Hellobee Boards


Summer 2012 Due Date Thread

  1. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @HeatherlovesKenny: I've been spending more and more time in our recliner, as well. It's just easier than rolling around in bed. The groin pain is awful. Plus, this past week has added stabbing pain in the vaginal. Hooray. The only good thing I can think of that is everywhere I read says it means you're dilating. Good. Get ready, body!

    @Ms.SK: wow, 22 weeks! What are you doing to entertain yourself while you're on bedrest? Are you at least able to stay at home and not have to have hospital bedrest?

    @krsmall: being less scared is good! Glad it helped ease your fears.

  2. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @mediagirl: Yea, my friend told me awful stories about when she gave birth and it had me pretty scared. She was induced and I'm not sure if that added to some of her issues. I've heard that if you are allowed to go into labor naturally your L&D isn't as bad as being on pitocin, which the contractions can be awful because it's not really your body causing the contractions. I think I will get over my jitters because I will want to meet my LO.

    I'm so excited for the June mamas that are going to be due soon! You guys must be thrilled to meet your LOs!! Not many days left in May!!

  3. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @HeatherlovesKenny: It must be nice getting some extra sleep too! This third trimester is kicking my butt. I get to work at 7:30 a.m. but I'm done at 3, the bad thing is my work day doesn't end till 5:30 pm. It's killer. I'm actually looking forward to maternity leave as vacation. I will probably change my mind once I see how hard it is to have a newborn.

  4. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    Hi everyone!

    Had one of my regular OB appointments this morning, the first since my official GD diagnosis, and my OB said that for moms with GD they induce at 39 weeks. Part of me thought oh, I don't want to be induced, but another part of me loves the fact that I know the very very latest my baby will arrive is July 19th!! Who knows, maybe I'll go earlier than that... but I like having at least some expectation of when the baby will be born. Plus I don't want to risk a big baby with stuck shoulders during delivery.

    She also mentioned that if I can't keep my weight down and baby gets too big, it'll have to be a C section. So HERE'S TO KEEPING MY WEIGHT DOWN!!!!!

  5. lovehoneybee

    GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts

    Aw, I need to spend more time on this site, I missed this thread!

    I'm due August 10th. We moved two weeks ago, and I've learned that my apartment absolutely bakes in the afternoon, which is no bueno since I'm home. We have central air, but still, I'm super nervous to see how high our bills are going to be this summer.

    I'm happy to be pregnant, but I'm starting to get uncomfortable. I'm peeing all.the.time (seriously, sometimes I'll go less than five minutes after I just went). I can't remember the last time I slept through the night...either I'm getting up to pee, or moving out of an uncomfortable position (which is any position I'm in for longer than a few minutes).

    I've been good about avoiding sweets, but I'm craving sweet frozen fruity things like crazy. I've been satisfying it by making smoothies...frozen strawberries, a banana, greek yogurt and a few splashes of OJ. Mmmm....

    Other than that, nothing exciting going on...I finally got to start working on the nursery, which is way exciting, and my GD test is this Thursday.

  6. Ree723

    grapefruit / 4819 posts

    @krsmall: It's crazy to think that June is so quickly approaching! Yesterday was exactly one month to my due date - now it's crazy to think that I'm at 30 days, no longer counting months! I really need to get working on this hospital bag. I've got a list written out but haven't actually organised anything or put it into a suitcase yet.

    @mrs. wagon: Good luck keeping your weight down! It is exciting though that you have a definite date that will be the latest you can go. I try not to think about going over as two weeks past would be 4th of July and I can't fathom the thought of waiting that long to meet our little bub!

    @FutureMrsMcK: Very exciting that you're in a new apartment now and can start setting up the nursery! We just moved a week ago as well and setting up the nursery has been so much fun! I just did all the baby laundry today and actually really enjoyed it - seriously, who ever thought laundry could be fun? I just can't get over how tiny all the clothes are!

    Is anyone else feeling as though they're forgetting something major? I feel like I'm obsessively checking lists but still can't shake this niggling feeling that there's something we're forgetting! Ah well....time will tell I guess.

  7. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    @FutureMrsMcK: mmmmm that smoothie sounds AMAZING!!! I used to do frozen strawberries, half a frozen banana, ice, and a few splashes of apple juice for a super low cal treat. And I totally hear you on the peeing... unfortunately when I really have to go, a little will come out if I move too quickly or sneeze or laugh. So I'm literally ALWAYS looking for a bathroom, and thank God for pantiliners. :T

  8. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    @Ree723: awww, we call our LO "lil bub" all the time

  9. lovehoneybee

    GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts

    @mrs. wagon: Oh god, the speeze! I've been doing Kegels religiously for years, and yet starting around 4 months, anytime I need to pee even a little bit and I sneeze....ugh.

  10. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    @FutureMrsMcK: yep... I was religious with the Kegels with the first pregnancy and all went great. Until I got to around 4 months with this one!! Aiyee!!!

  11. HLK208

    pineapple / 12234 posts

    @mrs. wagon: Whoa, your OB induces at 39 weeks with GD patients? With my last pregnancy, my OB didn't mention an induction (I had GD and gained 55 pounds) so I went to 40 weeks when I went into labor. Luckily DS was 8.5 lbs! But this pregnancy I've gained around 22 pounds and I just have more ultrasounds to keep track of baby's weight (I have mild GD this time).

    Honestly, I kind of wish my doctor talked to me about an induction because I am terrified of having a 10 pound baby!!

  12. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @Ree723: I'm due in 18 days and uh...my hospital bag isn't packed either. Seriously, though- what can I pack that I don't already use on a day to day basis? Yeah, I can put my camera and charger in there but I have certain favorites for clothes and undergarments right now (read: very few) so I can't pack clothes yet! I figure when I get one of the first signs of labor, THEN I'll pack. I'll probably have to do laundry first, though...

    @FutureMrsMcK: how fun that you can finally set up the nursery! That has been such a joy for me - I love decorating for the baby that isn't here yet!

    @mrs. wagon: They induce at 39 weeks!??! Yikes! You have an official end date! That is awesome!! Are you gaining a lot of weight right now or was that more of just a warning chat?

    Yuck, I'm having some serious discharge today. Thankfully I remembered to wear a liner but seriously, it's like I'm pre-baby again wondering if this is a sign of ovulation. Haha. I saw my church group last night and those ladies were so sweet - they did a little surprise shower for me and everyone gave me their favorite children's book!! I went home with 30 new books for BGH. She is going to be one well-read baby!!

  13. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    @HeatherlovesKenny: @mediagirl: yeah, I was surprised to hear they deliver at 39 weeks for GD moms (I guess if you've gained a lot and baby is measuring big, they go for a c-section to prevent shoulder dystocia, and if not, they just induce you) but I was kind of relieved to hear it because I have a definite latest due date now! I haven't gained a lot more than my first pregnancy (as of this morning, exactly 30 pounds, at almost 31 weeks) so the c-section talk may have been to just scare me into maintaining my weight... which I'd be glad about, because it's working! I definitely want to stay around this weight til the end!!!

  14. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @mediagirl: Aww, that's so sweet they had a shower for you! That's awesome you got so many books, I definitely want to start a little book collection for our LO. 18 days!! You are getting so close!!

    @HeatherlovesKenny: A 10 lbs baby scares me too! I think my nightmare is going into labor and then realize the baby is stuck and having to have an emergency c section.

    @mrs. wagon: That's great you have a definite end date!

    @FutureMrsMcK: Congrats on the new apartment! You must be glad to be able to start working on the nursery. We moved into our new house about 4 weeks ago and we haven't touched the nursery yet. Hopefully you guys will be more successful than us!

    Is anyone doing anything fun for memorial day weekend? DH bummed me out this morning. He said he was going to a bar to watch the Indy 500 race and planned on drinking all day and was wondering what my plan was since I'm not going to want to sit in a bar all day. I think I'm just pregnancy hormonal but it hurt my feelings.

  15. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    @krsmall: dude! not cool. Tell him he's forbidden to drink and you will be out shopping for maternity clothes and baby stuff all day and therefore, what will his plans be??

    haha. Probably not such a great idea for a second hormonal pregnant woman to chime in...

  16. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @mrs. wagon: I should be like hand over your credit card and check the statement later... then you'll know what I was up to

  17. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    @krsmall: that would definitely get Wagon Sr. to stay by my side instead of going to the bar without me...!!!

    As for our memorial day plans, we are hosting a late afternoon to evening BBQ with friends. That way Wagon Sr. can enjoy his beer and maybe some scotch later, but in the comfort of our home, and I can hang with friends too! A good compromise, I think Plus yummy BBQ food to eat.

  18. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    Guys... sorry but I am SO EXCITED about delivering at 39 weeks at the latest. I'm bursting with excitement. Part of me knows that I should be aiming to deliver whenever the baby is ready and resist induction, but the planner in me can't help but be THRILLED at the fact that I know the absolute latest day when the baby will be born. Plus, since my OBGYN practice rotates on call days at the hospital, I can even plan my induction date to try and have my OBGYN deliver this baby. That would be amazing because even though I like all the docs in the practice and the one who delivered us last time was fine, I LOVE LOVE LOVE my OBGYN and so does Wagon Sr.

    I can't contain my excitement!!! ONE really lovely thing to come out of this whole GD fiasco.

  19. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @krsmall: no way, that would totally bum me out. Bad husband move!! He really said it like that? I would tell him something like @mrs. wagon but I would say, Fine, go drink all you want. I will NOT be your DD, but I WILL be at the mall shopping my heart out.

    Er...third hormonal pregnant woman chiming in....

  20. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @mrs. wagon: I would be so excited, too! One of my online friends was due on my due date. She had to get a c-section 3 weeks early due to placenta previa. She was SO EXCITED to know her exact due date, as well! (and I"ll admit to being super jealous of both of you). Don't apologize, it's AWESOME that you have an end date!!!

    Waiting and waiting and waiting is awful. I'm over-analyzing every little thing - pains here and there, extra fluid leakage, etc. I wake up every morning praying for contractions. Haha. I'm also going to demand my OB check my cervix on Thursday so I can see if the pains really do mean I've dilated some.

  21. HLK208

    pineapple / 12234 posts

    @mediagirl: aw, a surprise shower! So sweet of them! And books are pricey once you add all of the must-have's up. I spend so much at Barnes and Noble on children's books, it's insane!

    @krsmall: what!!! I'd be upset if DH wanted to ditch me to drink for a day! I've told DH since I was 24 weeks "what if I go into labor? do you really want to show up to the hospital drunk?" I just joke about it to him but he hasn't had one drink since the third trimester started haha

    @mrs. wagon: I'm a big planner too so I get your excitement! I'm glad you'll get your OBGYN too

    @mediagirl: I'm so with you on these last few weeks being a waiting game. I keep thinking discharge=mucus plug but nothin'! I'm excited to find out if you've progressed--I have my appointment this thursday too (but I don't think I'll be checked again until 39 weeks) but my ultrasound should show how low she is, I hope

  22. cheesetomywhine

    pear / 1586 posts

    Wow it's getting so close for everyone!

    My SIL had her little (8 lb 10 oz) guy yesterday morning at 38 weeks...I cannot imagine having our little one here in two weeks! I figure he/she will be late so I've added 10 days on to my due date The only thing making me slightly nervous is the size! I had to have a growth scan (for measuring small) and found out that LO is alrealdy ~6 lbs...and I still have 4 weeks (at least) to go! Yikes! Let's hope that he/she doesn't grow too ginormous. I cannot wait to find out if LO is a he or she though!

  23. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    @cheesetomywhine: holy moly, 8 lb 10 oz at 38 weeks?!??! that's one big baby! and so cute to have cousins almost exactly the same age. happy last 4 weeks...!!!

  24. cheesetomywhine

    pear / 1586 posts

    @mrs. wagon: Haha I know! Definitely a big boy. Thank you!

  25. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    So walking around just made me realize, I get several common reactions to my now obvious baby bump.

    Older females: "when are you due?" next question: "is it your first?" Nice smiles and congrats all around. So sweet.

    Older males: "how are you feeling?" (heh, you can so tell when a guy is a dad!)

    Younger females and most males: just a terrified look that I'm going to pop and water will gush out with a baby squirming out at any second.

  26. HabesBabe

    grapefruit / 4400 posts

    @mrs. wagon: LOL, so glad that you're excited about your induction! It's good to have a definite END DATE to this

  27. marley

    kiwi / 706 posts

    @mrs. wagon: that's awesome. I don't get any reaction from strangers. In fact, they pretend they don't see me at all, especially the ones on the subway or the bus!

  28. HLK208

    pineapple / 12234 posts

    @mrs. wagon: lol I get that too, my favorite are people who stare at my belly but I think they won't say anything just in case I'm not really pregnant.

  29. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    I talked to DH last night and he didn't realize how he came across, so he promised to work on the nursery instead of going to the bar to watch the race. I don't think he realized how freaked out I was about not being prepared.

    @mediagirl: Hopefully you won't have long to wait and your LO will make an appearance soon!

    @mrs. wagon: It is exciting to know that you will only go 39 weeks!!

    We have so much to do before our LO gets here July 12th. Do you guys feel ready? Maybe I'll feel more ready after our baby shower in June???

  30. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    Just wanted to chime in and say hello. I can't keep up with all the chatting but I love reading how everyone is doing and can't wait to hear about all the babies being born soon! Hope everyone is having a great week!

  31. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    Does anyone know how far out OB's usually schedule their on-call schedules? I'd love to ask about it at my appointment today but I don't want to come off as "that patient."

  32. Shimmer

    kiwi / 553 posts

    Ooh, can I join? I'm technically due September 3, but the latest these boys are allowed to stay is the second week of August - 38 weeks! Holy crap I only have 13 weeks left at most! The midwives said that any time after JULY 4th would be okay with them! Aaaaaaah!

    My shower is this weekend and I am SO not ready! I have to work on the nursery in a bad way... there's so much leftover wedding stuff in there. I feel like it's never ending!

  33. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    @mediagirl: for our practice they have set days and rotate the weekend days. I would not hesitate to ask!

    @Shimmer: hurrah and welcome!!!! summer TWINS, yay!!!!!!

  34. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @Shimmer: welcome! Twins!! How exciting!!!

    @mrs. wagon - well, I didn't ask but found out the doctor who gave me a hard time about my weight is on call next Saturday. Honestly, at this point, I don't care if she's the doctor on duty or not, I just want my baby out! Haha.

    I did find out that my OB's won't let you go past 41 weeks so, if I get to my 40 weeks appt (at 39w5d or June 7th) we'll plan induction. If that happens, it will be on June 15th. June 9th is my due date so, I can handle going just a week late, I guess IF it comes to that. I'm glad to know I have a cut-off date now, though!! Things are progressing sloooowly - I'm 50% effaced but nothing else has changed. Looking forward to next week's update.

  35. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    @mediagirl: yayyyy!!!! an end date is always nice to know.... my OB did the same thing, she said that if I don't go by my due date (which was a Wednesday), we'd just schedule the induction for the next week for Monday or Tuesday. I went into labor on my due date!

  36. lovehoneybee

    GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts

    Cross-posted from the August Mamas thread on WB:

    Just got home from my GD test, and I feel way crappier than I thought I would. Partly because I barely slept last night...our practice is about 5 minutes from my SIL's house, and 45 from our new apartment, so we stayed over at SIL's last night (we like our practice and don't want to start seeing someone new--and closer--this late). She has two brand new kittens, and apparently they're nocturnal. Also, one of them totally peed on DH last night (on his legs), which at 5AM when he woke up and realized it amused me way more than it should have. Just glad it wasn't me!

    Anyway, between lack of sleep, fasting, and that stupid drink I felt like crap. I made myself a grilled cheese sandwich when we got home, and then went back to sleep for a few hours. I had a desperate craving for sugar last night. Like Capri Sun juice pouches and a Rita's Blendini craving. I was good about not giving in, but I did have ziti with alfredo sauce, chicken and broccoli for lunch and spaghetti and meatballs with 3 (small) pieces of garlic bread for dinner. Later I learned that I should have avoided the carbs as well...ah well, nothing I can do now.

    They told me they should have the results this afternoon, and though no call is a good thing to not be surprised if the RN (who's awesome) called me to go over my results today or tomorrow anyway.

    My regular appointment went well too. My blood pressure is 92/64, which seems really low, but my midwife didn't seem too concerned about it. I read on the Mayo Clinic's website that anything under 90/60 is considered low, so I'm hovering. But they went on to say that pregnancy often lowers BP (as does anemia). I'm back up to my weight at my 8 week visit...I didn't keep very good track of what my weight did between 8-12 weeks, only that it dropped, so I don't know exactly how much I've gained, but it's probably around 10 pounds. My appetite has finally shown up, though. She said Baby McK is head-down at the moment, and the heartbeat is 140.

  37. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @FutureMrsMcK: Yea, that drink is no fun. Hopefully you will get good test results! My GD testing was not fun. I guess my veins are hard to see and I have "rolling veins" so the nurse had to stick me a few times to finally be able to draw blood. When I left I had huge bruises on my arms from where they had missed hitting my vein. I hope you feel better!!

  38. lovehoneybee

    GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts

    @krsmall: I was literally sitting there in the office trying not to gag...which was better than when I was dry-heaving right after I finished the stuff. Luckily the blood draw was super quick and easy....probably the easiest blood draw I've ever had. Small comforts, lol.

  39. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @Shimmer: Wow July 4th is right around the corner! My sister is due with twins 7/18 and they've told her she will only be allowed to go 37 or 38 weeks as well. I'm due the first week of August so I'm hoping to go on time or early so I can be there for her when she delivers.

  40. Shimmer

    kiwi / 553 posts

    @mrs. wagon: @mediagirl: Thanks!

    @Orvis18: Wow, 3 babies coming into your family so close together! How awesome that they get to grow up together! I hope you can be there for your sister too The July 4th thing really freaked me out and has semi-motivated me to get the nursery done. I've been dragging my feet and don't know why!

    @FutureMrsMcK: I felt like total crap after my GD test as well. They thought it might have been from a bad reading, but it turns out my blood sugar dropped too quickly after drinking that nasty orange drink and made me feel nauseated, heart racing, etc. FWIW, I have had low blood pressure and heart palpitations during this pregnancy. My midwives aren't super concerned. I had an EKG to make sure there were no heart rhythm problems (and there weren't). I was told to always make sure that I was hydrated and that actually increase my salt intake to help myself retain a little bit more water and bring my BP up. It has helped a little, but there are days that I can feel that it's low again. It's just another little thing to have to worry about!

    My boys are both head down as of the last ultrasound and I hope it stays that way! I keep telling them that if I have to have two babies at the same time, they have to cooperate with the exit strategy I'm putting in place lol. Who knows if they'll listen... but thankfully they're getting big enough where it won't be easy for them to turn - let's hope that they don't want a change of scenery!

    Any suggestions to light a fire under my butt to get the nursery done? I'm out of work now due to severe back and pelvic pain, so I have the time (the energy is questionable but sometimes it's there!) but I have NO motivation! Thoughts?

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