Hellobee Boards


September 2013 Mamas - Postpartum

  1. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @MrsStormy: I give him everything. If he can't eat it he'll just chew and spit but I figure at least he gets to experience the flavors and textures. We have no teeth yet so not much goes down. Steamed sweet potato fries he can eat and it's still chew and spit so I think that just him learning.

  2. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    Ladies, sorry I've been MIA. My life has been so nuts lately and it's been forever since I've been on HB.

    Jack started army crawling before 6 months. He has only recently started rocking up on his hands and knees. I think he will start crawling soon. He also started pulling up on everything too. He has hit his head a number of times but I try to prevent it when I can.

    As far as food, Jack eats purées primarily but he has chewed on lemon, lime, strawberry, tomato, pickle, fries, bread, and chicken. He has a hard time swallowing real food so far. We feed him purées at night and he gets them for lunch at daycare. My AF came at 6 months killing my supply so we've tried to supplement with more food. He also loves drinking water out of a water bottle or cup. He'll take it out of a sippy cup too but doesn't have much patience for it. Oh and he HATES formula so that has made my life very difficult.

    Do you guys have trouble at all getting your lo's to take naps now? And are they all sleeping through the night? J usually sleeps about 7-12 and then 12-4 and 4-7 but occasionally he'll go straight through to 4. I worry about trying to make him cry it out since my supply is low and he's honestly hungry.

  3. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @marionberry: hahaha sleeping through the night, I wish! We are still lucky to get 3 hour stretches and naps are okay he takes 2-3 a day.

    Happy Mothers Day ladies!!

  4. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    We switched J to a cup instead of a bottle today and even though it was my choice, I feel like crying. How did he get so big?

  5. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @marionberry: I've heard of this sleeping through the night thing, but I've never experienced it. Perhaps it's a myth? LO sleeps 7:30-2:30, then 2:30-5, then 5-7:30 (when I'm lucky). I'm not having a problem with naps ever since we dropped down to 2. I think she's too tired to put up much of a fight.

  6. MrsStormy

    clementine / 818 posts

    @jetsa: @Grace: Okay, we have been giving way more table foods lately, and its going well, its giving her practice with her pincer grasp and chewing. She LOVES watermelon.

    @marionberry: My daughter has never been a good napper, but it has gotten a bit better lately, then all of a sudden she figured out that sitting up on her own in her crib was the same as it was on the floor and all sleep went out the window, all she does is immediately sit up and play around or cry, its terrible! Also she was an amazing night sleeper from like 5 weeks-5.5months... since then it has been awful though, waking up every 1-3 hours However the past few nights we have only had 2 wakes ups, it has been a freaking miracle/ mothers day gift from God!

  7. pmerr

    apricot / 491 posts

    @marionberry: J sleeps from about 9P-6A. Sometimes a little earlier/later depending on the evening. He'll take a couple one hour naps if all goes well.

  8. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @MrsStormy: That's awesome! The eating, I mean. The sitting up to play, not so awesome. My LO hasn't figured out how to get in a sitting position yet. Hopefully, the sleep sack deters her.

  9. MrsStormy

    clementine / 818 posts

    So I know its really early, but is anyone starting to think about 1st birthday parties yet? Are you guys going to have parties?

  10. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @MrsStormy: yep, we are having a party. It'll be huge I'm sure everyone wants to be invited lol.

  11. MrsStormy

    clementine / 818 posts

    @jetsa: Haha we are having one too, I don't know if it will be big or not.... Do you guys have a theme or anything?

  12. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @MrsStormy: yep I'm debating between you are my sunshine and a sea monsters party (his middle name name means sea monster). I haven't talked to DH so it may change. Do you have a theme picked out?

  13. MrsStormy

    clementine / 818 posts

    @jetsa: How fun, I was thinking about a you are my sunshine theme too but I had a few different ideas. I think we are going to do a watermelon theme, because she loves watermelon and so do I, plus it was DH's fave of the few ideas I had. That and pinning tons of ideas is about as far as I have gotten with planning though. I think a sea monster party is super fun too, also cool that his middle name means that!

  14. pmerr

    apricot / 491 posts

    @MrsStormy: I'm planning a football themed party! Our party is on the first weekend of games, so it's fitting. Although I've debating about doing it the week later since that's when our team is playing our local team. I've gone back and forth deciding if it's what I want to do-there are TONS of adorable ideas out there!

  15. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    Hi Ladies! I think we need updates. How are all your LOs doing?

    Height - 28.75" (she's still so long. I wonder where she gets it from. Both DH and I are short).

    Weight - 17 lbs 14 oz

    Food - breastfeeding 4x/day and will be going down to 3x next week because I'm back to work. Lots of food, finger food and purees. Has an opinion and some days just isn't interested. And sometimes refuses food she used to love. Raspberries were a no-go yesterday. What's with that.

    Sleep - we went through a bit where LO seemed just devestated to be put in her crib. I thought it was separation anxiety, but we went on a trip and screwed with her sleep which magically fixed it. I think she wasn't tired enough! So I stretched her morning wake time to 2.75-3 hours and moved bedtime from 7:30 to 8. She still whimpers but it's not the "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME" crying that it was before. AND she's flirting with STTN. It hasn't happened yet, but there has been a lovely stretch where she skipped the 2 AM feeding. Sleeping until 5 is glorious. Maybe there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe she'll sleep through the night by 1? I can hope, right?

    Language - has little babbles here and there, but still mainly cooing. But, she understands so much! I ask where her book is and she picks it up, I tell her to lie down in her crib and she does it. It's so cool! I feel like she's turning into a real little person as opposed to that helpless baby that got scared of her own crying that she used to be.

    Toys - oh my gosh. We got her My Pal Violet for the trip and she LOVES her. She goes crazy when Violet sings songs, it's so cute. She also loves reading. She'll sit still in my lap and look intently at all the pictures.

    My baby is 10 weeks away from being 1! How is that possible?

  16. MrsStormy

    clementine / 818 posts

    @Grace: Man its been so dead around here I have contemplated joining the August or October group, so hopefully this will revive us!

    Height - 27.5"

    Weight - 16lbs 4oz yeah she is still a peanut

    Food - Still breastfeeding a lot, like every 2-3 hours.... I'm really not sure how to space them out more, but I need to work on it! She eats a lot of finger foods now, and some purees still. She LOVES watermelon, cheese and zucchini the most though!

    Sleep - Our naps have improved some, we get probably four 1 hour naps a week, so thats better than all 30min ones. She takes 2-3 naps a day still. Her night sleep is bad, real bad. I think it is getting better though she has had a few weeks with only 2 wake ups lately, so thats been nice, except this past week teeth have set us back a bit with that....

    Language - She is doing a ton of babbling, but she doesn't really know any words. She says dada but it is indiscriminate. I don't know what all she understands really, I should probably be a little better about trying to verbalize things with her.

    Toys - She loves her little ride on car (you can push her on it or she can use it for a walker), she loves balls, and she loves the edges to her foam mat.

    They are growing up so fast, its so fun, but also a little sad!

  17. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @MrsStormy: I know! We need to have a super sinctilating conversation to entice them back. I'm sure you could join the August moms, but I suggest the October ones. I still participate in the August thread but because a lot of the babies in that group are so much older (some were born in July), I often feel like Paige is behind, when it's just that she's younger.

    Paige ate that often until we started 3 solids meals. Then I would nurse at wakeup (~7), solids around 8:30. Then she would refuse the before morning nap nursing (I assume because she was full from breakfast). Repeat after the next nap. But the key was that she refused it. Otherwise she would still be nursing that much too.

    Gahh teeth! Bane of my existance.

    I keep thinking I should verbalize more too and then maybe she'd babble more. You can't win!

  18. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @Grace: @MrsStormy: I'm still here! I'll update Monday

  19. illumina

    pomelo / 5469 posts

    Sorry ladies, I've been MIA, especially on this thread!

    Height - 26" (at 9 months)

    Weight - 17lbs 3oz (at 9 months)

    Food - She drinks about 18-24oz formula per day. She has 3 solid meals a day; oatmeal with fruit or yoghurt for breakfast, leftovers or what we are eating plus some finger foods for lunch and yoghurt and fruit/veggie puree for dinner. I have to limit the amount at dinner otherwise she'll barely touch her bedtime bottle.

    Sleep - Good. She STTN 7pm-7am and takes 2x 1.5hr naps at roughly 9.30am and 2.30pm. She has a pretty good awake time so I have to cap the morning nap at 1.5hrs otherwise she won't go down for the 2nd until super late. Cannot wait until she goes down to 1 nap so we have more time to get out and about.

    Language - I would say she's been on the late side to roll and crawl but she makes up for it with her talking! She's been babbling for a long time, since 6 months or so and will now say a couple of recognisable actual words. She understands a lot more now like if you ask her to look at something she knows the word for, she will look at it and that's so cute to see!

    Toys - She loves looking at books! It's the only time she will sit still, but she'd do it all day if I had the patience to read for that long!! Other things she likes are her activity table and the shape sorters (the containers, more than putting the shapes in!).

    This year is really flying!!

  20. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    Height - 28" on Apr 25 (7 months) we go back Aug 1

    Weight - 20 lbs 7.5oz in Apr 25, my DH weighed him yesterday he was 20.8 lbs he's definitely plateaued

    Food - breastfeeding 6-8x/day (he would eat every hour if I'd let him and we're home out and about he'll latch on and then decide he needs to see xyz) and he eats everything. Loves yogurt and fruit. Will eat finger food, purees, or just small bites of our food. At daycare he gets breakfast and his sippy with bm, mid-morning sippy, lunch with sippy, afternoon snack with sippy (puffs etc), eats way more in the am. Only drinks 8-10 oz at daycare.

    Sleep - if we're home 7-6 with 1-2 MOTN feedings normally 1 at 2am-ish but last night midnight and 3:30. Naps 2-3 a day normally 30 mins and he fights them tooth and nail

    Language - talks a lot doesn't seem to understand much other than games yet. No recognition with the words yet either but mama, dada, dadi, baba, ab (we think he's trying to tell us to sing abc's)

    Toys - his favorite are the dog toys or the center of the stacking toy. He'll sit through about 1.5 books and then he's done..

    He's crawling everywhere and stands he' loves when we hold his hands and let him walk as well.

    I can't believe how big he's gotten!

  21. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @illumina:@jetsa: yea! Glad you're still around.

    I forgot physical doings! Paige is doing a lot of cruising and she reaches down to pick things up and drops them again. Over and over and over.

  22. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @Grace: We've just started the drop and pick up game. It kind of drives me batty because he can't bend down and pick anything up yet and he loves to play when he's in a high chair etc.

  23. MrsStormy

    clementine / 818 posts

    So glad to see some of you ladies, its nice to see where other babies are at

    @Grace: @jetsa: My lo is doing lots of dropping and picking up too! She is crawling and cruising. She is also going from sitting to standing without holding on to anything, I'm pretty sure she has some mega strength baby legs or something because she does lots of squats!

  24. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @MrsStormy: She can stand on her own? So cool. Mine seems to be a bit chicken. She wants to be touching something.

  25. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @Grace: @MrsStormy: @illumina: anyone dealing with biting? I know his teeth hurt but he's biting us not toys and after pulling him off the breast immediately twice he's not biting me when eating.

  26. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @jetsa: Mine doesn't bite when breastfeeding. She likes to bite my knees though, especially if she's hungry.

    Soooo, yesterday was the second day of work, LO did great with my mom but was up EVERY 2 HOURS last night!!!!! WTF??

  27. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @Grace: ahh. Do you redirect her or what when she bites you knees? J's fav place is our shoulders?!? Ugh do you think she misses you? Idk how to fix it though...

  28. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    Generally, I just say "no biting", but if she keeps doing it, I sit her on the floor facing away from me and say "no biting". Then she gets mad and cries a little and then plays with something else. And usually, I find her a snack or lunch or something.

    I...don't...know. *whimper* so tired. Gonna fall asleep at work....

  29. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @Grace: I've had those days momma, good luck

  30. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @jetsa: Thanks (insert pathetic smile here).

  31. mrsmoreau

    apricot / 251 posts

    Wow its' been a long time since I posted anything - LO's are keeping me very busy, we put our house on the market, work is insane, etc etc....

    Height - 24" at her 9 month apt (June 11)

    Weight - 18lbs 9 oz (on June 11)

    Food - I had to stop breast feeding at about 4 months because my boss at work is an idiot. She drinks about 20-24oz of formula a day + water because it has been so stinking hot here. She's eating 3 square meals now - cereal and fruit or yogurt for breakfast, then a jar of gerber 3rd foods for lunch and dinner. she loves to eat puffs, cheerios, crackers, and anything else she finds on the floor (god help us)

    Sleep - she's mostly STTN. sometimes will wake for a bottle at midnight, but we've finally gotten into somewhat of a routine. she goes down anywhere between 7 and 10 pm and wakes up at 7 or 8 - always with a gross poopy diaper, normally a blowout. EVERY. MORNING.

    Language - babbling, lots of grunting and yelling, she occasionally says "hey!" but that's about it. when she's upset she says mama, when she is excited, she says dada. go figure.

    Toys - Em's favorite toys are whatever she is not allowed to play with. the cat's water dish, the cord from the vacuum, the outlets, etc.... she does enjoy cars and blocks though. she's a tomboy. I love it.

    Physically, she is crawling very well now, and tries to stand on her own which usually ends badly for her when she falls on her bum. I caught her halfway up the stairs the other day as well... oy......

    sorry I have been MIA - its fun to catch up on all the beebs!

  32. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    Hey guys! I haven't been active on HB much either. Sorry! Between very busy work, still getting settled in our new home and a wildly active little boy I'm lucky to check my email at night.

    Height - 27 1/4" (at 9 mos) He's super little. I didn't expect much more since both of his parents are super short.

    Weight - 16 lbs 11 oz (at 9 mos) He was 4th percentile. I felt like a bad mom but the pediatrician wasn't worried given he's short too. Since the recent switch to formula this is improving at a fast rate. Yay!

    Food - He's been taking a bottle regularly, eating about 2-3 purees a day, and then snacking on anything we're eating. This boy loves his carbs and he cries if you don't give him a french fry when you're eating one. Poor guy has been won over by McDonalds already. He was absolutely against formula for a very long time which was made worse by the fact that my supply took a dramatic dive around 6 months. At about 9 months he finally changed his mind thank god.

    Sleep - Well he's been a 2 MOTN feedings sleeper for quite awhile (made worse with the move and anti-fornula period) but now with the upper teeth coming in he's waking constantly and sometimes won't go back to bed. I finally bought a sleep book this weekend and we'll be making lots of changes to hopefully get him close to sleeping through the night. He's had a couple nights here and there where he only wakes at 3am but I'd like that to be the regular situation, not the exception. I'm so jealous of you ladies with good sleepers.

    Language - Jack babbles a lot. He hasn't really said real words but he does understand many of them - especially No, lol. He loves our cat and says "kee kee" so we're pretty sure that's kitty. I've tried so hard to get him to say mama but only get dadada or bababa or jeejeejee.

    Toys - Jack is all about everything he's not supposed to get into as well. He has gotten very tired of his old toys and you have to continuously get him something new to find any interest in it. He currently is fascinated by standing holding onto his bouncer and playing with it in new ways.

    Mobility - I added mobility because he is uber mobile! He crawls steadily and can climb stairs (like a 10 stair staircase) with ease. I guarantee he will be walking on his own soon because he stands and walks holding on to things. He attempted his first stand all by himself and lasted a few seconds the other night. We have too many stairs in our house for baby gates so I'm always chasing him around.

    It's so good to hear about your lo's. I wish we could get them all together for a playdate.

    And oh, about birthdays, I think we're doing a mustache bash for Jack's 1st birthday.

    This pic is from 4th of July. He's such a happy, smily little guy.

  33. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    Hi!! All the bubs are so cute
    I'm trying to get on here a bit more now that we are starting to TTC #2! eeeek cause I'm sure once #2 arrives there will NO time! lol

    Height: at 8 month check 70cm. I think that's 27.55 inches

    Weight: at 9 months 7.5kg... 16.5 pounds?

    Food: What does this kid not eat? We do BLW so he's pretty much tried everything except honey... he's even had some spicy food. He eats 3 meals a day and an afternoon snack. He pretty much loves everything but he's definitely not as keen on the sweeter things like fruit. He's favourite things would be meat, rice, yoghurt, broccoli, spinach, lettuce and pasta. He still breastfeeds about 2-4 sessions a day and 2-3 overnight.

    Sleep.. ahhh sleep. lol. We had a few rough patches with teething but now he seems to have settled into 2-3 wakings per night which is fine, usually 5 minutes of boob and he's back asleep. I do miss those few months where he was sleeping through the night!

    Language: He can say: mamma, dadda, babba, og (dog), ca ca ca ( clap, clap, clap) and he seems to associate them with the correct person/animal/action.

    Toys: Loves anything with lights or musical... loves to drum on everything..a mixing bowl turned upside down is his favourite.
    He LOVES being outside.. he really wants to look at everything... I am going to get FIT when he can walk! haha

    Mobility: He can't quite crawl yet, but is very close. He scoots along on his bottom to get around. He can get from laying on his belly to the sitting position and can pull up to standing. No cruising yet but he will take one or two steps assisted.

    I love reading about all our Sept babies!!! and I agree with
    @marionberry: I wish we could playdate!

    I think we'll be doing a robot theme for E's first bday

    Here he was at a wedding last month! And his first haircut!

  34. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    OMG they are all so grown up!! What cuties!!!

    Height: She was 71 cm (I think 28 inches) at 9mo

    Weight: at 9 months she was 20.5 lbs

    Food: She has 3-4 bottles a day, usually 24oz of formula. Also 3 meals...I do purées then let her feed herself. she loves feeding herself bits of fruits, toast, veggies...whatever she can get her hands on!

    Sleep: I am very lucky in the sleep dept, she STTN 7pm-8am, with two 1-1.5hr naps.

    Language: she babbles (mostly dadadada), she waves bye bye and shakes her head "nonono". But I'm not convinced she knows what it means haha

    Toys: her favourites are the rings from the stacking pyramid and anything she can pull herself up on!

    Mobility : she's been army crawling for a while and just this week has started crawling on all 4s. She pulls herself up onto everything and anything and takes steps while we hold her hands. She goes from belly to sitting and I have to watch her like a hawk because she can move quick!!

    I still can't believe how fast this year has gone by. I'm back to work in 1.5 months and I am having such mixed emotions. I love work, but I love being home with her. I didn't think I would enjoy my time as much as I did, but I've found that the last few months have been really really fun. Soon we will be having birthday parties! I think we are going with an "apple of my eye" theme

    Thanks for reviving this thread!!

  35. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @Charm54: @Mrs squirreld: @marionberry: @mrsmoreau: they're soo cute!

    @Grace: we had one of those nights last night and I just keep staring at my computer trying to concentrate and it's not happening...

  36. MrsStormy

    clementine / 818 posts

    @Grace: Oh I'm so sorry about your rough sleep! I have totally been there so I know how hard it is

    I love seeing all the babes! So great that this thread is coming back!

    @jetsa: We have a major biting problem. She was biting while she nursed but I think that has finally gotten a bit better (after a month!), but she still bites my arms, my shoulders, my knees, my face, anything she can get her mouth to, and it hurts! I just say no biting and if she does it again I set her down, which makes her mad at first normally. She also pinches, which I think hurts worse than the biting, and this has been going on about the same amount of time! My daughter is violent!

    @Mrs squirreld: I can't believe you are TTC! It seems so soon, but we have almost 1 year olds so its not that fast. Man time goes too quickly!

  37. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @mrssquirreld: I can't believer you're actively TTC already! So exciting. We're NTNP but we rarely do the deed lol. I want J to sleep better before I actively try. Two lo's not sleeping stresses me out. And I haven't figured out how we'll afford daycare for two yet either.

    I love getting to follow many of you ladies on IG. Are there any of you who I don't have yet??

  38. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @marionberry: That must have been stressful, having to give formula and LO not wanting it. I'm glad it's gotten better! Good luck on the sleep. We just recently went down to 1 wakeup (mostly) and it makes a huge difference.

    @Mrs squirreld: #2!!!! You crazy.

    @jetsa: Oh no! I hope you get good sleep tonight. And that you don't hurt your head when you hit the computer screen.

    @MrsStormy: Thanks! Turned out to be a one-off, so it wasn't that bad. In the moment, I was afraid it was going to last for a month. Apparently sleep deprivation makes me super paranoid. Yikes on the pinching! My LO does that too. It's awful.

  39. MrsStormy

    clementine / 818 posts

    @marionberry: I'd love to follow some ladies and their babies on IG, hmmm have to figure out how to put my name here without totally losing any anonymity since I don't have gold!

    Starting to really start planning LO's bday, and it seems so strange! Are you guys have big or little parties? I think ours is going to be mostly family with a few friends, but we have large families, so it looks like we will be inviting around 35 people. I think I found an invite I like on Etsy. We are doing a watermelon theme for sure, since that is LO's fave food.

  40. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @MrsStormy: I think Paige's will be little. Just family. If we start adding in friends it would get a bit rediculous. This way there will be 12 people which is enough. It's going to be a BBQ. Just started looking at cakes.

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