after us I had her weighed today and she has gained 1lb 1oz in 13 days...so I'm pretty pleased with that. At the moment we are supplementing with 2oz of formula 4x per day and it's going well. She's started to refuse it in the morning, probably when my supply is high anyway, but the rest of the time gulps it down! I think if she carries on with this weight gain, on the higher side of average, I'll reduce the amount of formula. I'm still waking her 2x per night and just BF at those times and she goes happily straight back to sleep.

    Anyone else having issues with a distracted baby though whilst trying to BF? I literally have to keep offering the boob at random times during her awake time and then again before I put her down for a nap because most of the time she's so easily distracted!

  15. MrsStormy

    clementine / 818 posts

    @illumina: We have major distracted eating issues! She pretty much has to be really hungry to get the full feed in, she is also eating a lot quicker, but I can't always tell if she is full and becoming a more effective eater or just distracted oh well, she'll figure it out. And yay you guys for the weight gain, that is awesome!

    Little girl officially started rolling from back to tummy this weekend (she had done it in her crib several times but not on the floor until now), now we need to work on tummy to back. She has also started giggling a little, so that's fun! We had her 4 month appointment yesterday and she grew a ton so that was exciting, she went from being in the 1st percentile at her 2 month appointment to the 20th percentile this time (she's 12lbs which is a peanut compared to most of your babies)!

    @Grace: Does Paige's feet tough the bottom in the exersaucer and jumperoo? My lo's don't and I'm not sure if its okay for her to dangle or if I should wait until she gets taller?

  16. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @illumina: That's an awesome weight gain! Whoohoo Little-Baby-soon-to-be-giant baby! You must feel so relieved.

    Oh, and totally distracted. Drove me quite nutty for a while and I would nurse right after she woke up so that she was all dopey and not paying attention. But, I discovered that if i stretch her feeds to every 3 hours (or until she gets cranky), she gobbles it down much better. Previously, it had been every 2 hours. Meant we had to throw EASY out the window, but it works!

    @MrsStormy: Paige is very tall - 25.5 inches at her 4-month check up, so she does touch the floor in both. I wouldn't be comfortable letting her dangle. When I first put her in, her toes were only touching and i put a folded up blanket under her feet so that she could touch the ground better.

  17. illumina

    pomelo / 5469 posts

    @MrsStormy: aww. S is only 10lbs 9oz, so they can be little peanuts together! I have no idea how long she is, because no one seems interested in measuring that around here! We also have a jumperoo and I have a ~3 inch high box on the floor below it so that she can jump.

    @Grace: we still vaguely do EASY, though now it's more like EAEAEASY! lol.

  18. MrsStormy

    clementine / 818 posts

    @Grace: @illumina: My LO is 24.5 inches so shes really close to the ground, so pillows are too tall (which is what I have been using but its awkward), and a box would be too tall, maybe I will try a blanket!

    ETA: I'm really jealous of those of you who get long naps. We maybe get a couple of 1-1+ hour naps a week, but normally they are still only about 30 minutes, so we have to take a lot of them!

  19. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    Hi everyone! It's been a while...life has been crazy and C is growing so fast! I thought it would be fun to do a check in and see how everyone is making out?

    Latest milestone:
    Biggest challenge:
    Most fun thing about your LO:
    Describe your LO's Personality if it's starting to show?:

    Back at work? Still on Mat leave? SAH?
    Any post-partum issues?
    How are YOU doing?

    Current LO picture:

  20. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    Weight: dr appt next week but around 18 lbs
    Height: 26" last time we measured
    Sleep: same old same old, he eats every 2-3 hours all day and night ETA: naps are going great, about 3 weeks ago I started putting him down drowsy but awake and now we rock for just a minute and then he goes in his crib he fusses/talks to himself for less than 5 minutes and is out! It is so much easier, before we were fighting for every nap. He only naps 30 mins - 1 hour, 4 times a day.
    Eating: just breastmilk and formula, we've been using celery, apples, and carrots to chew on.
    Likes: funny faces, the word goofy, the dogs
    Dislikes: laying down, tummy time
    Latest milestone: we are rolling consistently to the side on his kick and play, can stand with very little assistance just fingers.
    Biggest challenge: hates tummy time, no desire to army crawl or roll consistently
    Most fun thing about your LO: having 'conversations' with him
    Describe your LO's Personality if it's starting to show?: jack is a very happy little boy provided he is well-rested and not hungry. He is also very willful, if he wants something he wants it now!

    Back at work? 4 day weeks
    Any post-partum issues? No luck losing the remaining weight I'm guessing do to nursing. Had my annual pap today, everything looks great.
    How are YOU doing? Life is soo busy now and my dh's job has decided its a great time for him to travel but other than that we are finally settling into a routine.

    Current LO picture:

  21. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    Weight: 15.5 lbs at her 4 month vaccines last week

    Height: 25.5 inches

    Sleep: C is still a great sleeper, going down around 9pm and sleeping through till 8am. I am forever thankful!! Naps are a different story - she will NOT nap in her crib, only her mamaroo, even though she sleeps in her crib happily at night time. She is starting to consolidate her naps though which is nice, usually 1hr in the morning, 2 hrs in the afternoon, and 30 min cat nap after supper.

    Eating: I am still EPing, though I am down to 3 pumps a day. She gets around 20 ounces of BM and 8 ounces of formula on an average day. We switched to a faster flow nipple which made a world of difference. I'm thinking of starting cereal in a month or so... anyone else on solids yet??

    Likes: C loves her bath, reading books, her mamaroo, jumperoo, and cuddles.

    Dislikes: Being hungry and not getting milk ASAP!!!!, hats (I'm a mean mom making her wear one but it's -30 here!), gas/tummy pains (she only poops 1-2x per week and usually has one fussy day in between)

    Latest milestone: She has started interacting with us by blowing bubbles, smiling, and waiting for us to blow a bubble back. Repeat! She is getting close to rolling, has done it a few times from belly to back and can now go from back to her side. I think it will be any day now.

    Biggest challenge: We had a REALLY fussy period about 2 weeks ago. She was just unhappy all the time. It was very stressful and we tried everything. She seems to have turned a corner, thankfully, and is back to her happy self. Sometimes it gets very overwhelming when nothing I try makes her content!

    Most fun thing about your LO: Watching her turn into a little person and marveling at how much she grows and develops. She learns so much and can do so much more each week.

    Describe your LO's Personality if it's starting to show?: She loves attention, cuddling, and kisses. She's chill and happy 99% of the time but isn't afraid to let you know when she's unhappy!

    Back at work? Still on Mat leave? Still on mat leave, hard to believe it's almost 1/2 over. Our babies are growing too fast!

    Any post-partum issues? Hair loss, OMG! I thought I had escaped the worst of it until 3 months hit. Now I shed more than our dog.

    How are YOU doing? 95% of the time I'm doing great, happy with our life and in love with our gorgeous girl. 5% of the time the baby blues creep back and I get overwhelmed and stressed, but luckily those days are fewer and farther between as our routine develops more.

    Current LO picture:

  22. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    @jetsa: Does he like the apples/celery/carrots? Can he chew them? I'm really interested in baby led weaning but am nervous! LO hates tummy time too (should have added that to her dislikes...she gets cranky after 2 minutes or so. I hope once she can roll consistently she won't mind it so much.

    Do you find it hard with DH away? My DH is going to be starting to travel too...we went with him on his last trip last week but it was a DISASTER (C was up multiple times , not sure if it was the PNP, hotel room, or what...but we were all exhausted). I'll be staying home from now on and am nervous about flying solo!

  23. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @char54: I answered this and it disappeared! lol. He likes all of them but loves apples! He doesn't get anything off but they are the perfect size to hold and chew on. We are going to do a mix of BLW and purees, I don't trust my daycare lady to do BLW =/
    I hate DH traveling but Jack is getting funner and I am getting more used to being the only one home so its getting ok.

  24. illumina

    pomelo / 5469 posts

    Great idea! I was just thinking we need an update!

    Weight: 11lbs 4oz.

    Height: 23.5 inches.

    Sleep: She loves her sleep! She sleeps from 6pm-7.30am and I give her 2 dream feeds at 11pm and 3am. I'll most likely drop the second once she reaches her target weight. Naps are also good--usually 4-5hrs per day split over 3 naps.

    Eating: She is still mostly BF. We supplement with 2oz of formula 4x per day due to low supply. We are not planning to start solids in any form until 6mths and I'm undecided whether I want to stop BF completely then and switch to formula. The thought of doing BF+FF+solids seems too confusing...it takes her long enough to eat as it is!

    Likes: Bathtime! Other contenders are her bottle (MUCH quicker than the boob!), her play gym, winkle and trying to talk and interact with adult conversations.

    Dislikes: Getting tired out & about and there not being anywhere decent to take a nap! Being placed on the changing mat at first, being cold after coming out of the bath & having to wait for anything!

    Latest milestone: I'm not sure it's a milestone, but her speech is coming along really well...we are starting to get consonant sounds and "wawawah" and "mamamah" sounds when she's impatient. She turns her head as soon as anyone in the room starts speaking to her.

    Biggest challenge: Dealing with naps whilst out of the house. She takes all naps in her cot and is really content in there...the carseat is a good substitute...but she hates lying flat in the pram and will not go to sleep in there. She also can't cope with staying awake more than 2hrs at a time and will meltdown if she can't nap...so it's tough taking her places.

    Most fun thing about your LO: Watching her learn to interact with people. Loving that when I'm in the room she is literally glued to me and won't look away...I feel so special knowing she thinks I am literally the most interesting thing in the world!

    Describe your LO's Personality if it's starting to show?: Sometimes it seems like she has a split personality...on one hand she is very chill and happy playing by herself for long periods of time. Yet on the other hand she can flip in an instant and will let you know if something isn't exactly to her taste! In a nutshell, she reminds me of me


    Back at work? Still on Mat leave?: I plan to SAH for the foreseeable future. I love it and I'm so lucky that DH WAH, so I have plenty of adult interaction the days I don't go out.

    Any post-partum issues? Yep, hair loss is a PITA! As is AF returning much earlier than I would have liked!

    How are YOU doing? Pretty good. I have mostly good days, though once a week the odd bad one creeps in there and I feel like I'm struggling to cope or worrying that I'm not being the best Mum I can be to her.

    Current LO picture: One from her 4mth photos the other week:

  25. pmerr

    apricot / 491 posts

    Weight: 15lb 3oz (at 4 month appt 2 weeks ago)
    Height: 26"
    Sleep: about 9/10p-6/7a He'll take a couple short naps (ideally one longer one in the late morning-11am and one in the early evening 5/6pm)
    Eating: about 5oz every 3hrs
    Likes: mom/dad, being held, playing with toys (especially ones that crinkle), being talked to, baths
    Dislikes: being hungry or tired, being put down
    Latest milestone: eating his toes, talking more
    Biggest challenge: being alone with LO and pumping(especially)/multitasking
    Most fun thing about your LO: watching him grow and getting to know him. I love making him laugh and when he gets into laughing fits with us!
    Describe your LO's Personality if it's starting to show?: He's so easy going. He'll go with the flow (just like his father). He's just an overall happy baby!

    Back at work? Still on Mat leave? Been back at work since 6 weeks. Luckily I work in a school so I get those breaks.
    Any post-partum issues? Losing the last 10lb, being crazy hormonal still.
    How are YOU doing? Pretty good. I LOVE this boy and getting to know him. I hate that I'm working and not home (but DH is home). I've been so hormonal (sometimes so much that I wonder if it's PPD or normal) about struggling to balance work and home and getting things done, while still spending time with J and DH.
    Current LO picture: I'm on my work comp now, so I don't have one.

  26. MrsStormy

    clementine / 818 posts

    Weight: 12 lbs 5 oz at her 4 month appointment last week

    Height:24.5 in

    Sleep: Pretty good night sleeper, although we just swaddle weaned and her sleep is not as great as it was... She normally wakes just once from 7:30pm-6:30am. Her naps are not so great though... four 30ish minute naps a day

    Eating: Still just eating breast milk. She eats 4-5oz every 2.5-3 hours

    Likes: Standing, her jumper, kisses, singing, and having her diaper changed

    Dislikes: Being tired, tummy time

    Latest milestone: Standing super well with little support, she has rolled a few times from back to tummy

    Biggest challenge: Naps.

    Most fun thing about your LO: Smiles! Her chatting. Seeing how much she is growing developmentally. Honestly so many things!

    Describe your LO's Personality if it's starting to show?: She is super active and busy. She loves to play and she loves attention. She is pretty independent.

    Back at work? Still on Mat leave? SAH? Back at work, its rough, I miss her and our time is limited, plus I HATE pumping.

    Any post-partum issues? Hairloss, its so bad. Also struggling to pump enough for her while with her care lady.

    How are YOU doing? Good, but work is hard. My days are super long (four 10 hour shirts), and I wish I could be with her more.

    Current LO picture: I'll post one later when I'm on my own computer.

  27. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    Sorry I've been MIA.. will try and catch up now.

    Weight: 6.2 kg (13 lbs 7 oz I think)
    Height: 64cm (25.2 in)
    Sleep: He was sleeping through the night 7am til 7pm, then got sick and was waking every 2 hours and then we swaddle weaned and now we seem to be getting into a groove of 2 wakeups... but sometime he'll wake every hour from 4am. Naps are all over the place too. 30-45minutes usually...
    Eating: Still EBF. We plan to begin BLW around 6 months.
    Likes: His jumperoo, being naked, his mobile, funny faces, singing and reading books.
    Dislikes: tummy time, getting dressed, Daddy getting too close when feeding ( its quite hilarious...he'll try to push his away as if to say "my boob" haha)
    Latest milestone: Can roll both ways. Can hold toys.
    Biggest challenge: Night wakeups.
    Most fun thing about your LO: His little chatters. His hysterical laughter. I would say everything.
    Describe your LO's Personality if it's starting to show?: He likes to explore things independantley but also wants
    Back at work? Still on Mat leave? SAH? I plan to be a SAHM for a while yet.
    Any post-partum issues? Hairloss!! Not sure how I still have any hair... I just cut it to a short concave bob last week.. loving it!
    How are YOU doing? I'm good, LOVE being a mum... but struggling with being homesick and really missing my friends.
    Current LO picture: See my new avatar!

  28. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    Weight: 14lbs, 2oz
    Height: 24.5" at his 4 month checkup 2 weeks ago
    Sleep: He sleeps 7-12, feeds and then goes back down from 12-5. From that point I can sometimes get him to take 1-2 additional rests of 1.5 hours each. It just depends on if it's a day I'm home or going to work. He is great about going to bed in his crib now though which I love. Naps are a little harder, but going well. Supposedly he's a great sleeper at daycare.
    Eating: We're still exclusively on breastmilk. It's a huge pain pumping but so far I'm hanging in there. We're going to start solids as soon as he can sit up on his own (per our pediatrician).
    Likes: Anything he can stick in his mouth (esp his hands), bouncing in his bouncer, being read stories, people (literally he loves anyone he's around), being sung to, sleeping with mom, and getting to be treated like an adult (loves sitting up supported).
    Dislikes: Tummy time after about 5-10 mins, you laying him down to play if he's tired, and sleep sacks.
    Latest milestone: He can roll from back to tummy with the very slightest of help. He's so close! He also talks a ton!
    Biggest challenge: He's so used to someone picking him up right away if something's wrong. He's not great at patience when he's upset.
    Most fun thing about your LO: Almost every night I read him this "I Love You" book and sing him "You are my sunshine". He now recognizes it and smiles, sometimes even stopping nursing to smile about it. It's so cute!
    Describe your LO's Personality if it's starting to show?: He is the happiest baby. Everyone says so! He's constantly smiling and laughing, all on his own without you making him. He is also super content. We take him everywhere and he never screams or throws a fit. Like we can sit through a 3 hour basketball game with no problem. I am so blessed by that boy!

    Back at work? Still on Mat leave? SAH? WOH since November
    Any post-partum issues? Hair loss, 5 lbs to go; no time for eating better or exercising at this point
    How are YOU doing? Exhausted always but getting better at it. I find my relationship with DH has been a lot harder lately. We just don't get much us time anymore and I think it wears on us.
    Current LO picture: This was on his 4 month bday!

  29. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @marionberry: naw!!! He's is so freaking adorable!!! I agree with you on the relationship thing aswell. It's tough. We had a huge talk about it last week and things are getting better - although he is sleeping in a seperate room whilst he is on shift as E's sleep has been so bad - I miss him:-(

  30. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Mrs squirreld: in the beginning DH slept downstairs on the couch due to J's constant waking. I totally get it.

  31. Meltini

    apricot / 495 posts

    Weight: 14 lbs 0 oz
    Height: 24.5 inches
    Sleep: Depends on the day. He is consistently napping 3-4 hours a day broken up into 3 naps. His night sleep is all over the place. Night before last he slept 10.5 hours, last night he hardly slept at all (pretty sure he has a cold). We are fighting the dreaded 4 month sleep regression so that's fun. Most nights he is waking up every 3-4 hours which is terrible since he had spoiled me with sleeping 8 hours straight every night.
    Eating: As of right now he is EBF but we are starting cereal today and purees in 10 days. I know cereal is controversial but I've done a ton of reading and spoke to our ped and feel pretty confident about our decision. We are going to do a mix of cereals and purees with BLW mixed in when he is old enough.
    Likes: Being naked, jumping, kicking, chewing on his fingers, facing out, eating, mommy when he is eating, daddy, and grandpa!
    Dislikes: Sleep (who has time for sleep when there are so many things to look at!?), anything that stinks (including his own baby toots), and the nasal aspirator!
    Latest milestone: He recently started rolling from tummy to back. He is trying so hard to roll from back to tummy but that darn arm keeps getting in the way!
    Biggest challenge: Getting him to sleep consistently day and night. I feel like if we have a good day of naps, we have a bad night of sleep and if we have a good night of sleep we have a bad day of naps.
    Most fun thing about your LO: Everything! He is happy almost all of the time and loves to babble and screech at us which is hilarious and awesome. He also keeps trying to eat my nose lately which cracks me up.
    Describe your LO's Personality if it's starting to show? He is a super happy giggly little boy. He doesn't like to be still. If he is awake he wants to be playing or checking out his surroundings. He loves everyone he meets and will give anyone a big gummy grin.

    Back at work? Still on Mat leave? SAH? I'm back at work but due to some relocation initiatives I am working from home until I find a new position or until my position is relocated (soon) and I am unemployed.
    Any post-partum issues? None at all. I healed really well from my 3rd degree tear. I pretty much feel back to normal. Nursing is allowing me to eat like a pig and lose weight like crazy. It will be a sad day when I stop nursing and can't out eat my husband without gaining a ton of weight.
    How are YOU doing? I'm great! Some days are hard and some days are easy but I wouldn't trade a single hard day for my life before LO was born. I couldn't be happier. The only thing that could make my life better would be some sort of resolution with my job. Not knowing if I will have an income in 2-3 months is very stressful.

    Current LO picture: Sorry it's a little blurry.

  32. MrsStormy

    clementine / 818 posts

    Just wanted to post an updated photo of my sweet girl!

    So is anyone having teething stuff going on? We are starting to see little teeth buds is baby girls mouth, it makes me sad to see her uncomfortable

  33. MrsStormy

    clementine / 818 posts

    Everyone's babies are so cute! @char54: I love all her hair! Is it blonde or reddish?

  34. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    We have our first ear infection he's been coughing at night due to all the drool so we went in and yea. He's 17.75 lbs, chunker!

  35. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @MrsStormy: we've had teeth buds for a while and are super dee duper drolley but no teeth yet.

  36. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    Weight: 14 lb 7 oz, one week shy of 5 months

    Height: 25.5 in at her 4 mo check up (haven't measured since then)

    Sleep: Sigh, well last week I was getting 5-6 hour stretches and 2-3 wake ups (previously was only getting 2-3 hr stretches and up ~ 4 times). Also started to get random 1-1.5 hr naps (rather than the 30 min crap naps). Then LO started teething, so we've had 6 wake ups every 1-2 hours. Last night was better though, so hopefully the better sleep will come back.

    Eating: Once I started stretching out her feedings to 2.5-3 hr she was nursing much better, but it's been hard again with the teething. It must be uncomfortable. I hope it gets better soon. Going to start solids March 1 and I'm excited for that!

    Likes: the excersauser cause standing is something she loves. Also sitting in the bumbo or highchair while we have supper. And the big bathtub. She cries when I take her out. And her newest toy - a crinkly book. She was so excited when I first gave it to her. Oh, and public places, especially church. She loves the singing and all the people.

    Dislikes: Getting into her snowsuit and being buckled in the carseat. Being rocked before naps (it's so weird, she won't be soothed without walking around, but at night she's fine in the rocking chair). Not being able to reach her toy. She can't scoot so well yet and it drives her crazy when the toys get out of reach.

    Latest milestone:Teeth! Two cut through night before last

    Biggest challenge: Sleep. I imagine that one day she'll sleep all the way through the night. One day...

    Most fun thing about your LO: That's hard to pick. I think it's her joy. She gets so excited to see us and new things. She's a pretty happy baby when I'm not trying to get her to sleep.

    Describe your LO's Personality if it's starting to show?: Happy with a stubborn streak. She has a bit of an attitude sometimes when she doesn't get her way, but for the most part, she's so happy.

    Back at work? Still on Mat leave? SAH? Mat leave until July when DH will take over until mid-Aug

    Any post-partum issues? Hair loss! I am so tired of finding hair everywhere! Also, I have a sneaking suspicion that my eat-whatever-because-I'm breastfeeding attitude is starting to show itself. I hope it warms up soon, so I can get outside and start walking again.

    How are YOU doing? Pretty good. It's nice to finally feel like I'm getting the hang of things.

  37. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    Has anyone started real food yet? I was going to skip cereal but Jack is dying for some food so I think I am going to try oatmeal instead. Everything I've read is that I can just run whole grain oatmeal through our food processor and mix it with warm breastmilk. I can't believe he's going to be 5 months next week!

    ETA: Jack's not sitting up yet or close I think I need to wait until he is? I don't think he will be at 6 months either though. Is anyone else's LO sitting up unassisted?

  38. MrsStormy

    clementine / 818 posts

    @jetsa: We are waiting until 6 months to start solids. I think we will probably with sweet potato or avocado that we will just mash up. We also aren't sitting up or even close to it I don't think (although I'm not really sure how to know if they are close).

  39. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @MrsStormy: actually I realized this am that if I sit him in a sitting position he will tripod and can stay up so he's closer than I thought, in my mind theres a difference between getting to the sitting position and staying in it but maybe there shouldn't be?. Apparently he's been that way for a week or so (daycare forgot to tell me last week)
    Also is she trying to grab your food? we can't eat with Jack wo him trying to get our food, thats why I say he's dying for it.

  40. MrsStormy

    clementine / 818 posts

    @jetsa: Oh yeah she is super into our food. She grabs for it and stares at our food when we eat, she has also tried to put straws from my cups in her mouth. I think for eating they just want them to be sitting unassisted, I don't think they need to be able to get into a sitting position on their own.

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