Hellobee Boards


September 2014 Mummas - Come out where ever you are!

  1. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    @London Mama: I agree w others. Let fil hang out with the kids.

    @Boogs: my instincts were right too. So was the gender prediction on the sept board.

  2. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    I was just on another thread about sperm analysis, and I was commiserating with her about how my DH's SA had come back with poor results. He had good volume but very poor morphology and I guess there weren't that many "good" swimmers - most were of them were dead or slow moving.

    We had just started our RE diagnostic testing when we got pregnant (I literally only found out because I took an HPT before scheduling an HSG). So we always thought getting pregnant was so God and such a miracle, but now that we know that we're having a boy, I realized this morning chatting on that other thread how crazy the odds were. According to the Shettles method, boy sperm are faster but die sooner. To contrast, girl sperm is apparently slower moving but longer lasting. So the fact that we have a boy when DH had such poor morphology and motility is crazy!

    My son is such a champ!

  3. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    @gingerbebe: lol go lil ginger! I feel like my son is a champ too lol. Took us four years to have our twins, who ultimately came from ivf. We had three unsuccessful iuis. One miscarriage. I feel like he's a miracle baby.

  4. Boogs

    hostess / papaya / 10540 posts

    @gingerbebe: @tequiero21: The boys sure are persistent little swimmers.

  5. Littlebit

    nectarine / 2932 posts

    Looks my intuition was waaaaay off! It's a boy! Another team blue over here

  6. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @Littlebit: congrats on your little boy sweet pea!

  7. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @gingerbebe: hooray for your little superman!

  8. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    @Littlebit: Woo hoo!

  9. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @Littlebit: congrats!!!

  10. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    I know it's impossible to smoosh the baby, but it's the only way I can describe this sensation.

    A few times now, when getting off the couch or out of bed, I'll get this awful shooting pain in my side. It's not RLP, it's further in on my body. It feels like my stomach is trying to bend but can't because the baby is in the way.

    Any one else ever felt this? What causes it?

  11. Pancakes

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    @Littlebit: Wow, another boy! You're in good company, congratulations!

  12. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    @Littlebit: congrats!!! another boy! craziness!

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: not sure about the pain, but i do feel like i'm smooshing the baby sometimes. and i literally feel him kicking back. hope it's just temporary.

  13. London Mama

    apricot / 475 posts

    Thanks everyone. Luckily BIL has more sense than FIL and put a stop to the idea so I managed to get my work done on time!

    Congrats to the boy mamas!

  14. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    @Littlebit: Congrats!!!! We're the same, I really thought girl!!! Now I'm so excited for our boy
    How are you feeling about it? I know it can be hard to switch gears!

  15. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @tequiero21: I really think she's in an awkward position and that's what the pain in. I felt her flip last night and it was a huge sense of relief. I didn't realize how much pressure I had been feeling until she finally freaking moved.

  16. Littlebit

    nectarine / 2932 posts

    @SweetiePie: I'm feeling great! Yesterday I was in shock, and slightly bummed because I thought my husband would really push for a name he's obsessed with that I don't love...but he immediately said to me 'we can name him whatever you want!' - so that perked me right up. I can't wait to meet him

  17. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    Y'all I don't know about you, but I hit 20 weeks and my fatigue has gone through the roof! I feel like I've been drugged when I wake up in the morning and I've been at the office for over 2 hours now and I cannot keep my eyes open. I usually have some caffeine in the morning, but I'm waiting until later because we're having our repeat anatomy scan at 1pm today, so I want to see if that will perk up our sleepy stubborn baby.

    How's everyone else feeling today? I had a random and violent puke attack this morning (for like 10 minutes straight!!) but on the other hand, work has been quiet today, which I'm SUPER grateful for after the crazy last 10 days or so.

  18. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @gingerbebe: My fatigue has been reasonable, as long as I get enough sleep. Heartburn on the other hand... It's driving me nuts, especially at night. Between that and frequent peeing, I got up at least 10 times last night.

  19. Boogs

    hostess / papaya / 10540 posts

    @Littlebit: Yay, congrats! The boys are taking over for September!

  20. Boogs

    hostess / papaya / 10540 posts

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: I get a pain like that, no clue what it is, but it hurts!

  21. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    Just got back from our anatomy scan redo. They were running late and I got chided for not having a full enough bladder last time so I was DYING by the time they called me in there. I had at least 36oz of water in my system plus the Mr. Pibb I drank to try and get baby boy to move/flip over.

    The tech apologized as soon as she saw how huge my bladder was on the screen but said "Oh, he's in the perfect position, don't move!" After she was done and I ran to the bathroom and when I came back DH said "It was pretty funny - your bladder was way huger than our kid, it was like pinning him down. He couldn't really move other than shimmy his shoulders a bit."

    After the tech sent the images to the radiologist, she got a message asking her to take a few extra images of my placenta, so I got back on the table. The tech put the wand on me and said "Haha, he flipped right back over!" DH said that the baby had curled up into a tight ball with his hands over his ears and was basically like "ENOUGH!!" Sorry buddy!

  22. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    ...Welp. It happened.

    I just sneezed/peed myself a little for the first time this pregnancy.


  23. butterflyprism

    coffee bean / 44 posts

    @torchwood I have really bad heartburn too, drives me crazy. I was trying to stick to two 75mg Zantac tablets a day, but it wasn't enough. Most days I take three now. I'm hoping it goes away after Charlotte is born. I do get up to pee a lot in the middle of the night, but when I'm not working the next day I take unisom because it helps me get through the night with only maybe one or two bathroom trips.

  24. farawayyama

    kiwi / 556 posts

    @gingerbebe: Mine is awful too. OTOH, I'm not sleeping well so that may be it. I'm trying to figure out whether I'm not sleeping because of pregnancy, or because I actually have insomnoa to begin with. I'm REALLY hoping it's just pregnancy...

  25. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @gingerbebe: it happens to the best of us I've laughed so hard I peed myself... And I wasn't pregnant anymore!

    @Boogs: glad I'm not alone and someone knows what I mean!

    My nausea has come back and I'm not liking it.

  26. Pancakes

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    @Gingerbebe: Oh my gosh, I am so tired all the time. It's mostly because I don't sleep well at night. I haven't been getting up as much to pee as I did in the first trimester (knock on wood!) but I just have trouble getting comfortable so I toss and turn.

  27. Boogs

    hostess / papaya / 10540 posts

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: I can't tell if mine has also, or I have a bug. But, I can't even sit upright today, so miserable.

  28. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    Well, sleep is so not happening tonight. DH is a little unhappy that I didn't go to bed when he did, but I'm wide awake, and have heartburn (wings and fried pickles were NOT the best choice for dinner). So I can either lie in bed worrying about tomorrow, and getting up to get milk every 20 minutes, and generally keep him awake, or I can get on the computer and play Star Wars and let him sleep and keep my mind off of things. Ugh. I'm glad our appointment is in the morning. I've kept myself from worrying too much up till now, but now that it's imminent, I can't help thinking about how if the news is bad, this may be the last night I have actual hope that we'll still have a baby in September.

  29. London Mama

    apricot / 475 posts

    @Torchwood: I hope you've managed to get some rest by now and are not still awake, best wishes for your appointment today, you're being very brave in a very stressful and scary situation.

  30. Pancakes

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    @torchwood: thinking about you this morning. Hugs!

  31. Littlebit

    nectarine / 2932 posts

    @Torchwood: thinking of you and your husband today. Really hoping baby is thriving!

  32. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @Torchwood: thinking of you today.

    FYI milk is actually bad for heart burn! Try apple juice!

  33. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @Torchwood: thinking of you today!

  34. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    @Torchwood: Good luck today!

    @Boogs: @Mrs. Jump Rope: I had a sudden retching attack yesterday morning that was so severe and long-lasting (like I was retching for like 5 minutes straight and gagging for another 5) that DH was freaking out that something was wrong with me. Luckily it was first thing in the morning so my stomach was empty, but it was super unpleasant. I could barely stay awake yesterday and crawled into bed when I got home, even though we had to clean for company tonight. Turns out, I feel asleep from 7pm-9pm! Then I watched TV for an hour. I did a sprint clean at like 10pm while DH ran out to get me something to eat and then I went back to sleep. I really hope this is just a fluke thing, because I can't handle being nauseated AND this tired!

  35. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @gingerbebe: today I am EXHAUSTED. I don't recall feeling like this with Chloe. I had tons of energy in my second tri with her!

  36. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @torchwood thinking of you this morning! xo.

  37. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @littlebit congrats on the baby boy! So exciting!

    @mrs. jump rope sometimes I wonder if the random cramping or pain or hardness is actually the baby being in a weird position. I haven't felt a lot of "rolling over" but I definitely get a bunch of swift kicks. I wish my office chair wasn't so darn uncomfortable, I feel like crap sitting all day!

  38. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    @gingerbebe: me too! Lately, I've been gagging and dry heaving a lot. But for me, I have a feeling it's due to not drinking enough water. I'm trying! But still hard.

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: it's definitely having another lo!!! This pregnancy is supposed to be a lot easier than my last, but this one feels so much harder cuz I have two los.

    @Torchwood: hope u got some rest! I know it's hard. Really hoping all goes well today!

  39. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @psw27: I think so. I had been having constsnt one sided pain and pressure, and coincidentally had an uktrasound that day. Baby was breech & curled up in a ball, pressed against my right side as if she was glued to it. I put two and two together.

    But, I also get a weird pressure sensation like she is transverse and stretching. I feel like my belly will explode! If I feel around, I can feel her head (or bum?!) pressing against me.

    The original sensation I was referring to is still hard to deacribe. It feels like maybe she's squished in a ball on my side, and I silmiltaneously bend, and I feel like I'm bending around her. I only feel this IF I'm getting off the couch or bending to get something.

  40. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @mrs. jump rope the weird pressure sensation is totally something that happens to me! When I told nurse about it the other day she was like "you can feel this through your abdomen?" and I said yes, it feels like a hard baseball or something and she acted like I was crazy. I'm convinced it is the baby's head or bum too! (Or the baby is causing my uterus to contract only right there? which seems odd.) I think nurse totally doesn't believe me but my bump is still pretty small and I'm measuring with a "big baby" a week ahead so there has to be little to no room in there right now.

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