A place to talk about our September 2013 babies and help each other get through all of those FTM questions.
A place to talk about our September 2013 babies and help each other get through all of those FTM questions.
pomelo / 5041 posts
It's time for the next chapter! Let's do a kiddo update:
1. Name of your LO:
2. Your LO's birthday:
3. Abbreviated Labor Story:
4. Best thing about being a mom so far:
5. Hardest thing about being a mom so far:
6. What baby-related question do you wish you had the magic answer for right now?
pea / 7 posts
Hi everyone I'm new here!
1. Tyler
2. 9/4/13
3. Baby was due 9/3. I had my membranes swept that day and went into labor that night. Within around 4 hours he was born. Out happened fast and was a little scary since they were worried about his heart rate while I was in labor. He is a little guy full term but only 5 lbs 14 oz and 18.5 inches at birth.
4. Bonding and baby smiles
5. Lack of sleep
6. How do you sooth a crying baby that wants to stay up all night?
pomelo / 5041 posts
@stargleam: Welcome!
1. Jackson Tennessee
2. September 13, 2013
3. Baby had been breech since 20 weeks. Turning him via ECV was unsuccessful so I had a planned c-section at 39w1d. Everything went smoothly.
4. Seeing this beautiful boy who is the perfect mix of me and DH and having that special bond with DH that having a kid creates. We just couldn't love him more!
5. His strong nipple latch, creating tense breasts and the difficulties created by recovering from a c-section.
6. How to get my boy to not scream every time he's naked.
pea / 7 posts
@marionberry: Thanks!
Tyler doesn't like being naked either and pees all over himself during many diaper changes which means I need to change him and make him naked more often lol
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Stargleam: He hasn't peed on me directly yet but today I had just cleaned up his meconium diaper when he pooped another one again. Boys! Hehe
apricot / 251 posts
1. Emily Elizabeth
2. September 3, 2013
3. Scheduled Induction at 39w1d due to high blood pressure. only 3hrs and 20 mins of labor and she was here without any major complications.
4. Seeing DS interact with his new baby sister
5. trouble latching. LO may be having nipple confusion due to being given a pacifier in hospital nursery.
6. how to get her to latch properly!
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
Can I join you ladies? I was an August Mama but Paige came so late that most of the other ladies are almost a month ahead of me.
1. Paige Izabella
2. September 5, 2013
3. Gah, 5 nights of false labour, followed by stalling at 7cm, pitocin, pushing for 2 hours but unable to bring baby down, c-section. Oh, and anesthesiologist wasn't available, so no epidural until the c-section.
4. How much I love her, I think. It's humbling to see how someone so tiny could just steal my heart like that.
5. Baby blues. They only last ~1 hour per day, but it really makes me feel that my life is wrong. That this is too hard, or that I'll never sleep again or have any part of my old life back. And then it goes away and I feel fine. Stupid hormones.
6. Haha! I want to know exactly how long each phase will last. When will she start consistently sleeping 4 hours, when will she stop pooping for every single diaper change, etc. I just want to know!
@Stargleam: Your LO has been fighting sleep too? I found the best way with mine has been to bounce on the excersice ball really really vigorously, all while going " SHHHHHHHH" in baby's ear.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Grace: Of course you can join us! I'm excited to steal you from the August group! I had a baby blues moment last night. I was in so much pain from breast feeding and my incision and of course he wanted to eat mins after I'd just fed him. I started crying. It is hard being a mom sometimes!
@mrsmoreau: My LO has a shallow latch so we've been dealing with that too. I wish there was a pill you could take to make breast feeding pain free!
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@marionberry: What did they give you for pain? I was on naproxin and tylenol (same time), and felt pretty good.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Grace: ibuprofen and oxycodone. I'm good when I take both but if a dose gets skipped I certainly feel it.
apricot / 251 posts
@marionberry: it concerns me because all of the books, etc. I have read say to get help ASAP from a lactation consultant if it is painful... I am trying to re-train her on my own first, but the other night she had me in tears.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Grace: it wasn't by choice! My nurses would not bring it in unless I asked for it and when you get busy nursing and such it's hard to get time to yell at them.
@mrsmoreau: My nurses seemed to think it was ok over the first week as long as it wasn't hurting the duration of the feeding.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@marionberry: Boo! Are you still in the hospital? Here it's standard to go home after 48 hours.
@mrsmoreau: I'm sorry b/f is rough. It can't hurt to talk to a LC, right?
apricot / 251 posts
@Grace: no it can't hurt but the LC at the hospital charges $50/hr! So just trying to avoid the cost for now. We seem to be doing a bit better today...
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@mrsmoreau: Yikes! Sorry, I forgot that stuff wasn't "free" down there.
apricot / 251 posts
@Grace: ugh it is quite ridiculous but some insurance plans are starting to cover those costs. I have a call in to mine to see if they will work with me on it.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@mrsmoreau: That sucks! We get free lactation consultations in the hospital and in the clinic for the next 30 days. Is there something you want me to ask them for you when I go in on Wednesday?
@grace: I went home today at noon, after about 3.5 days in the hospital, which is the norm here. I don't think I could have gone home and felt good to be on my own at 48 hours.
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
Hi ladies! It's so comforting to see others are up at 130 am right now too lol!
We are still in the hospital, I'm nursing as we speak so will fil out the survey and respond to you all tomorrow when they discharge us and I'm back home...I am the worst typer on my phone.
Anyone else using a nipple shield? It's the only way she will nurse...she's a champ with it but without it not so much. We keep trying with the LC to nurse w/o but I think my nipples are too flat. Honestly I'm just so happy I can make milk after my reduction that I don't mind at all, but everyone else (nurses, LC etc) seems bothered that we are using it.
I am looking foward to going home tomorrow!
apricot / 284 posts
Great thread!
1. Name of your LO: Hekena Elizabeth
2. Your LO's birthday: 5 September
3. Abbreviated Labor Story: Unmedicated natural water birth -I was incredibly lucky and got my dream labour experience... Followed by minor hemmorage and needing to be on a saline drip for three hours, but hey you can't have it all, right!?
4. Best thing about being a mom so far: Tough one this, think I'll go with just being able to stare at her all day - and finally getting to know the little person who's been rolling around my belly all that time!
5. Hardest thing about being a mom so far: Breastfeeding - got off to a slow start and I'm finding it a little hard being the sole source of good since I (for now) would prefer not to introduce a bottle.
6. What baby-related question do you wish you had the magic answer for right now? How to get my baby to stop making choking noises in her sleep and scaring us to death all the time!
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@mrsmoreau: That would be great if they could come up with something. You might also see if there are community support groups to go to. They might have insights for you.
@marionberry: Haha, the hospital was so busy and crowded and uncomfortable that I escaped after 36 hours. The public health nurse came to see me the next morning though, so I don't feel like I was just let loose.
@evenstar982: I like that name! Hekena. So pretty.
apricot / 251 posts
@marionberry: thanks for the offer. I feel like it would be a more hands-on type thing for me though. It's as if her mouth is just too small for my nipples or something.
apricot / 251 posts
I have a new favorite thing! Em has been laughing in her sleep all night. Not sure what is so funny! It is the cutest thing I have ever heard
pomelo / 5041 posts
@mrsmoreau: That is awesome! I would start laughing too if my little one laughed in his sleep.
@grace: that's nice that you get extra assistance a day layer at least. I have found that I'm way more comfortable at home than I was in the hospital.
@mrsmoreau: I wonder how they treat that. No wonder you're having a hard time.
@char54: I don't use a nipple shield but it seems like many do.
Our nurses made it sound bad too but I think whatever allows you to breast feed, it shouldn't matter.
@evenstar982: I'm sorry you're having a slow start. Do you have lactation consultants you can talk to?
apricot / 284 posts
@marionberry: I spoke to a couple of the LC's while I was still in the hospital and my midwife was really helpful this week - we seem to be getting the hang of it at last now and H is steadily becoming a champion nurser
@Grace: haha, I'm not even quite sure how I'd pronounce Hekena!? It'd be pretty unique that's for sure!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@evenstar982: That's great to hear! My first consultation really saved my breast feeding. I'm so thankful for those ladies. We go in for a breast feeding check up appt tomorrow at the hospital.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
1. Name of your LO: Jack
2. Your LO's birthday: 9/17
3. Abbreviated Labor Story: induced due to high blood pressure, delivered vaginally pain-med free after 4 hours of labor and 2 of pushing.
4. Best thing about being a mom so far: well I'm only 8 hours in but I think seeing my DH with jack it's the absolute sweetest thing.
5. Hardest thing about being a mom so far: breast feeding, he just wants to sleep
6. What baby-related question do you wish you had the magic answer for right now? Can you use a pacifier with an infant and BF?
apricot / 284 posts
@jetsa: I hear you on the "just wants to sleep" making BF difficult, H is just the same... She's always falling asleep midway through a feed, and to start with we had to strip her naked before every feed just to cool her down enough to wake her up to eat! We've not improved much in ten days but if I rub her back and tickle her feet she stays just awake enough to remember to suck! Good luck x
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@evenstar982: thank you. I'll try anything :). Currently he's asleep on my chest because he won't sleep in the bedside crib.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@jetsa: Congrats on your LO? I looked up the pacifier thing last week and it's split. Some people give it right away, some don't. I guess it depends on what you are comfortable with.
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@jetsa: congrats on baby Jack!!! What a sweet little name. I hear you on the nursing, my LO keeps falling asleep at the breast too...I have no real advice but if you find the magic answer let me know!
The last 24 hours were ROUGH. We were all ready to go home yesterday and so looking forward to it. At 4am they weighed her and she had lost a lot of weight. They noticed she was jaundice so they sent her to the nicu.
From there everything happened so fast - she developed a high fever, dehydrated, and possible infection. DH and I got a room down in the nicu which has been really nice to come and go, I'm no longer formally admitted though so I feel as if I'm in this limbo.
I was angry because since she was born I kept telling everyone about my breast reduction and desire to supplement with formula so that she would have a full belly in addition to whatever breast milk I could provide. It was like I was asking to give my child crack cocaine. One nurse did send down a bottle one night at 4am when she was starving and it was clear as wasn't getting anything at the breast...the next morning another nurse was SO upset that a bottle had been given. Anyway. It was exhausting and started lecturing me about nipple confusion even though I use a shield and that was the least of my worries.
Everyone kept telling me she was getting lots to eat, just keep at the breast, it's fine, it's normal...meanwhile my daughter is starving, jaundiced, dehydrated and I'm sending her to the nicu to fight an infection on an empty stomach.
I broke down yesterday as they had me on a feed-pump schedule to try and get my milk up. The whole process was taking 1.5 hours, leaving with me with 1.5 hours in between to sleep or eat or whatever.
DH has been absolutely amazing, a total total rock and advocating for both me and the baby. He arranged It so that I could skip a night feeding last night and get 6 full hours. I feel like a million bucks as I don't think I've gotten more than an hour at a time since I went into labor Friday night.
I just finished feeding her and am enjoying some cuddles. Her fever seems to have broken so they are hoping 2 days of antibiotics will do the trick instead of 7 more days.
Sorry for the novel...such a challenging day. Seeing your daughter hooked up to IVs and monitors and screaming because she wants to be held and touched but you can't is so heartbreaking. She's been pricked and prodded so many times I can't even count the picks on her heels and scalp. I'm glad she seems to be on the mend an that the nurses are very accommodating, allowing me to kangaroo care as much as her treatment will allow
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@char54: oh my gosh! That's awful - I'm so sorry that happened. I'm glad her fever broke. It must have been so scary.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@char54: You poor thing. That has to be rough. They got worried about Jackson's weight loss too over the first two days especially because he was a moderate-high jaundice risk but the next two days he piled on a ton of weight because my milk came in. Despite the infection I think you'll be able to get her back to normal in no time! Don't let the nurses' opinions get you down. You've done an amazing job and you're the mom, so you determine her care! Our hospital is a big breast feeding hospital and even they say to supplement if baby loses more than 10% of their original birth weight. Thinking of you and your lo during this rough time!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@jetsa: Our lo didn't like the bedside crib either unless one of the nurses swaddled him really tight so he slept with me every night we were in the hospital. We've been able to get him to sleep in the pnp since we got home though, so your lo's preferences may change with time. Usually after his late night feeding I opt for him sleeping on my chest though because I'm too tired to get up and he's more comfortable there.
apricot / 251 posts
@char54: praying for a quick recovery! That is such a hard situation. Glad your DH is being so awesome!
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