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Sleep Training (to fall asleep)- 3 month old - is she ready?

  1. Suzanne44

    grape / 98 posts

    @Pumpkin Pie: First night 1 hour 15 minutes. I do think you will have better luck with bedtime vs naptime. Did she fall asleep at naptime?

  2. Pumpkin Pie

    persimmon / 1431 posts

    @Suzanne44: she fell asleep only once and it was for the usual 30 mins and when she won't up she cries harder than usual. I wonder if there are others who used CIO and their babies cried all night. I read that probably around 1-1.5 hrs crying was the average but I really think my LO might cry all night.

  3. Suzanne44

    grape / 98 posts

    @Pumpkin Pie: I don't think she will cry all night. Everything I have read has suggested naps are harder than bedtime. And if she is only taking 30 min naps she is probably extremely overtired. I will give advice based on what happened for me, but I am no expert so take what you want. I would do bedtime, and naps, but help her back to sleep after the initial 30 mins during nap time even if it means holding her. If it was me doing it.

    How long until bedtime?

  4. Pumpkin Pie

    persimmon / 1431 posts

    @Suzanne44: I'm going to take your advice. My husband thinks we should try to CIO for 3 days and then give up if it doesn't help. He says 3 days won't hurt her. I'm so emotional. I cant decide. What do you think? Give it a try for 3 days? She is 10 weeks. My poor baby.

  5. Pumpkin Pie

    persimmon / 1431 posts

    Husband is feeding her now and then we'll put her down.

  6. Suzanne44

    grape / 98 posts

    @Pumpkin Pie: Will your husband be home to help you with the bedtime training? I would say if you are going to do it, to give it at the very least 3 or 4 days. You should see improvement, even if it's gradual. For us it improved daily but only in 10 minute increments. It is very tough on you though. If your husband could listen and you could put headphones on or something or even leave the house, it will be easier on you. It will be very hard and your husband will likely have to hold you back. If you are doing straight CIO, occupy yourself with something to take your mind off it.

    ETA: I am going to bed now. Good luck! Stay strong and give me update when you have time.

  7. Pumpkin Pie

    persimmon / 1431 posts

    It was strangely easy last night. Just some fussing and then 2 good stretches of sleep. She only woke up once after 5 hours. Her naps are still only 30 mins though but putting her down hasn't been terrible. I'm waiting until this trial period to determine if it's working.

  8. Suzanne44

    grape / 98 posts

    @Pumpkin Pie: That's awesome! Glad it went well. If you read the nap posts, waking up after one sleep cycle is pretty normal. I waited until my LO stopped fussing before naps to let her fuss between sleep cycles and it seems to have worked. It might just take patience and time or for her to just get older.

  9. Pumpkin Pie

    persimmon / 1431 posts

    What do you do when your babies wake up after a 30 min nap? I tried to rock her back to sleep but she refuses!!

  10. ScarletBegonia

    persimmon / 1339 posts

    @Pumpkin Pie: at that age short naps are totally normal! I tried everythig to extend my son's naps past 45 minutes but in the end the only thing that did it was him turning 6 months. If I were you, since it seems you're having good success with bedtime, I would keep on with CIO for nighttime and for naps, just let her do her thing. They will lengthen eventually, and if she knows how to put herself to sleep it should happen sooner rather than later.

  11. Pumpkin Pie

    persimmon / 1431 posts

    OK. I think theres been some success with the CIO. I can now put her down drowsy but awake, and at night we've had a couple 6 hour stretches. I am REALLY REALLY hoping this continues and only gets better.

  12. Suzanne44

    grape / 98 posts

    @Pumpkin Pie: That's great news! You must be a little more rested with those nice stretches at night! Wishing you continued success!

  13. Pumpkin Pie

    persimmon / 1431 posts

    Aaaand I think I spoke too soon. She woke up 3 times last night. I don't know why sleep doesn't happen naturally for some babies.

  14. Suzanne44

    grape / 98 posts

    @Pumpkin Pie: could be what they call an extinction burst. Night 9 was almost as bad as night 1 for us. Hang in there, may just be a rough night here and there.

  15. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    @Pumpkin Pie: your baby's sleep is very natural for her age.


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