Hellobee Boards


September 2013 Mamas - Postpartum

  1. MamaMagpie

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    @Meltini: exactly! Except I think I wish I could just take a year off and then go back...

  2. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @MamaMagpie: @Meltini: I go back the same day you guys do, and I'm excited/dreading it. Excited because it's adult interaction and a chance to eat with both hands, and dreading it because I know I'm going back to a huge mess. I'll miss Hyla, but going back is what's best for our family right now.

  3. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @evansjamie: @meltini: @mamamagpie: I was like you guys right before I went back to work too but found it much easier than I expected. It lets you feel a bit normal again (using your brain for baby-free thinking) and it gives you a break from constantly taking care of your lo. As long as your daycare provider is great your lo will transition easier than you think. The only sad moment I've had came today. I went to pick J up and his daycare lady was feeding him and he was laughing and looking at her the way he looks at me. I hate thinking she's like a second mommy but at the same time I'm happy he is so happy with her.

  4. MamaMagpie

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    @evansjamie: haha eating with both hands FTW!
    @marionberry: aw, that must've been really bittersweet The plan is for DH to be home with him when I'm working (he's able to set his schedule/client appointments) and honestly while I'm glad we'll be able to avoid the cost of daycare, I'm not totally confident in this situation. I know it sounds horrible...but I feel like a daycare provider is an experienced professional and DH was practically curled into a little ball when he had DS alone for less than four hours. And that was one time. I'm sure he'll get the hang of it and it will be such great bonding for them (something I've been worried about since DH hasn't been as hands-on as I'd imagined he would be) but I'm not totally comfortable with it. Ugh not a good feeling

  5. MamaMagpie

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    Also, anyone else have a super sleepy baby lately? The last two days H has been really sleepy (not to be mistaken with suddenly being a good sleeper haha) and I'm just assuming he's going through a growth spurt, and he's also supposed to have just started his fourth wonder week. It's so sweet but also confusing - he'll fall asleep at the breast but won't go down for a nap!

  6. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @MamaMagpie: I hope that your DH surprises you. As long as he's willing to watch your lo it seems like a great opportunity for them. I do find that my daycare lady is really helpful because it's not her first rodeo but that's just an extra, not a necessity. I'd love to save the money on daycare! And J has been so funky with sleep and naps lately that I'm sure something is up but who knows.

  7. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @MamaMagpie: yes Jack was doing the same thing yesterday even with the bottle! He'd eat a bit and conk out then wake up starving. Also I'm jealous of your daycare situation, my lady while she loves Jack wants to do things her way not mine and he sleeps so much there it screws up his nighttime sleep.

  8. MamaMagpie

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    @marionberry: I think he will surprise me, and he is actually excited about having him a few days a week even though it does scare him a little. And if it's just not working out, we can always look for a good daycare in our area!

  9. MamaMagpie

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    @jetsa: these growing bebs! That daycare thing would frustrate me to no end! How do you handle that?! As for sleeping, I think I'd give my left arm if someone could get H to sleep during the day

  10. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @MamaMagpie: I get mad and complain to my husband and never say anything to her lol. he only sleeps there not at home but yea like 5-6 hours everyday, but since he's been home with my DH over Christmas he's been sleeping better at night so I think he may be getting too much sleep there lol.

  11. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    Hi everyone! I'm fairly new to HB...but I love the idea of bein in touch with other moms of a Sep 2013 baby!!
    My daughter's name is Jessie Lynn (a compromise, I wated to name her Jessalynn). Her due date was September 23rd but she decided to make her appearance on the 12th :). I had been in early labor for a few days when I was diagnosed with Pre-E sent to the hospital for an overnight & discovered that I was already about 4cm along. The next morning I was given some pitocin, an hour later my water broke & 4 hours after & only 3 pushes she was here!! I adore being a mommy & really love being able to stay at home with her. I really love this age; it's so excited to see her grab for things & really start to explore her world. It seems as though we're getting some early teething going...lots of drooling & hand knawing, anyone else's LO appear to be teething?

  12. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @Mrs. Sunshine: welcome! Yep we're there on the teething too, there is soo much drool lol.

  13. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @jetsa: thank goodness they don't seem to be causing any pain yet but her hands are always covered in slobber! lol

  14. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    Has anyone else entered the 4 month sleep regression? We were just getting some decent sleep (3-4 wakeups between 8-6) and now we're up ever 1.5-2 hours again.

  15. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @MamaMagpie: @Meltini: @evansjamie: Good luck on your first day back on Thursday!

    @Mrs. Sunshine: Welcome! My LO is doing the drooling/hand gnawing too. It could be teething - my mom said my first tooth was at 4.5 months, but lots of people have told me that this went on for months before the first tooth.

    @jetsa: I honestly have no idea if we are in a sleep regression or mot. P has never been a STTN baby and getting up every 2 hours past midnight is pretty normal for us.

    Guess what? We've been getting P to fall asleep in her crib at 7:30 PM!! Up until now we've been bad and have been rocking her to sleep and letting her sleep in our arms for hours rather than deal with the crib, but we've done it! I'm so proud of her. And DH and I got to cuddle on the sofa and watch TV for the first time in 4 months! It was soooooo wonderful!!

  16. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @Grace: I feel like an idiot for misspelling gnawing...I knew my way didn't look correct! lol And congratulations!! My LO is still in a bassinet in our room & I nurse her to sleep; you're doing great!

  17. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @Mrs. Sunshine: Lol - don't be. I didn't notice that you did and I spelled it that way too. Had to go back and fix it.

  18. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @Grace: j doesn't sttn either he's just gone from getting up every 3 hours or so to every 1.5. It feels way worse lol. Also yay on the bedtime j started doing that recently too and we love it

  19. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Mrs. Sunshine: J has been teething for well over a month. My mom said I got my teeth really early too.
    @jetsa: J used to STTN but for the past few weeks he has been waking 2-3 times per night. I hope it doesn't get worse.
    @grace: We just started putting J in his crib and making him fall asleep on his own. He's pretty good at it but he doesn't usually stay asleep long so we've still been letting him sleep in our bed. It's bad but so much easier for us.

  20. evenstar982

    apricot / 284 posts

    Hi mamas! I just wanted it quickly check in and say hi and (hopefully) I'm back on the bee! Lovely DH got me an iPad for Christmas so I can finally post on the boards without battling to do so from my phone or having to make times to sit at the computer (i.e. I can HB while bf-ing!)
    I will have to go back and read a bit to catch up with how everyone is getting on but I hope to be able to join in with the chat here again now
    Quick update on us; baby H is thriving (now 16 weeks). She's sleeping a good stretch at night, midnight to 5am most nights and going to bed by 9:30pm so we have our evenings back to ourselves a bit too which I must admit is nice. I think she may cut some teeth soon, she's a drooly mess right now. She's also juuuust about mastered rolling from back to front and has managed it a couple of times now.
    We're doing a combination of cloth and disposable diapering (cloth at home in the day and biodegradable disposables out of home and at night). I've brought a mei tai and we're doing some baby wearing which I'm really enjoying. We've thoroughly enjoyed her first Christmas and looking forward to all the new adventures 2014 will bring!

  21. MrsStormy

    clementine / 818 posts

    @Mrs. Sunshine: Welcome! My LO seems to be very drooly and has started putting some toys and such in her mouth, so it could be teething???

    @MamaMagpie: Hope your first day back goes well. It is hard, my first day back was my hubs first full day with the baby, and they did great! I think sometimes it just takes having us out of the house for them to really find their groove.

    How are everyones naps doing? Ours still suck, but we had several days in a row where she took at least 1 good nap 1.5+ hours, which is awesome for us! We have just gotten her to take these longer naps in her bouncer, and since her naps are still crappy, and inconsistent we are not even close to ready to transition her out of it!

    For those of you working on getting your baby to fall asleep on their own, how are you doing it? I would love to do this, I actually nurse to sleep for bedtime, which really isn't a huge deal, I don't mind, and we can rock her to sleep then too, but it would be nice to be able to have her put herself to sleep, I'm just not really ready for extended CIO sessions.

  22. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @evenstar982: what cloth diapers do you use? We use Best Bottoms & Itty Bitty & my husband claims they're too bulky & that's why she isn't rolling over yet....

  23. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @MrsStormy: we nurse to sleep at bedtime & after about a month of nap revolt, we are finally taking consistent, naps during the day with minimal to no fighting. But now it seems she wants to sleep too frequently during the day & she does seem to be sleeping as well at night. Still usually just one major wake up, but it's getting earlier & earlier. Not sure how to help her

  24. evenstar982

    apricot / 284 posts

    @Mrs. Sunshine: we use a few Charlie bananas but they are small sized and she's almost outgrown them. Most of my stash are Little Lamb one-size-fits-all pocket diapers. I really like them and so far they fit well and are "growing" with her. I have sometimes wondered if the bulk of the CD has been stopping her rolling... I think it does impede her, but she's only 4 months and the books say not to expect consistent rolling until 6 months anyway so I'm not concerned, yet.

  25. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @marionberry: ELI TOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Went from STTN to 3 wakeups. omg. I am so glad I am not alone. I was worried I was doing something wrong. Kept trying to convince myself that it was just a growth spurt or the 4 month regression early? But Perhaps it is that and it will pass right? COuld be teething beginning too as he is drooling and gnawing on things like there is no tomorrow!
    @MrsStormy: we nurse to sleep at bedtime most of the time.. sometimes he wakes up as I am putting him down put drifts off quite ok.
    Naps are the one thing that has started to go well finally. After tranferring him into his cot he seems to be doing much better. He will stay the full 2 hours without needing to be settled.. he will even wake up, chatter to himself for 20 minutes and then fall back asleep on his own. I was so shocked the first time he did it.. mega cute though.
    @Mrs. Sunshine: @evenstar982: Fellow cloth diaperer here too. We use a mix of bumgenius, fuzzibunz and itti bitti (australian brand) we love, love, love cloth. And for what its worth, E started to roll stomach to back at 10 weeks so I don't think cloth effects them at all - I wouldn't worry

  26. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @MrsStormy: Yeah, I've come to accept that Paige's naps will just be crappy for the forseeable future. And every once in a while when she does a whole hour, I get super excited. As for falling asleep on her own, I followed Sandy's method. http://boards.hellobee.com/topic/what-to-do-before-sleep-training It's not so much cry-it-out as it is put baby in crib and just give her a chance to fall asleep. And the more I did it, the more I was willing to let her cry longer, because i knew she could do it. Usually it's only 5 min of fussing before she falls asleep. Another thing is that I rock and sing to her (like 5 renditions of twinkle twinkle). She gets all relaxed and puts her head on my shoulder before i put her down. I'm guessing that's the "drowsy but awake" that everyone talks about.

    @Mrs. Sunshine: My LO is in disposables and rolled over three times a month ago and nothing since. I doubt it's the diapers!

  27. MrsStormy

    clementine / 818 posts

    @Mrs. Sunshine: Lo is in disposables and has only rolled from back to tummy twice and not again, and doesn't really seem close from tummy to back, so I think your safe

    @Grace: Your nap situation makes me feel better. Maybe we will work on the drowsy to sleep thing soon.

  28. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @Mrs squirreld: @evenstar982: @Mrs. Sunshine: we use cloth too, all bum genius! Jack has rolled both ways. Not consistently but I think that's to be expected at this point

  29. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @jetsa: Jessie doesn't even seem interested in rolling, she just wants to sit up. Spends half her time on back doing sit ups lol

  30. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @Mrs. Sunshine: it's so interesting bc Jack doesn't try that at all!

  31. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @jetsa: Wanted to pop in and tell you I tried gDiapers and I LOVE THEM!!! I was almost ready to give up cloth because I hated the bulk of the BG, but these new diapers have restored my faith. I'm back on the cloth train.

  32. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @avivoca: that's awesome! I saw your freetimes for sale if I hadn't just bought diapers on Black Friday id snatch those up!

  33. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @jetsa: just proves that milestones seriously vary, no sense in making ourselves crazy over them!

  34. illumina

    pomelo / 5469 posts

    I am so behind with replying to this thread!

    We are doing well over here and it feels like we have some kind of a routine going now with feeding and sleep, even though most days usually involve a morning or afternoon out of the house so we end up winging naps a little. S sleeps best in her cot--we did a little nap/sleep training at 3mths because she was putting herself to sleep from awake maybe a third of the time when we knew we had timed it just right...but it wasn't always possible so one day we let her fuss and whine for 10mins at a time until she drifted off. We decided we would go in if she broke out into a full cry, but it didn't happen. After the 2nd day, all we get now is maybe 30 seconds of fussing if any and she's settled. It has made life so much easier!

    She's still a pretty big day sleeper--around 5hrs split over 3 naps yet still needs to sleep 13hrs overnight. I don't know how normal this is, but it sounds like a lot. Her optimum awake time now at 3.5mths is 1.5hrs. We can get to 2hrs before bedtime at a push, but that's bordering on meltdown territory!

    Her weight gain hasn't been the best (if you've seen my other threads on the subject you'll know she wasn't letting us know she was hungry and continued to sttn even though she probably wasn't heavy enough). So I've introduced 2 dream feeds (I'm not actually sure she's awake--I get a slight open of the eyes when I pick her up but they immediately shut again!) at 11pm and 3am. Apart from that we have no wake-ups...I'm interested to see how we will navigate the 4mth sleep regression!

    She still only weighs 9lbs 7oz (as of last Thursday) and is a tiny little thing. If her gain is not dramatically increasing with the extra feeds when I get her weighed later this week we're going to have to start supplementing with formula after each BF. Our health visitor also suggested we wean her early.

    Honestly, sleep was such an issue for so long and now that's good I'm getting stressed over her feeding!

    I think she is starting to teeth. She's rubbing her gums and biting down on her fingers more and more and yesterday there was a feed when I'd try to offer her the boob and she cried. I'd not seen that before--so kept offering ever 5mins and she eventually latched on. I've read it could be related to teething so have started applying Bonjela teething gel occasionally.

    She's not rolling over (either way) yet. When we do tummy time she seems much more interested in trying to army crawl forwards than roll! She also tries to bring toys to her mouth with mixed results--it's so hard not to laugh when she drops them on the way and looked confused when her hands arrive at her mouth empty!

  35. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @mrssquirreld: I'm glad I'm not alone. The constant waking is rough but it is helping him to gain some weight which is good. We got J to sleep in his crib now. He does it well until about 4 when we sometimes have a hard time getting him to fall asleep on his own so we bring him in the bed then. I swear his teeth are almost in too. It's crazy!

    J went through a period where he easily rolled tummy to back but hadn't mastered the opposite. Now he could really care less about rolling and prefers to work on army crawling.

    We weigh him on our home scale and he's up to around 13 lbs now which is good considering he was less than 6 lbs when we left the hospital. His 4 month appt is on the 14th though so we'll officially see how he's doing then.

    My breastmilk volume definitely fluctuates but so far I've managed to avoid formula. Everyone says it would help him sleep though so I've definitely been tempted. I hope the fenugreek helps @illumina. Don't feel bad if you do opt for formula though. If it means she gains weight better you're doing your job!

    How are the newly working mamas doing?!

  36. MrsStormy

    clementine / 818 posts

    @illumina: My daughter is tiny too, her 4 month appointment is in two weeks, I'm nervous about her weight/gain. I am constantly getting asked if she is a couple of weeks old...

  37. illumina

    pomelo / 5469 posts

    @MrsStormy: I feel you. I'm getting her weighed tomorrow and it makes nervous too. I keep getting asked by random people how old she is, because I think people are confused by how alert (old) she looks, yet how small she is! At her last injections, the nurse asked if she was premature!

  38. MamaMagpie

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    I've been a bad bee and I miss you guys!

    Started work on the 2nd so last week was my first full week back. It's been going better than I expected, although it's still tough on me sometimes, emotionally. I've been lucky that my company's maternity policy includes "transition time" the first four weeks back to work and I can work some days from home. However, I had a day last week where I had to leave the house before H even woke up and didn't get home until it was time to start his bedtime routine. I missed him SO much I thought I would die. And I had to pump a bazillion times and that's no picnic, especially with the giant Medela I've rented from the hospital

    The super awesome upside to me going back to work, though, is that DH has majorly stepped up and is doing absolutely amazingly well with H. It makes me so happy, I can't even put it into words...like a mix of relief, joy, respect, hope, love and excitement.

    I'm not able to pump enough to keep up with him, though, so we are supplementing. At first, even though I know there's absolutely nothing wrong with formula and I'm actually super grateful it exists, I felt really sad about it. Now, though, I don't even think twice about it -- he's getting anywhere from 4 to 16 ounces a day of formula, depending on what I was able to squeeze out the day before lol. The only thing that makes me sad is that I worry I'm just going to dry up and we won't be able to breast feed for as long as I'd like. I absolutely love nursing him and will definitely be upset if my body doesn't allow me to continue for at least 2 or 3 more months.

    H will be four months this Wednesday! I can't believe how much he's grown and changed in just this past month -- he's so much more aware of his surroundings and is super "talkative". He loves when we sing to him (and he starts going "oooooh oooooh" so I joke that he's singing with us), he loves watching our dogs, and will do tummy time for long stretches of time. He can roll from tummy to back, but like some of yours he's now more interested in army crawling/scooting. He's pretty good at getting toys in his mouth, but still can't find his thumb!

    Sleep is not too bad, and seems to be improving. He usually only wakes up twice per night and has actually had a few nights of only one wake up! He sleeps in his crib in the Merlin suit (love that thing!) and we've stopped nursing to sleep, although sometimes he needs to be held/rocked to sleep. His daytime sleep is still what I'm obsessed with, but he's started to have a little bit more predictability and we've been able to get him down for three short (35-60 mins) naps per day.

    How is everyone's new year going?! I hope off to a good start for all

  39. MamaMagpie

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    Is anyone else's hair falling out like CRAZY?!?! It's like a wig went through a blender and hair is just evvvverywheeeerrrrre. Gross.

  40. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @MamaMagpie: I'm glad your time back to work is going well and that your DH has stepped up so much. That's got to be a relief. It's great that you aren't stressing about having to supplement, but I hope you are able to meet your own breastfeeding goals. J is in the same place as H developmentally. It's great that they're becoming so much more interactive. I have to travel for work next week and I'm scared about having to pump during it all (and on the plane) and it will be my first night away from J. Being a mom is hard!

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