Good day! I have read a lot of posts on this board and appreciate all that there is to read and the support given to others. Please forgive me if I am discussing something that has already been brought up, I could read a lot more but am looking for specific answers/support from people who have trained their 3 month old babies to fall asleep on their own.

I am planning on sleep training (to fall asleep) my daughter in 2 weeks when she is 3 months old. She is a good baby, sleeps good stretches at night but has begun to cry when we rock her to sleep and it takes awhile for her to be put down. I think because she is resisting what has previously worked to put her to sleep that she is ready to learn to fall asleep on her own. I also think she has the ability to self soothe since she sleeps for 7-8 hour stretches at night. I plan to try progressive waiting as that worked for my son when he was 6 months. I guess I am looking for reassurance and support that this is ok to do at 3 months vs 6 months. Does anyone have tips for the younger age? How do I know she is ready? How will I know if once I have started it's too much for her? Can I train her for the bassinet in our room or should I move her to another room in a crib? Thanks in advance for any advice. I'll write a few more specifics below for anyone who is interested in commenting.

Baby is almost 3 months old. I nurse her upon waking. She generally has an awake time of 1 hour 15 minutes. I rock her to sleep and she cries in my arms every time. I hold her for all her naps because she can no longer be transferred asleep, however if I need to put her down and she wakes up, I can put her back to sleep easily. At night I feed her, rock her to sleep (crying), hold her for a couple of hours, dream feed, burp her and put her in the bassinet in our room. She has to be asleep in order for the transfer to take place. Usually it only takes one try, sometimes 2 or 3. She then sleeps 7-8 hours, followed by nursing and then back to sleep for a few hours. She has 4 naps throughout the day. We are moving in a couple months so I was thinking of keeping her in our room the bassinet until we move. I am undecided. We do have another room she can sleep in. We could buy another crib since our son is still sleeping in his.