Hellobee Boards


Spring 2013 Mamas & Toddlers

  1. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @photojane: I was just coming to ask you how the party went. I missed the pics last night. It looks so great!! When is her actual birthday?

    I was thinking about getting a pinata so the kids, just family, had something to do besides running around outside. I might print some coloring pages as well. But you might have just convinced me to get it.

    Side note, where did you get the red buckets for the Al's Toy Barn pic? They would be perfect for R's Mickey party. I can add the white dots to look like his pants.

    I really need to get to crafting. I think we are doing her party March 7th now.

  2. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    @Smurfette: Try the dollar store! They always have little buckets out for easter and such, pretty early. Or right now for valentines day!!!

  3. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    @Adira: That's the best!!!

    @photojane: Looks so fun! I love all the details and Sadie looks so happy!

    Pinata is a great idea!

    We've had two good nights of sleep again. Pete's cough is back in full force and we are back on a nebulizer 3x/day. I have such mom guilt because it turns out that the nebulizer I'd been using this winter is broken and he hasn't been getting any medicine! My husband stayed home with yesterday and pointed it out to me. We bought a new working nebulizer last night and he is finally sounding better this morning. Mom of the year here!

  4. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @blackbird: I am going to check it out this weekend. The one by us usually doesn't have that great of stuff. @QueensBee: It happens. Don't feel bad! I dropped R off this morning and she this big snot come out and the teacher commented on how thick and green it was yesterday. I haven't even noticed till this morning. But she isn't stuffy or coughing, so I don't see the point in taking her to the doctor.

  5. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    @Smurfette: Thanks! I know he's fine but I can't believe I've been making him sit with that mask on and no medicine coming out! (head smack) Ah, well. You live, you learn.

    Hope R's green snot doesn't mean she's about to get sick!

    Winter feels ten times longer as a parent. Is it spring yet?

  6. photojane

    cantaloupe / 6164 posts

    @autumnlove: Thanks! It was so fun!

    @Adira: There were about 40 people there, 15 kids! Sadie definitely understood the pinata. She's very petite though, so I had to help her.

    @Pumuckl: His birthday is actually on Easter? That's kind of fun! I love Easter!

    @Smurfette: Thanks! Her actual birthday is the 12th... can't believe she'll be 2 next week. Definitely get the pinata... the kids loved it, and the adults were cracking up. I got all of the buckets at Dollar Tree. The square ones were 2/$1! I love the Mickey pants idea. Will be super cute. If you can't find them there, I can mail some. Let me know.

    @QueensBee: She was SO happy! On the way home she kept telling Dan, "So happy! FUN! Horsey! Candy! Cake! FUN!"

  7. ALV91711

    pomelo / 5621 posts

    @photojane: What an awesome looking party! I love all the details! Looks like she had a lot of fun.

    @QueensBee: Ooops, don't feel too bad about it, these things happen. Glad you had a couple good nights sleep.

    @Smurfette: Hopefully it is not a sign that she is getting sick.

    I can't believe these kids are turning 2! Yikes!

    We are finally getting consistent better sleep (I hope I didn't just jinx it). He is sleeping until almost 6 most days. Sometimes he wakes up between 4-5am, but if we just go in and tell him it is still night time and to lay back down he goes back to sleep.

  8. ALV91711

    pomelo / 5621 posts

    We got a Valentine list from daycare today. I totally thought that this wouldn't be starting yet. I had planned on baking the class some cookies, but I wasn't planning on getting cards.

    Anyone else have to bring Valentines to daycare?

  9. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @ALV91711: yeah they have a class party next Friday. I did them for her class last year. I was the only parent that did them since it was the infant room. Last year I did bubbles. This year I am doing glow sticks.

  10. ALV91711

    pomelo / 5621 posts

    @Smurfette: Glow sticks are a fun idea!

  11. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @ALV91711: Valentines Day is not something that is a big thing here. Maybe the ladies will get some flowers/chocolates from their SO but then that's it. Glad to hear that sleep is improving for you guys too!

    @QueensBee: Dude yeah, I'm so over winter! Although B loves playing in the snow and the days are getting considerably longer already. But it's been really cold and windy so I haven't taken J out much. Definitely looking forward to getting out of the house more soon!

    B has a really stuffy and runny nose again and a cough as do I. I really hope we can spare J this time. She really doesn't have to have two colds under her belt before she's even a month old.

  12. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @ALV91711: Yep, Xander is having a Valentine's Day party next Friday. I think you can often find some cute Valentine's cards from the $1 spot at Target.

    @Smurfette: Where do you find glow sticks? That's a great idea!

    @Pumuckl: Sorry you are sick!! I am too. Hopefully our babes will get lucky and not catch these latest colds of ours.

  13. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Adira: In the past I have found them at Party City and Michael's for $1. So I am hoping I can find them this weekend. My neighbor said she saw them at the $1 section at Target as well.
    @Pumuckl: Hope he feels better soon and no one else gets it.

  14. ALV91711

    pomelo / 5621 posts

    @Pumuckl: I hope your better soon. Isaac woke up coughing the last two mornings and today has a runny nose, just as I'm finally feeling better. Us personally don't really do anything for Valentines but I guess I'm going to have to change that with Valentine parties at daycare.

    @Adira: Our target doesn't have the $1 spot. Target in Canada is just not great and they just actually started liquidating yesterday and are pulling out of the country. I'm going to hit up the dollar store this weekend.

    Isaac is currently obsessed with animals and the sounds they make. DH and him have been watching videos of animal sounds and now when he looks at his animal book he is getting good at making the sounds of them.

  15. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    @ALV91711: Wow, happy that sleep is improving for you! Ours is slightly better but we still have him in bed with us for a few nights each week.

    I think our daycare is also expecting Valentine cards although they are not mandatory. Pete loves to paint so we've been watercoloring a few cards each night. Hopefully we'll have enough ready by next Friday! I plan to glue a little pop up heart onto each one and a short note on the back.

    @Pumuckl: I hope you're feeling better soon! Only a few more weeks until spring...

  16. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Smurfette: Thanks! I'll have to see if I can find some or something fun! How many kids are in R's class? There's only four other boys in Xander's.

  17. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Adira: are you just giving the boys valentines? R has 6 others in her class. I just ordered 100 glow stick bracelets for $9 on Amazon. I will keep the extra for summer time and bath time fun.

  18. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Smurfette: I was thinking about doing all the toddlers (there are three toddler classes), but I only know the names of the boys in Xander's class, so I probably will just do them. I actually was just looking at stuff on Amazon! I think I saw that 100 pack you bought!

    Anyone else's daycare do progress reports for their toddlers? We just got Xander's today. It's interesting to see the type of stuff they look for. The only thing Xander can't do AT ALL is say his own name!!

  19. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Adira: I would just do the class he is in. I am sure the teacher would write the names out for you.
    We have parent/teacher conferences in the Spring. We had one in September.

  20. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Smurfette: I'm kind of glad we don't have conferences - that would be annoying, unless they were in the evening. We just have a progress report that I have to sign and send back.

  21. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Adira: yeah they are in the middle of the day. It sucks. I have to take a half day to talk to the teachers for 20-30 mins.
    Her teachers said that she spelled her name for them, with prompts. They said she recongnizes a lot of letters. She counts too. She does none of this at home for us!! I can't even get her to identify colors.

  22. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Smurfette: That's crazy how much R does at daycare that she won't do at home! Toddlers are so weird.

  23. ALV91711

    pomelo / 5621 posts

    We almost had a successful potty trip today. Isaac told me he had to go to the bathroom. So I took him upstairs and put him on his potty. He didn't pee but told me he was all done. So I told him to go to his room for a diaper. I went to his room and he went into the spare room and peed on the floor. I was happy that he did recognize the need to pee, even if he did go in the wrong place.

  24. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    @ALV91711: Wow, that's a big success! I don't think Pete has any idea when he's about to pee or poop. He hates to stop his playtime to change diapers so he often lies about it ("Do you have a poopy diaper?" "Nope! Poopy sleeping!" and then I find a big poop in his diaper) and it makes me think he's never going to admit it when he needs to go.

    @Smurfette: Wow, so crazy that she'll do so much for daycare and won't show it off at home! My in-laws always say that you want your kids to act their best with everyone else (I think they say this to make me feel better because Pete acts like a terror with me compared to everyone else!).

    @Adira: We have conferences and progress reports. I love having a chance to hear about his development and accomplishments at school. I am definitely keeping the reports in his keepsake folder!

    Pete has become a real rascal in the mornings. He usually comes into bed with us by 5am. When he decides it's time to wake up, he leaps out of bed, turns on all the lights in the room, and starts shouting his demands for breakfast. "Waffles! Pumpkin muffins! Oatmeal!"

    I'm addressing the invites for his party this week. We went with these invitations off etsy. I can't believe it's going to be March in a few weeks!

  25. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @QueensBee: cute invitations!!

    I was cheap this year and sent family an invite on FB. Her party is Mar 7th now. I have to get crafting and planning.

    Sunday DH took the monitor during nap time and I went into our room to nap. I woke up an hour and half later and heard her happily playing. DH said she napped 30 mins and woke up cause she pooped. By the time he got her, she stuck her hand in her diaper, so it was over her shirt, face, and hands. I am so glad he had to deal with that!

  26. ALV91711

    pomelo / 5621 posts

    @QueensBee: Such cute invites! Other than that time yesterday Isaac always says no when we ask him if he needs a diaper change, even when we can smell it. How do they like being in dirty diapers? I still get a kick out of poopy sleeping!

    @Smurfette: That is very nice that she made that mess for daddy. It seems like they never have to deal with that type of situation.

    I've really got to start thinking about his birthday. I did order a shirt for him but that is it. I also have DH's birthday at the beginning of March to think of.

  27. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    @QueensBee: Those are ADORABLE!

    How early are you guys sending out invites? I probably need to get on that soon.

  28. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @blackbird: I just sent mine this week. So 3.5 weeks before. But if I was mailing invitations and inviting other then just family, I would have done 4 weeks.

    R is 23 months today. I can't believe only a month till she is 2. Although last night she was full on showing her 2 yr attitude. Bedtime didn't come soon enough.

  29. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    @Smurfette: 4 weeks sounds about right. I'll stick them in the mail next month, then!

    They're all made and ready to go, though. I'm doing postcards, to save on some cash. I would just text everyone, but with elderly family and the like, we have to do something tangible

    We're doing chocolate chip cookies. lemon bars, funfetti sandwich cookies, and an iced shortbread cookie. And ice cream! I'm tempted to add some sort of oatmeal cookie, too, but I have such a tendency to overdo it, I'm holding back!

  30. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @blackbird: those are adorable!

  31. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    @Smurfette: Thanks! Gotta love Etsy

  32. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    @Smurfette: Thanks! OMG about the hand in diaper! Lucky for you that DH was on duty!

    @blackbird: Thanks! I plan to send them our around 4-5 weeks before the party. I love your theme and the treats sound delicious! Those invitations are perfect! How did anyone plan a party before etsy? I love it!

  33. ALV91711

    pomelo / 5621 posts

    @Smurfette: Her pic with the pigtails is adorable. I can't believe only a month until she is 2.

    @blackbird: All the treats for your party sound delicious!

    The 2 year old attitude is really starting to shine through these last few days. It is exhausting. Everything is mine and pushing things away, slapping the table or wall when he's mad, crying, whining, you name it. I think part of it has to do with tiredness but I don't know how to get him more sleep. He's getting about 11 at night and apparently a 2 hour nap at daycare. Tonight we put him to bed at 6:30, since he won't sleep in but will still usually get up at the same time if he goes to bed early.

    How are all the others doing with their attitudes?

  34. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    @ALV91711: thanks! We have only seen some nasty 2 attitude once in awhile. I don't know when it's going to hit! But she will throw some epic tantrums sometimes so I know it's coming! She's still in an eager to please phase and does what we ask without a fight typically. For now. Baby brother will be here in about 12 weeks so I know she's going to be unhappy about that!

  35. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    @ALV91711: I actually think Pete has become a little more reasonable recently. I feel like I can reason with him more now that his language skills are better. It has me thinking that maybe the worst is behind us? Ha, I am probably naive and overly optimistic!

    He still throws a big fit when he has to get dressed for school each morning, and there's definitely no reasoning with him for that. But I think our mornings are just too rushed and he needs more time to transition.

    I forgot to turn the volume on the monitor last night, so we woke up to our alarms at 5am and Pete was sound asleep. I think we may have inadvertently made him "cry it out" since we can't hear him cry without the monitor. I am curious if he will be better sleeper tonight since sleep has been rough around here since ohhh... September!

  36. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @ALV91711: R gets 10.5-11 at night and around 2 for naps. At home lately an hour nap, so I know she is tired but she just won't go to sleep before 8, even if I put her down at 7. She has been a handful this week. I am so glad that DH gets home tonight, even if after bedtime. She wants to be held non-stop lately.

  37. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @ALV91711: Attitude-wise, some days are better than others. Xander seems to do better when he gets lots of warnings before a transition with activities. Otherwise it's full on tantrums! And sometimes he'll freak out and I won't have a clue as to why.

    Xander has started showing affection for his little brother. I was holding Logan and Xander came up next to us and just started hugging him! It was so sweet. And when I bring Logan to daycare to pick up Xander, Xander is very possessive of Logan. The little toddler girls get so excited to see a baby and Xander will just hold onto Logan's car seat and say "Mine! My baby! No so-and-so, my baby."

  38. ALV91711

    pomelo / 5621 posts

    I can not believe the amount of candy Isaac got today. Almost every kid gave candy with their valentine card. He did get a pack of pencil crayons and a little teddy which he was really excited about.

    @Adira: That is so awesome that he is showing his brother love. That just must be the cutest thing ever.

    @Smurfette: That must be exhausting during the week. Hope your arms get a good break this weekend while your DH is home.

    @QueensBee: I hope that his sleep starts to get better. If he really screamed would you hear him? Maybe it would be worth it to not sleep with the monitor since you wouldn't be going to him every time he made a noise?

    @blackbird: Hopefully she will transition well to being a big sister. Terrible twos and a newborn with be tiring.

  39. QueensBee

    pear / 1718 posts

    @Adira: So sweet that Xander is protective of his little bro! You are going to have so much fun watching their relationship grow this year!!!

    @ALV91711: Our daycare requested that no one send in sweets with the Valentines and I was happy about that! They made heart shaped pancakes for the class party and the teachers handed out some healthy banana/oat cookies, which felt like the right amount of treats. He got one pencil and one thing of playdough in his valentine bag but mostly just cards.

    Sleep has been on and off. He slept through the night in his crib three nights in a row (bliss!), but was in bed with us at 2am last night. However, we lost his last pacifier yesterday so he went to bed without his "bup bup" (his word for paci) for the first time since he was a newborn. Since he did okay without the pacifier, we are going to try to see if we can quit it cold turkey this weekend. He hasn't had it all morning but DH has been trying to put him down for a nap for about an hour now with no success. Not sure how napping will go without his beloved bup bup!

  40. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @QueensBee: good luck!!

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