Hellobee Boards


Spring 2013 Mamas & Toddlers

  1. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts


  2. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @Pumuckl: sorry to hear it.

    I haven't been very good about updating on here but I read when I can. We just got back from a short vacation and L did pretty good. We have one more trip at the end of the month. He is back on a good sleep schedule and is eating like a champ. He is still teething those stupid molars though and I think he has a mild case of HFM as he has unexplained red spots and blisters on the soles of his feet and toes. Nowhere else though. And it doesn't seem to be bothering him.

    I am losing my mind with diaper-change-fits though. Holy LORD he is crazy when I try to change his diaper or his clothes. And his tantrums are full out throw himself on the floor and scream and kick and flail and absolutely no reasoning with him. So frustrating.

    Lastly, we are TTC #2 starting this cycle and I am both excited and terrified of being pregnant again, this time with a crazy toddler. But my clock is ticking as I am turning 37 this fall so we feel like we need to do it now... needing some luck that
    1. We get knocked up quickly and 2. this pregnancy is a little easier than my first (I was throwing up until 20 weeks!)

  3. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Pumuckl: Booo!! So sorry to hear that!

    @travellingbee: When Xander had HFM, he mainly just had little red dots that turned into blisters on his feet and minimal on his hands. None around his mouth or in his throat and it didn't seem to bother him either.

    Good luck with TTC!!! And I hope you have an easier pregnancy for #2!

  4. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @travellingbee: molars sucks. If it is HFM, that sucks even more. Good luck!! Scary and exciting!!

  5. Mrs. Blue

    blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts

    @Adira: @travellingbee: I'm wandering if F is getting HFM or has a mild case of it already. Both boys have a few spots in their diaper areas, but all around F's little mouth he has red bump/blisters that look kind of like I recall from The Devil's Disease (as DH now calls HFM). But, neither baby is running a fever and they are generally acting fine. So weird.

  6. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Mrs. Blue: Yikes! I really hope if it IS HFM, it's a mild case of it because you so don't deserve to have to go through that again!!!

  7. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    Ladies, I LOVE finger foods! It is soooooooo nice to be able to give Xander a bunch of things to eat and then actually wash the dishes or what-have-you because I don't need to be constantly sitting next to him spooning him his next bite! All he really needs help with is his yogurt, and even then I'm just scooping it onto the spoon and then leaving the spoon in the bowl for him to eat whenever he feels like it. Love love finger foods so much right now!!

  8. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Adira: haha! Yes it so much easier

  9. ALV91711

    pomelo / 5621 posts

    @QueensBee: It will be great too since there are lots of kids 3 and under on our street and we won't have fences until the fall so they will have lots of space to run and play together.

    @Pumuckl: Poor boy, I hope he is feeling better. Hopefully this virus goes away so you can get your kisses.

    @travellingbee: Good luck TTC. I hope it will be an easy pregnancy.

    @Mrs. Blue: I hope he doesn't have HFM.

    @Adira: Finger foods are awesome! Glad that X has decided they are too.

  10. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    Xander's getting a little brother!!!

  11. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    @Adira: Just saw this on the other thread but I'll say it again! Congrats!! Two little boys are going to be so adorable!!

    And your earlier post about finger foods made me laugh! Yes, they are so easy! A bit messy but I totally prefer them to anything else.

  12. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @QueensBee: I know!! I think brothers will be so much fun!! I just hope they get along (at least some of the time)!!

    Well girls, tonight I took out my LAST bag of frozen breast milk! After tomorrow, Xander will be officially on just hemp milk! I'm sad that it's okay, but impressed I got two more months of BM into him after we stopped nursing. AND I'm excited that I no longer will have to mix BM and hemp and I can just send the container of hemp to daycare!!

  13. ALV91711

    pomelo / 5621 posts

    @Adira: Congrats! Brothers is going to be so much fun. And you can re use everything you have! That is so great you were able to give him BM for two more months.

    So happy that the weekend is finally here. Now lets hope for some sleep in this house.

  14. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @ALV91711: I really hope you have a good sleeper this weekend and can get some sleep!!! We're going to my MIL's this weekend, so I'm nervous about sleep. I hope Xander sleeps okay in a different place, but he didn't last time we went somewhere.

  15. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    @ALV91711: @Adira: Sending you positive sleep vibes this weekend! ~~~~ I know that spending afternoons out in the sun (beach, pool) really knock Pete out for the night.

    @Adira: And I'm so impressed you are just using up your last bags of pumped milk now! It's amazing that you were able to provide so much bm, especially since you went back to work quite soon!

    On the topic of pumping, we visited a farm the other day and they happened to have a cow milking demo going on. The farm staff brought out this apparatus that is basically a glorified breastpump for udders and turned it on. My husband was laughing because the "wah-wah wah-wah wah-wah" sound made him nostalgic for the newborn days!

  16. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    We get the best and deepest sleep when we do pool days! Good luck!

  17. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    So R's ear smelled this morning. We took her to the pedi, turns out that her ear drainage last weekend was a burst ear drum. Then her left ear has an infection. I feel SO bad but I called and they said she wasn't pulling on her ear she didn't need to come in. She was totally normal all week, so she is a tough cookie!! So drops and antibiotics for 10 days. Sucks she is going to have to miss swimming again next week. She has been napping for two hours!

  18. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @Adira: yay congrats!
    @Smurfette: oh no!! I'm sorry for poor R!

  19. Corduroy

    pomelo / 5258 posts

    @Smurfette: sorry to hear that. It seems like R can't catch a break recently.

    DH is away at his second boys weekend in a row. Z has been having tantrums frequently at home so I planned to be out doing things all weekend. Of course LO came down with a cold so we can't do most of what I planned. I'm trying to come up with back up plans where LO can rest in the stroller and won't infect anyone. We walked around a lake this morning. I'm contemplating our first trip to the mall this afternoon but I don't know if she would stay in the stroller. I kind of doubt it. Maybe another stroll somewhere outdoorsy.

    On the upside LO said her firs sentence, "help shoes please." I just stared at her because I was so surprised. I'm hoping sentences will help cut down on the tantrums.

  20. ALV91711

    pomelo / 5621 posts

    @Adira: Hope Xander slept well at your MIL & that you had fun.

    @QueensBee: Usually Isaac sleeps better on the weekends, especially when we spend the afternoon outdoors.

    @blackbird: We haven't gone to the pool yet, we are going to have to do that one of these weekends.

    @Smurfette: Poor thing. Hopefully she is feeling better soon. I can't believe she wasn't complaining more about her ear.

    @Corduroy: Wow, I can't believe she said a sentence! That is awesome. Hopefully you find activities to keep yourselves occupied this weekend.

    We went to a first birthday party yesterday and Isaac had fun playing with the other kids. There were a bunch under 3. Good thing he is too young to realize things though as he was the only kid who didn't get to have a cupcake/cake. He just had fruit and goldfish.

  21. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @QueensBee: @ALV91711: He ended up sleeping better than I expected, but still not wonderful! He woke up in the middle of the night and needed help falling back to sleep, but he was probably only up for 30 minutes, which isn't terrible. And then he was up at 6:00 for the day.

    @QueensBee: hahaha, that cow pump sounds funny!

    @Smurfette: OMG, poor R!!! But what a trooper!! I can't believe she had a burst ear drum and wasn't totally hysterical about it! And then an ear infection - poor girl!

    @Corduroy: Um, WTF, actual sentences???? Xander can't even say any of those words yet! Sounds like your little girl is one smart cookie!

    @ALV91711: haha, it's definitely helpful when they don't realize they are missing out on things!

  22. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    @Smurfette: Wow, she is a tough cookie! So sorry that she can't seem to catch a break this summer but also amazed that she didn't miss a beat, even with a burst eardrum!

    @Corduroy: Oh no, tantrums when you're all alone are so hard! How is she feeling today? Were you able to get out and about?

    @Adira: Glad the night went fairly well!

    We wrap up our week away tomorrow. Overall, it's been such a fun and relaxing trip and I have cherished every moment of our family time together. However, the one downside is that Pete has become a lot more reliant on his pacifier to soothe him as he has new experiences. For those who follow me on IG, you've probably noticed that every photo of him now has his pacifier. It's driving me nuts but there it is nearly impossible to have him go without it for a few hours when we're out and about. And if it ever is out of his mouth, he's sticking whatever else he can get his hands on into his mouth to replace it. I'm really hoping I can start to ween him again once we're back home and in a familiar routine. Sigh, I have such a love/hate relationship with that thing!

  23. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @QueensBee: Glad you guys had a fun vacation!! Sorry about the reliance on the pacifier though. There are definitely some great pros to using one though! They work so well! My best friend decided to hold off weaning until her LO was 3 years old and at that age, she was old enough to understand it and be okay with the transition.

  24. Corduroy

    pomelo / 5258 posts

    @QueensBee: Z is doing much better so far today, thanks. Last night was a little scary. She woke up at 10:30 with 104.4. The temperature alone didn't scare me but she was breathing fast and listless. I took her jammies off and her arms and legs looked red. I don't know if they got hotter than the rest of her body in the PJs or it was my imagination in the low light. It seemed like forever before the Tylenol kicked in but it was just about 40 min. She slept with me/on top of me the rest of the night. She only woke once after that to dry heave. In the morning the fever was gone and she was back to her old self. It's only noon here so I don't know if the fever will spike again this afternoon/evening. I'm trying to enjoy the present but I hate the fever waiting game.

  25. ALV91711

    pomelo / 5621 posts

    @Corduroy: I hope that the fever has stayed away. I always feel so bad when they aren't feeling good and there isn't much you can do but cuddle.

    @QueensBee: Have a good trip home.

    I'm so excited for tomorrow. I have the day off and DH took the day off so we can have a date day. This will be the first time having a whole day to ourselves since Isaac was born. We are going fishing in the morning, out for lunch and then going to finally hang pictures in our house.

  26. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    @Adira: Thanks! He was a bit better without it today but we're definitely using it for the car ride home tomorrow.

    @Corduroy: Oh my gosh, that would be so scary and stressful! I hope tonight is much much better for you. Thank goodness for tylenol!

    @ALV91711: Sounds so much fun! Good for you, hope you guys enjoy the day!

    I'm not sure if I'm the only one but, it has been nearly impossible to eat at a restaurant with Pete on this trip. Even though he normally loves to eat, he gets way too excited when we are at restaurants. He ignores most of his food and just wants to race around on the floor. He screams if we try to put him in the highchair and wiggles out of my arms to run around. I'm so terrified that he'll scream and tantrum and ruin the meal for other diners, so I basically let him do whatever he wants (I chase after him or take him outside to run while my husband eats). We had one successful breakfast when he sat in a highchair and ate but other than that, each meal has felt like a rodeo. Any other moms going through this? It may be that we have to become a picnic-ing family until he gets though this phase, but strategies or suggestions welcome!

  27. ALV91711

    pomelo / 5621 posts

    @QueensBee: Last time I took him out was about a month ago and the same thing happened. I don't really know what to do except to avoid going out. But then how do they learn if they are never taken out?

  28. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @QueensBee: I have no advice!! We haven't taken Xander out to a restaurant in months!!

  29. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Corduroy: Sentences?!? R is barely saying words. That fever sounds scary. I hope LO is back to normal.
    @ALV91711: Take advantage of them not knowing as long as we/you can!! Have fun on your day date! They are so great.
    @QueensBee: Glad that y'all had a great vacation! R is usually good about eating at restaurants. She loves to stare at everyone and then will eat a handful of food and then stare again. Luckily when she does get restless we are about done anyway.

  30. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    So Xander is definitely my son! He LOVES the water! We went to a lake with a beach for the first time this weekend (I know, he's so deprived...) and he was in HEAVEN! He just sat in the water and splashed and splashed (and ate sand). It was a huge lake, so there were waves and they just kept splashing in his face or almost knocking him over and he just thought it was the greatest thing ever!

  31. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    @ALV91711: @Adira: Okay, maybe it's just a thing with boys at this age!

    @Smurfette: I'm jealous that R is such a great little diner! I wish she could give Pete some lessons on how to behave at a family restaurant!

    @Adira: Awwwe, there is nothing better than seeing them so delighted at this age! On our trip, Pete took the whole week to warm up to the idea of swimming. Of course, on our last day there he totally loved the water and was trying to venture out by himself!

    So I think I'm going to have Pete sleep in his travel crib tonight. While we were away, he was the BEST SLEEPER. He slept from 7 or 8pm each night until 7 or 8am each morning without making a peep. He also took 2-3 hours naps each day and was so well rested and happy. Yesterday was our first night home and he was back to his old antics, awake at 4:45am! What gives?! He was so overtired from waking up so early that he then threw the biggest tantrum around 6am over nothing. I'm wondering if he actually prefers sleeping in his travel crib? I'm going to give it a try to tonight because I cannot go back to a life of 4:45am wakeups. I may need to relocate my life to Vermont if this doesn't work...

  32. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @QueensBee: Wow! I hope it's the travel crib, but it's probably more likely all the different activities he got during the day. He probably was getting so much different stimulation, even just exploring the place you were staying at, that he was exhausted at the end of the day. Whereas now that you're home, he's maybe not getting as much stimulation and hence the bad sleeping? Who knows! I hope it's just the crib!

  33. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Adira: yay!
    @QueensBee: that would be too funny if he sleeps great in the travel crib.

    R definitely says No now...........joy!

  34. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Smurfette: haha, Xander says "no" too but it sounds like "nah" and sometimes when he's going "no no" it sounds like "na na" which is what he says to go to bed (night night). And I don't know that he really knows what it means because sometimes I'll offer him something, he'll go "nah" and shake his head, but then reach for it like he wants it!

  35. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Adira: Yeah her no, is more like Na, makes me laugh. But she knows what it is. I said R are ready to go brush your teeth, Na Na, while shaking her head. Na na when I ask are you ready for nite nite.

  36. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Smurfette: haha, at least she knows what it means and is using it correctly! Xander kept saying "na na" after dinner last night and we didn't think he was tired, so we couldn't figure out what the heck he was trying to say. And we'd go "Do you want to go to bed?" and he'd just say "na na!" which could be "night night" or "no no". So Hubs was like "Umm... I guess I'll just put him in his pjs and see what happens..."

  37. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    @Adira: @Smurfette: Haha so Pete is now asleep in his travel crib! I'm so curious to see how he does in the morning. I have three theories about the change from vacation to home. The first is the same as @Adira's and that it's an exhaustion issue. In an attempt to exhaust him, today we went to the playground, a music class, and the town pool. This kid has got to be wiped! My second theory is that he can find his pacifier more easily in his travel crib because it is smaller and netted, and then he can put himself back to sleep when he wakes up. And my third theory is that he actually prefers his travel crib for a reason I can't fathom. Regardless of the reason, I really hope he sleeps a bit later tomorrow morning!

  38. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @QueensBee: Fingers crossed he sleeps well tonight, regardless of the reason!!

  39. ALV91711

    pomelo / 5621 posts

    @Adira: That is awesome that he like the water. And don't feel bad, Isaac has not had this experience yet.

    @QueensBee: I hope that he has an awesome sleep for you tonight.

    @Smurfette: I'm not looking forward to that word at all!

    Isaac's daycare teacher told me today that Isaac has very good manners when he eats. She was saying the other babies throw so much around but he eats up his food. I'm so proud of my boy

  40. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @ALV91711: impressive!

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