Hellobee Boards


Summer 2013 mamas chat thread.

  1. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    I miss you ladies!

    I haven't had much time for the bee the past few weeks. We moved into a new house and I started a new career. Being away from B during the day has caused me to have some serious lows so I've been avoiding human interaction for the most part.

    I'm trying to pull myself out of this and get back into the swing of things soon!

  2. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts

    @rahlyrah: I'm sorry you're feeling down how's your new job going? Students being nice to you?

  3. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    @swedishfish: It's going! Lol. I am in an alternative school setting, so it's rough. All of my students are low performing and have severe behavioral issues. A great majority are ED or have some form of mood disorder. Each day is a challenge and the learning curve is more difficult than I anticipated.

    It's a lot on my plate at once and I'm having a hard time adjusting. These kids are needier than most. I feel like I can't give them what they need and give my son the time he needs. I'm failing on both ends and don't know how to balance being a mom and a teacher.

  4. Boheme

    papaya / 10473 posts

    @rahlyrah: I was just wondering how you were doing yesterday I'm sorry to hear its been hard. I hope that as you settle in to the school year a balance starts to work itself out! I'm worried about balancing everything too.

  5. Boheme

    papaya / 10473 posts

    @Bookish: How old is she right now? There were a few weeks with C that were absolute hell, but they'd pass as soon as they came. When I'd post on here about them, about 30 people would chime in and say their LO was the devil around the same time too.

  6. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts

    @rahlyrah: I'm not in an alternative school but I have some students with emotional disorders and those are the most difficult classes to teach. You are amazing that you're teaching those classes all day. Hopefully things will get better as the school year settles in. The first few weeks are always the hardest. I am dreading Tuesday!

  7. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @rahlyrah: my goodness, you have a lot going on! I hope it settles down for you soon! Come here anytime to vent or for some long distance hugs and happy thoughts!!

    @grizz: she's just about 8 weeks. I googled it today and apparently it's a wonder week? I really hope it goes back to "normal" soon. When she's happy, she's the happiest baby in the world, and then she decides to scream her bloody head off.

    We decided to move her into her own room tonight... I'm a little terrified, but she went down ok and hopefully won't wake up scared

  8. Boheme

    papaya / 10473 posts

    @Bookish: Ahh, yes, I remember week 8 well. And not fondly! I recall I called my mom and told I was going rogue and that she could have my kid. It didn't last very long though, if that gives you hope! And we got a couple of weeks of good sleep after that!

  9. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @grizz: @Bookish: You're shitting me, right? Here I am at week 5, counting down to the magical six week "peak of fussiness" after which its all rainbows and unicorns and you tell me week 8 is awful?? Week 8??? That's only TWO WEEKS after the "peak of fussiness"!!

    @Bookish: Hugs mummy. She will get back to her happy self soon.

    @rahlyrah: Sorry to hear you're struggling to balance work and your LO. Your job sounds really rewarding but I rewarding but I can really see why its all so draining right now.

    So, E is in the grips of her first cold. Poor thing. She's had a temperature, snotty nose and has been a very unhappy girl. Its weird but its actually easier to deal with for me than regular fussiness, even though the screaming is worse; I can keep the empathy up for hours and hours when I know there's a reason for the crying. Its horrible to see her suffering though. Im feeling much better this week and Im actually starting to like my baby (I loved her but didn't like her much prior to this week - there's a confession!). She has earned the nickname The Beast in our house and it does suit her! It came from us saying "don't wake the beast" but as DH was leaving for work this morning he said "love you, The Beast" to her and I realised it had truly stuck! Oops!

  10. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @Cherrybee: Aw I hope your little beast is feeling better soon and that her medicine helps quickly. I know what you mean about having an easier time dealing when you know something is wrong, instead of her just screaming because. There are a lot of moments of DH or I sitting there saying to her, "There's NOTHING wrong!"

    @rahlyrah: That sounds like a lot to deal with all at once and the learning curve must be a lot harder than regular going back to work. I'm sure it will get easier (isn't that what they say about everything with a baby?)

    As far as future wonder weeks and fussy periods, I am choosing to think it will continue to get easier. I know there will be times that are hard and fussy and whatnot, but I shall blissfully think it's going to be easier and easier until she proves otherwise. So there Then, I'll come to HB and start searching 8 week fussiness or whatever and realize that everyone says the same thing.

    I realized, in time, that I had C's 2 month shots scheduled for the day that DH was leaving for basically a week long trip-- I do not want to deal with that alone! We were able to move it up a week, thankfully!

  11. Boheme

    papaya / 10473 posts

    @Cherrybee: It wasn't so much fussiness as refusal to nap! I've found that C follows the Wonder Weeks leaps to a T. That helps me get prepared. He also became incredibly cute and interactive during that time so it wasnt all bad.Don't feel bad about calling E the beast... C has earned the nickname 'Tiny Dragon' at our house, or TD for short. We kept telling people not to wake the dragon, and it stuck!

  12. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @grizz: @Cherrybee: Dh and I lovingly refer to C as the angry goat when she gets really crying. Baby goat when she is still working up to the big cry.

  13. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @grizz: @Cherrybee: We call ours 'turdbutt.' Very lovingly, of course, but she's a turd sometimes I went to a coffee shop to study this morning and left LO with DH...and she was perfect the whole time. I got home, she started screaming. Sigh.

  14. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    Turns out, the only time C likes baths is when she poops in it! She usually screams through baths but one time a while ago, and again tonight, she was all chill and relaxed, until she poops right in the water. Then we had to rinse her off again and poor thing started screaming her head off. She's such a baby.

  15. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    Well, today was my first day back, and LO at daycare. I was ok til I walked out, then I lost it. Sounds like she did well; she ate about 12oz and took 4 short naps. She also had a giant blowout which sounds like it was epic. Not sorry I missed that!!

    Work was insane; they threw me right back into things and I was going nonstop. Made the day go by fast!! But...halfway through the day, I started spotting, and it hasn't stopped. I don't know if it was the stress, but I'm really hoping AF hasn't come back.

    I only managed to pump about 7oz today, which sucked, but I got 5 this morning so at least I have enough for tomorrow.

    I really don't know how I'm going to do all this. I have homework due tomorrow that isn't done, I'm exhausted, and I have a ton of stuff to clean.

  16. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @Bookish: I can't believe they tossed you straight into the thick of things! I started back today as well, but I started a new job. (My "maternity leave" was transitioning from one job to another.) Thankfully, they are showing some mercy, but it's so hard being away from E. and I have NO idea how I'm going to pump.

  17. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @Espion: Yeah, I was a little shocked at how much they threw at me...especially since I had only worked at that job for a month before I went out on maternity leave They are lovely people, but I think they were very overwhelmed without me gone and were just thrilled to get stuff off of their plates.

    Pumping at work is so awkward and crappy I hate being half naked in my office! Ugh.

  18. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @Bookish: that's sounds like an intense first day back!! Hopefully things will settle down and it's just that they are trying to give you everything at once. I'm sure the home stuff will settle as you get into a routine with everything.

    C and I went to visit dh's office today, so I got to hear from a lot of people how cute she is

    Question for occasional pumped- how much do you get per session? I have only been pumping occasionally but I only get around 3 ounces usually. I end up pumping in the late morning about an hour after she eats which in sure is part if it, plus I think I discovered I should be using the bigger shield. But I thought I'd be getting more since I got this much with my first pumping session.

    Not to worried about my supply itself, since she is gaining weight and has loads of wet diapers

  19. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @Foodnerd81: that's right about where I am, 3-4 ounces via occasional pumping. I'm very random with the time of day I choose to do it. Sometimes I pump and she wants to eat like 20 minutes later, but it seems like there's always milk available for her. I never seem to reach the point where I'm pumping and the flow stops? I just give up after 15-20 minutes.

  20. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @StrawberryBee: I think I put too much pressure on myself to pump more, even though I'm always with her! Glad I'm not the only one who is sort of casual with it.

    I think we are starting the six week Growth spurt a bit early. She had on her cranky pants all day yesterday and wanted to eat all the time- it was like the newborn days. Plus she was just not in the mood to nap. She finally slept really well last night though I had to rock her to resettle her for a while. After an early morning feeding she went back to sleep until almost 7:45 and now she just fell asleep again while eating. I prefer the sleepiness to the crankiness!

  21. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    @StrawberryBee: I only get 3-5 oz per pump, too. I get even less of he just ate. I only pump for 10-15 mins a session. Like you, my flow never stops, just slows down.

  22. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @rahlyrah: @StrawberryBee: one boob will just stop, the other ones will just keep dripping slowly forever. But they usually end up with the same amount, unless she recently ate mostly from one side.

  23. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @Foodnerd81: @rahlyrah: I worry sometimes that she's not getting enough hind milk or I'm not pumping out the hind milk...then I tell myself to stop worrying about these things :P.

    DH and I had a major row last night, and even today he's being curt with me. I was feeding E and she popped off the boob so I burped her, and then played this game where she shrieked bloody murder and absolutely refused to latch back on. Inconsolably wailing, and while I can offer her the boob, I can't make her suck! I turned to DH on the sofa and said, "I don't know what to do."

    Well, he gets up without a word, leaves the room, and comes back with a bottle. Before I can say anything I he takes her from me and pops the bottle in her mouth.

    ooooooh GRRRRRRR!!! Hormonal strawberrybee comes out in force! I was so livid that he didn't even think to ask me before doing it, that we were wasting precious pumped ounces when I was RIGHT THERE. My biggest worry is that she'd get used to getting her way like that, and then refuse the boob altogether, and then what were we going to do? Not to mention feeling completely inadequate. He completely didn't get it. He actually had the gall to tell me that I could "just pump more," and then got all pissed off at me and said that he'd never take a bottle out again.

    I went up and cried in the shower, then stormed downstairs and pumped out two measly ounces (to be fair, he only gave her two).

  24. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @StrawberryBee: I think "just pump some more" might be the second most annoying thing you can say to a breastfeeding mother- right after "Is she getting enough?" I would have gotten really mad too, and Dh wouldn't really understand either. Can you explain the whole supply and demand thing? Not that one night would be a problem but just in general. We have certainly had nights where C will just cry at the boob, or keep bashing her face into it without latching. Those nights I have to hand her to Dh to bounce her on the ball, I'll take the dog out for a walk alone, build up some more milk, and come back.

    I hope you guys can talk about it and come up with a system that works for you both.

  25. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @Cherrybee: I don't want to jinx anything but C was a little bit sunshine and unicorns today! She fought her morning nap, but after that she finally had a great walk in her stroller, took a snooze in it, ate great and was chill in between, and now is finishing up a nice long nap. And she made her first cooing noises! I realize the 6 week fussiness is still going to be around but we had such a great day. I hope E is treating you just as well!

  26. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @Foodnerd81: Oh wow! Fantastic!! Remind me - how much younger than E is she? E is 6wks 4 days and as yet no sunshine! DH's family came to visit yesterday and she cried the whole time they were here (she was tired) and today she napped well in the morning but wailed all afternoon - if she's awake she's grumpy! Mind, I think we are having growth spurt. Im so glad C showed you her lovely side today, I hope there more to come!

    In other news, we went to E's hospital appointment today and her heart murmur has GONE! Yippee!! We are so happy.

  27. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @Cherrybee: turns out yesterday was just the break between wonder week and growth spurt. She was just sort of fussy all morning but this evening has been replaced by a monster imposter. She took one hour long nap and then would just snooze for ten minutes at a time. I tried everything and really wanted to nap too, since she was up super late last night because of a late nap. We are both very tired. Dh is trying to get her down to sleep now but I have a feeling she will need to eat again. Growth spurts. Who needs them?

    So glad to hear that the murmer is all better! Great news!

    Oh and I guess she is 4 days younger? Born on the 29th.

  28. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @Cherrybee: yayy for no more heart murmur! Glad to hear it!

    @Foodnerd81: growth spurts suck. I wrote about LO's wonderweek a while ago, and turns out she was also growing like a weed. Between her last apt that was like a month ago, and last weekend, she grew 3.5 in. HOLY COW. She's off the charts in length now. Doesn't get that from me.

    I'm patting myself on the back tonight because I got her from day care and did the entire nighttime routine by myself, because DH is laid up with a horrible migraine. Fed her twice, fed myself, cleaned the bottles, gave her a bath, and put her to bed! Little victories!!

  29. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @Bookish: wow! You deserve a pat on the back!! I'm overwhelmed just thinking about that! Well done.

  30. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @Bookish: Amazing! Well done!! That sounds like a big victory to me!

    @Foodnerd81: Oh no!! We didn't get a break between which in some ways is kinder!! Sunshine and unicorns MUST be coming.... its coming, right?!

  31. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    C slept in her own room last night! She ha just been so cranky all night Dh made the decision and just put her down in there. She woke up about the same amount but I slept better in between. Then I brought her into our bed for the last feeding and snuggles. Hoping she naps this morning because we have our first class this afternoon- it's for moms and babies 4-10 weeks old and runs 8 weeks so we all get to know each other. I'm excited and hoping to learn some sleep tricks!

  32. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @Foodnerd81: Hope the class went well! That's so nice, I wish we had classes like that in my area. I should look into it!

    Has anyone else noticed their LOs drooling a lot more? C has a new found obsession with his hands. He's constantly sucking on his fist, even when he's not hungry. I've been trying to wipe them off with wet washcloths/wipes as much as possible because, ew. Haha. Too early for teething, so I guess it's just a new developmental thing?

  33. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @Pepper: Yesss oh my gosh. She is constantly sucking on her hands or eating her robot toy. She's a slobbery goober.

    @Foodnerd81: The class sounds fun! I wish I knew some more mommies!

    LO is doing well, and sort of adjusting to day care. I'm having a hard time today being away from her. Last week wasn't so bad because I was so busy, but yesterday and today I can barely keep the tears in because I miss her so much. Plus when I come home from work all the SAHMs on the street (there are several) are out on their lawns playing with their kids (and ignoring my friendly waves, I might add).... I know the grass is greener on the other side, but I'm sooo jealous! I feel bad about it, but it's just how I'm feeling the last couple of days. I want her all to myself!

  34. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @Bookish: @Pepper: the class was fun! AndZc behaved beautifully and even fell asleep in the car on the way home. Well, she cried herself to sleep, close enough.

    She sucks on her hands a lot but she actually is always hungry- 6 week growth spurt. The best is when I lay her on my chest to do tummy time and she manages to get her mouth right over the nipple and try to suck.

  35. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    @Pepper: B drools nonstop! He also had been sucking on his hands and my knuckles a lot. I bought him a Sophie but he's not really interested in her yet.

  36. tlcbaby

    nectarine / 2750 posts

    Hey ladies! I think this is my first post on the summer mamas board, but the June board kinda died so here I am!

    I had a question about naps - A is almost 15 weeks and I feel like everyone said his naps would have consolidated by now, but he still takes four 1-hour naps each day. Every once in a while he will take a 2 or 2.5 hour nap, but usually he just sleeps for an hour and can stay awake from 1.5 to 2 hours in between.

    Just curious what others are experiencing in the nap department.

  37. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @tlcbaby: Hey there! LO is 11 weeks this week and her naps are still allll over the place. She usually takes 3-4 naps at daycare, but on weekends she only takes 2, I think because DH and I stink at getting her to nap No advice, unfortunately, because I'm in the same boat of trying to get her to nap longer/fewer!

  38. tlcbaby

    nectarine / 2750 posts

    @Bookish: I am happy that he is fairly predictable, but I would be fine with two long naps as opposed to a bunch of short ones. I feel bad, but I am about to have to wake him up right now for a coffee shop date!

  39. Revel

    pear / 1563 posts

    @tlcbaby: @Bookish: Our June thread did get quiet, didn't it?

    More nap commiseration - I have a catnapper and I can get maybe four 30-40 minute naps a day out of her, often fewer at daycare. No real schedule or consolidation yet. I'm hoping to start getting her used to napping in her crib but I'm totally overwhelmed by figuring that out. She's still in the pnp in our room at night, but rarely will nap there. Naps still tend to be on the go - stroller or carrier - but I can tell she's starting to outgrow that and is going to need a place more conducive to sleep.

    Oh, and LO will be 16 weeks (!!!) on Saturday.

  40. tlcbaby

    nectarine / 2750 posts

    @Revel: A naps in the crib now. It actually was totally fine, he didn't seem to notice the difference. Probably because we swaddle for naps-I am sure that helped. I am not ready to give up the swaddle!

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