Hellobee Boards


September 2014 Mummas - Come out where ever you are!

  1. London Mama

    apricot / 475 posts

    Oh, by the way, I've been getting hassled by this guy at work called Branton with a T, is that a normal/common name? Is it a name in it's own right or more likely a way to make Brandon a bit different?

  2. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    @London Mama: I've never heard of a Branton, but it sounds very British. Nice job on day off for your hubby. All I can think of in terms of August is "29 more days" (or really, 21 more work days!) I've gotta make it 2 more weeks to ensure I get my leave days for this month at the very least, but man with the peeing at night, I'm SOOO tired these days!

  3. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @London Mama: that is a wonderful birthday gift for DH! Has the weather cooled down a bit for you? And no, I've never heard of the name "Branton" either....

  4. LatteLove

    apricot / 441 posts

    Mamas, I feel like I'm barely holding on these days.
    We are packing for our first ever move. (We have never moved before because we still live in the same place we've been in since we got married five years ago! And we both came from living at our parents' houses with almost no possessions). I'm working, sleeping terribly and feeling exhausted!

    Any advice for packing, unpacking and getting settled at 33-36 weeks? We have painting to do (with friends' help) and a bunch of little projects in the house from the time we close next Friday, until moving on the 23rd, and then 4ish weeks until my due date to get settled in.

    I can't take any vacation time to move because if I use up my vacation before my maternity leave starts I won't get my paid holidays in Nov/Dec.

    I'm super emotional about everything (yesterday I started crying because my commute to work will be 5 minutes longer). Third trimester is kicking my butt!

  5. LatteLove

    apricot / 441 posts

    @Weagle: Yes, why is this so awful! Between acid reflux, peeing three times, and then not being able to fall back to sleep. UGH.

  6. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @LatteLove: Hang in there mama! I have moved at least 2 dozen times (ugh) so I know how overwhelming it is. I can't imagine doing it pregnant!

    My tips are:
    1. Be very organized, or as organized as possible. Don't just throw things in a box, those are always the hardest ones to unpack.

    2. Get lots of smaller boxes and don't make them overly heavy. Be sure to label and sort them so they will be easy to unpack.

    3. Once you move in, just take it one box at a time and finish a box before you move on to the next one (so you don't have 20 open boxes lying about overwhelming you).

    4. The first thing I set up when I move is my bed, because at the end of the day you want to know you have somewhere to sleep comfortably! I do kitchen basics next and then some clothes and toiletries.

    Everything else takes a backburner until you are up for it! good luck!

  7. Boogs

    hostess / papaya / 10540 posts

    @LatteLove: The end is rough, and I can only imagine with a big move. I agree with the suggestions about being organized, and packing smaller sized boxes. Also, make a box of things you'll need right away, toilet paper, paper towels, some cleaning supplies, just so you'll have easy access to some essentials. If you have people helping you, label the boxes with what room they go in, like "Bedroom 2" and have labels in the different rooms of your house or on doors so people know where the boxes go. Things won't be unpacked, but at least they'll be closer to where they are supposed to live that way. I hope the move goes smoothly for you!

  8. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    @London Mama: never heard of branton either! Nice bday gift! I'm so jealous! I'd love a day off lol. And I'm having the baby THIS month! Eek!

  9. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    @LatteLove: good luck w the move! We moved recently too. We found out we were closing and moving in two to three days! Luckily, I already started, but man, it was busy!

    Clothes, we packed in suitcases and garbage bags. Are u getting movers and a truck? I think toiletries are very important to set aside, including toilet paper and towels. After a move, u just feel nasty and need a shower.

    Definitely label your boxes well. Wrap kitchen dishes with tons of packing paper or something so they don't break.

    Good luck!

  10. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    @LatteLove: My mom always told me to pack up my kitchen first because it has so many fragile things and odds and ends that drive you nuts if you leave it towards the end. Plus kitchens need to be cleaned up so much more. Her trick is to go to Costco or Sams, ask for sturdy produce boxes (like for bananas) since they are large, open, and have built in handles. She says pack up all your kitchen stuff in those wrapped in newspapers and just drive it all over to the new place.

    In that same vein, move all the breakables first - vases, lamps, framed stuff.

    Take this time to also pack up a bunch of pantry goods into brown paper bags and donate them to the local food pantry or your local church. You can do them 1 bag at a time and just put them in your car.

    Purging always helps me pack. First/easiest things to go for me are shoes, shirts, pants. Also take this time to throw away any ratty underwear. Leave all your clothes on hangers and just transport them as-is in the back of your car to the new place (unless you are using movers, in which case they should have garment boxes that you can hang your clothes up in too). If you are worried about clothes getting dirty in transport, use a black garbage bag with a hole ripped in the top as a makeshift garment cover.

    Soft things like pillows, towels, sheets, and blankets can go in big black garbage bags too. Just label them with masking tape.

    Any appliance that has a power cord or power adapter should have the adaptor taped to the object so it doesn't get lost, tangled, or misplaced in transit. Same with remote controls.

    Leave your laundry hampers empty until the end. Line them with trashbags (to cover the slots/holes) and then just throw in all your random finds at the end (pens, keys, baskets, cleaning supplies, coins, "what the heck does this go to?" type things, etc.)

  11. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    We've got some good movers in this group!!

  12. LatteLove

    apricot / 441 posts

    @gingerbebe: @tequiero21: @Boogs: @psw27: You guys are amazing! I am so clueless when it comes to moving and this was such great advice. THANK YOU.

    We are not hiring movers, we are enlisting church friends with trucks and trailers. It's the advantage of my husband being a pastor! Lots of people are willing to help, but I want it to be as easy on them as possible!

  13. Boogs

    hostess / papaya / 10540 posts

    @LatteLove: Free help is always great and with so much help, hopefully things will go quickly for you.

  14. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    @LatteLove: definitely milk congregational help!

    And definitely get started now! I've only really had to move twice and I realize how bad of a packer I am and how much I underestimate the amount of packing we really need to do. I agree with everything everyone said, but definitely purge, donate, etc. I am a hoarder and finally started to get rid of stuff. We had SO much stuff accumulated over 9+ years of marriage!

  15. Boogs

    hostess / papaya / 10540 posts

    So I got the call this week to schedule my c/s and I'm pretty annoyed with it. They said they won't do it any earlier than 39 weeks because it's the law. But, that falls on a Saturday and they don't do surgery on the weekend. Then, the earliest appointment they had was 3 days before my due date in the middle of the day. I tried so hard to see if they would let me schedule at 38w6d and they denied me, which I think is so dumb because earlier this week they said I'm measuring a week ahead. I hope all of this is for nothing and baby comes early, like the last one and like my gut is telling me.

  16. Weagle

    coconut / 8498 posts

    Are any of you ladies anemic? I went to the midwife today, and based on past history + current iron levels ("not critically low, but very concerning") I have to take supplements 2x/day in addition to my prenatal and extra iron in my diet. I'd love any suggestions for iron supplements that don't kill my stomach!

    @LatteLove: Oh, I hate moving with a passion. When we moved from our one bedroom apartment to our house we decided we would never, ever move ourselves again. Definitely worth paying people... and that was with the help of our church folks!

  17. Boogs

    hostess / papaya / 10540 posts

    @Weagle: I take a slow release kind with dinner nightly. It's not what they said to take, but with that and diet I figured it's better than nothing.

  18. knittylady

    pomegranate / 3212 posts

    I've been lurking on this thread forever, it's such a supportive and active thread for all us September mamas! I'm due on Sep. 4th with DS2!

    Was diagnosed with GD a month or so ago, but hoping to be able to skip an induction etc.,

    LO1 is 14 months and I solo parent most of the time as DH is doing med school rotations. Needless to say I'm super scared about solo parenting 2 under 1.5, but excited to meet the new addition.

    Hope to be able to fall into this thread so late in the game!

  19. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @Boogs: that is really stupid! Can you talk to your OB about it? I wouldn't want a section before 39w. Mine will fall on a Sunday & Monday is a holiday. The schedule for September just opened yesterday but I still didn't get a call. I will be so pissed if I am not scheduled on the second.

  20. butterflyprism

    coffee bean / 44 posts

    @psw27: I love my doctor's office. I went yesterday and met with one of the midwives to talk about my glucose levels and my food log, and she commented on the fact that I don't eat fruit. I told her that the nutritionist said not to, and the midwife said that she doesn't care what the nutritionist said, I need to be eating fruit, as long as it's the "watery, summery" kind of fruit. So I got some strawberries and watermelon, and I had some applesauce last night. It tasted like heaven!

    @weagle: They put me on iron supplements a few weeks ago, but just said to take whatever dosage they have over the counter. Hubby used to work in a pharmacy, so I had him pick me up something. I take it once a day, but I also have to take colace (basic strength) twice a day because the iron was making my constipation even worse. Hubby got me CVS brand but said not to take it on an empty stomach, so I take it after I finish eating dinner.

    @knittylady: Welcome! Another mama with GD, yay! That didn't sound right, lol, I'm just glad I'm not the only one. We can commiserate. I was diagnosed three and a half weeks ago, but didn't get the glucometer until this past Monday because the only way my insurance would cover the cost is through their mail-order company. I couldn't just pick it up at CVS. Less than a week and I'm already sick of the finger sticks four times a day. How are you coping?

  21. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    @Boogs: I'd be annoyed too! I believe with twins, they wouldn't schedule me before 38 weeks. I wanted it the week before too at like 37 and like 5 days lol since it was better for all of us and I really thought I'd go early. Luckily, i got contractions the day of the c sec. Crossing fingers u don't go early!

    @knittylady: welcome! Eek! Two under 1.5 is definitely scary. I'm scared about three under 2.5...

    @Weagle: I'm just taking over the counter iron pills.

  22. Boogs

    hostess / papaya / 10540 posts

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: I'm gonna talk to her at my next appointment. I'm only trying to get in a day short of 39w so I don't get what the big deal is. The way it is now, I'll miss a family wedding I really wanted to attend and I'll have to be in the hospital for our anniversary. Plus, not getting to do the 12th will make child care trickier.

    @tequiero21: Ha I'm actually hoping to go early!

  23. knittylady

    pomegranate / 3212 posts

    @butterflyprism: It definitely was a steep learning curve - figuring out what keeps my blood sugar good and what spikes it. Like for some reason I can eat burgers and french fries within reason but a glass of milk skyrockets my sugar. Huh??

    The finger sticking becomes more of a figurative pain than a literal one after a couple weeks. At least we're almost done right?

  24. butterflyprism

    coffee bean / 44 posts

    @knittylady: I'm not due til September 23rd, so I have closer to two months to go. But yeah, in the grand scheme of things it's not as long as it feels like (which is FOREVER!). LOL. My nutritionist said I can have milk but shouldn't have it in the morning. Whatever. My husband and I are going to dinner tomorrow with his best friend and HIS fiancee, and the guys want Chinese food. I am going to try to be good, but I'm not gonna stress about my blood sugar after that since I figure it won't kill me or baby to have one cheat night - they live a few states away, and I am looking forward to meeting her.

  25. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    Hi mamas - I'm in labor. My water broke around 11:30 last night and I am dialated and at labor and delivery. Please pray for our little guy, he's only 34 w 3 days.

  26. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @psw27: thinking of you!

  27. Littlebit

    nectarine / 2932 posts

    @psw27: oh my gosh!!! Thinking about you and your little guy!!!!!!!!

  28. Pancakes

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    @psw27: thinking of you!!!

  29. Weagle

    coconut / 8498 posts

    @psw27: Thinking of you. Many prayers for you and your little one!

  30. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    @psw27: PRAYERS FOR YOU AND LO!!!

  31. LBee

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    @psw27: Popping in to from August to say that I'm thinking about you! Also, my sister just had her baby at 33 weeks and, aside from a short 2 week NICU, he is doing great! He was off oxygen within a day and they said that he was really just staying in the NICU to gain weight / be monitored since he was only 4 lbs 2 oz.

    Paging @littlek: too, I think her water spontaneously broke at 34 weeks too?

  32. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    @psw27: Praying for you all!

  33. LatteLove

    apricot / 441 posts

    @psw27: Thinking of you and praying all goes well!

  34. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    @psw27: praying all goes well and baby is healthy!!!! *hugs*

  35. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    Hi everyone. How was everyone else's weekend? (As we wait on @psw27!)

    Nesting is in full gear and we were SUPER busy. DH started to feel anxious about setting up for baby last weekend, so we've been working away at the house since. We cleaned and organized most of Friday night and Saturday, both for baby and because we had company coming over on Sunday for lunch. DH wanted to set the pack n' play and our spare twin bed up in his office so he would have a place to sleep and watch the baby in shifts with me, so that was a huge ordeal. DH does not keep a tidy space and his office was a hoarded mess so it was a "hands and knees" type job with wiping, dusting, sorting, shredding, and organizing for hours. Had to run to Walmart and buy more bins and storage things too!

    Still need to organize our linen closet, DH's closet, and clean/organize our master bath. And I have a small list of DIYs to do for the baby nook and need to decide on a rug. But I took advantage of the Land of Nod during their F&F sale to pick up a few coordinating items for the baby's bedding, ordered the blackout curtains for the bedroom, and did the rest of his laundry. Just need to fold and stow away.

    Probably should start packing my hospital bag and install the darn carseat soon too. I can't believe how close we're all getting!

    The guest bath and the rest of the house had to get cleaned and organized because we were hosting some friends for a "real" lunch party (with servingware, dinnerware, appetizers, etc.) and usually we just host casually. Had to cook a 4 course meal on top of everything else so it was crazy. Luckily everything turned out well.

    Donated 4 trashbags of stuff, a footbath, and an old vacuum to Goodwill. We will have to go through DH's clothes and pick through the garage some more for another round of donations. Also reorganized our shoes so at the very least one tiny corner of the garage already feels a lot neater.

  36. Mrs.Hawk71

    cherry / 172 posts

    @psw27: Goodluck today! Thoughts and prayers to you and your little family. Hope everything goes well.

  37. Mrs.Hawk71

    cherry / 172 posts

    @gingerbebe: Sounds like a busy weekend! I started a list today of everything that needs to get done before the babe comes, and its a little overwhelming. Even when you try to be on top of things and be well prepared, it never seems like there is enough time in the day. We have to install the carseat base as well, i wasn't sure how soon was too early though, but i guess these babies can come any time now! I also want to make a few freezer meals, which ive never done before but thought it might help with the first few weeks for dinner. Packing the hospital bags as well is next on the to-do list!

    - Any insights on breast pumps for those who plan on breastfeeding/pumping....Did you buy one or does your insurance cover that? Ive heard both and i guess i just need to call and look into it.

  38. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    Hi guys! After a pretty easy and quick labor I delivered at 2:04 est. Even though he was 4 1/2 weeks early, he was 5 lbs 7.9 oz and is breathing well on his own. He has a feeding tube but he's doing well and we are hoping his stay in the nicu is short. Thank you all for your thoughts and kind words. Xoxo.

  39. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @psw27: congrats!! Glad to hear he is safe and sound!

  40. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    @psw27: YAYYYYYY!!!!!!

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