Hellobee Boards


Summer 2013 mamas chat thread.

  1. Revel

    pear / 1563 posts

    @tlcbaby: we were in the exact same boat with the swaddle and switched to the magic sleep suit a little over a week ago when she rolled over. It is working out great! I would recommend checking it out.

    @tinypiglet: LO (18 weeks) is the same with her afternoon naps, and sometimes the morning ones too! I'm trying to get more crib sleep out of her now, instead of just relying on a carrier nap. Could you try am earlier bedtime too?

  2. tinypiglet

    cherry / 184 posts

    @Revel: We've moved her bedtime back by about 2 hrs over the last month or so...I'm sure it will continue to shift, but I'm hesitant to move it too much this month with daylight savings time coming up. I'm hoping she'll wind up going to bed around 8 pm so my husband and I can see her for an hour or so in the evenings after work before she goes to sleep.

    It sure is hard to imagine not seeing her all day (I'm currently on leave with her until January) but instead only for a nursing session in the morning and an hour or two in the evening. Boo.

  3. tlcbaby

    nectarine / 2750 posts

    @Revel: I just looked at those online after I saw this, we might have to try one. I am completely dreading losing the swaddle. I've heard a lot of other mom's say that their pediatrician told them at the four month appointment to stop swaddling.

    Right now, it seems like A's bedtime is slowly getting earlier. It used to be closer to 8:00pm and now we start bath around 6:30 or 6:45pm and he is out by 7:15 or 7:30 at the latest. It is so nice to have a bit of my evening back. We eat dinner now after he falls asleep so we can just eat in peace and hang out together a bit.

  4. tlcbaby

    nectarine / 2750 posts

    @tinypiglet: I agree! I am only planning to stay home for a year and hopefully I'll be finishing up school and figuring out some kind of work by this time next year. It will be so strange to not be with him all day. I am hoping to keep a somewhat flexible schedule, but who knows what I'll be doing by then!

  5. Revel

    pear / 1563 posts

    @tlcbaby: The MSS is great for us so far. I think she is actually sleeping better in it than she was in the swaddle, because she can stretch out a litle bit.

    @tinypiglet: @tlcbaby: I hear you both on the bedtime with working. I have been back to work full time for six weeks and it is a bummer to really only have a few hours in the evening. We start bedtime at 7:15 and she is usually asleep by 8. I think this is a nice middle ground for getting time in the evening with her and time at night for us. She's always tired at that time of day, especially her day care days, so we really couldn't have it any later.

  6. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    What are you guys getting your LO's for Christmas?! I like to start shopping early but have no idea what to get an infant. Our babies will only be 5-6 months at that point.

  7. tlcbaby

    nectarine / 2750 posts

    @rahlyrah: I haven't though about it too much yet! I've been stalking Craislist for a B.Toys Parum Pum Pum Drum so I think one of those and maybe some cold weather gear and a few other toys. I love the classic Fisher Price toys like the rotary phone and that little record player.

  8. Boheme

    papaya / 10473 posts

    @rahlyrah: We are doing the 4 gift rule - Something you want, something you need, something you wear, something you read.
    For want - Zany Zoo
    For need - eh. Don't know yet!
    Wear - Robeez
    Read - Eric Carle boxed set

  9. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    @grizz: I just bought B a Zany Zoo on one of my Mom Swap groups! $35!

  10. Boheme

    papaya / 10473 posts

    @rahlyrah: That's awesome! I think they look like so much fun!

  11. tlcbaby

    nectarine / 2750 posts

    @grizz: I love that idea!

    We just got a Zany Zoo on Craigslist for $25 - I think for Christmas I want to do the Parum Pum Drum. And some winter gear and maybe a book or two. We talked about the four gift idea on our walk tonight.

  12. tlcbaby

    nectarine / 2750 posts

    So I think we did this before, but let's post LO's schedules. I am always curious how ours compares to everyone else around his age. A is four months right now and we always nurse right when he wakes up. These are all approximate with probably a 15 minute window on either end.

    Wake: 7:00 - 7:30am

    Nap1: 9:00am - 10:00am

    Nap2: 12:00pm - 1:00pm

    Nap3: 3:00pm - 4:00pm

    Maybe a fourth nap for about 15 minutes, especially if we take a walk in the stroller in the evening

    Bath: 6:30pm

    Nurse to sleep: 7:00pm

    Night Feeding: 3:30am

    Night Feeding: 5:30am

  13. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts

    Here's my lo schedule, he's 3 1/2 months .

    Wake: 7:30 a.m. diaper change & Feed
    Nap : 9:00 ( average 45 min)
    10:30 Feed
    12:00 nap ( average 1 hour up to two hours +)
    2:00 p.m. Feed
    3:30 nap ( average 45 min)
    5 or 5:30 Feed... depends on previous wake time
    * 7:00 occasional cat nap ( depends on how well he napped, approx. 25min)
    7:30 bath time
    7:45 Feed
    8:15p.m. bedtime

  14. tlcbaby

    nectarine / 2750 posts

    @jh524: Looks pretty similar to ours!

  15. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts

    @tlcbaby: yes it does. Does your lo vary in daily naps? Like one day my lo will have a great day napping and the next it will be really difficult. Like three 30 min naps!! Makes for a long day!

  16. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @grizz: love the four gift rule. We might do that as well. We really have no idea what to get her!

    As for her schedule...it's still sort of all over the place, but here ya go:

    6am- wakes up, is fed bottle by DH while I pump
    630-715am- play, diaper change, sometimes a short walk

    730-530 she's in daycare and takes 4 4oz bottles (3bm, 1 formula) and takes 3-4 30 min naps. They do not have a set time yet.

    6pm nurse
    7pm bath and swaddle
    715 nurse and then bed.

    So we have a great morning and evening routine, we just kinda let her nap whenever!

  17. tlcbaby

    nectarine / 2750 posts

    @jh524: Yes, like today his first nap was almost 1 1/2 hours, but then his second nap was only 30 minutes. 30 minutes is usually the shortest his nap would be and anything longer than that makes me pretty happy. I will say if he takes a shorter nap I try to put him down a bit earlier for his next one to make up for it.

    @Bookish: Looks like we are all still seeing 3-4 naps per day. Do you all wait until LO is asleep to have dinner? We didn't used to, but now we do so we can eat in peace. I am not used to eating so late, but I am getting used to it now.

  18. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @tlcbaby: We don't, and it makes things a bit hectic. DH takes care of dinner, so while I'm nursing her at 6, he's cooking, then we eat while she plays/chills in the RnP for a bit. It makes 5:30 -7 kind of insane, but DH doesn't want to eat at 8, so we're stuck!

  19. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts

    I make dinner between 5- 6, usually after DS has fed. I get it prepped while he's napping so all I do is feed him and then he can sit in his bumbo while I get it started or DH gets home and can take over with dinner or holds the baby.

  20. tlcbaby

    nectarine / 2750 posts

    I think we will change it up when LO starts eating solids, but I usually prepare dinner during the day and just reheat around 7:30 after he goes to bed. But once he is eating solids I think I will still cook dinner early in the day and we can all sit at the table together when DH gets home. We never eat at the table, but now that we have a child it is really important to me to start that tradition of eating at the table together.

  21. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    I didn't want to start a brand new thread for this, but HOLY CRAP, DH HAS BABY FEVER! He *seriously* asked if we could pull the goalie last night! ((Hyperventilate))
    We are definitely planning on two, but my OB would murder me for getting preggers 5 months after a c-section! Never mind the fact I haven't even had one sign of AF...

  22. tlcbaby

    nectarine / 2750 posts

    @Espion: OMG! My DH does this, too! Maybe they just look at your differently after you have a baby because sometimes I think he is just being romantic, but when I ask him he says he is serious! What is funny is we are fairly strongly leaning toward having only one, but then he gets that look in his eye. It scares me a bit-I cannot imagine another one right now!

  23. tlcbaby

    nectarine / 2750 posts

    So how is everyone doing? A is rolling all over the place and he has figured out that he can just keep rolling in the same direction and get away from me. Crazy baby!

    We are going to give him his first food on Thanksgiving when we are home with DH's family and I am very excited about it. I can't wait to see what kind of little faces he makes.

    It is nice to be out of the crazy newborn stage, but I am sure there is more craziness on the way. It just felt like he would always be a teeny newborn who had to be rocked to sleep and ate every 30 minutes, but they change so quickly!

  24. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @Espion: LOL. I've actually got it worse than DH. He wants to put it off another couple years and I'm like...how about July?! I'm crazy. So is your DH!

    @tlcbaby: I am sooo glad the newborn phase is over!! I love what a fun kid G is turning into! No rolling yet, but she is trying *so* hard to! She grabs her feet and then tries to pull her feet over...it doesn't work. Haha! We tried solids a couple times but she's very clearly not ready - no interest at all and it just ends up on her face instead of in her mouth We're going to try again at Thanksgiving!

    I honestly did not think I'd be having this much fun. I'm loving it

  25. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @Bookish: I think we're definitely going to try again when E turns one! I have to get past the mental block of having a baby when I'm 36 though... I'm almost tempted to try earlier so I'll still be 35...

  26. Boheme

    papaya / 10473 posts

    We are good over here! C has been getting up once per night (do I hear angels singing?!), is rolling everywhere, is sitting up, and is basically just a delight. I am betting we'll try for number 2 in May or June.

  27. Revel

    pear / 1563 posts

    We're doing great but I'm in sleep hell! LO had been doing a good long stretch to start the night but has been up like at least 4 times a night the last week or so - it's like she is so wound up and excited about the world she can't settle.

    We're taking a wait and see approach to having another one, but I don't think we would try until this one was at least two. I am 33 so feel like we have some time but I don't want to wait too long if we do want a second.

    @tlcbaby: Totally agree with how much they have changed! I kind of can't believe it. It really puts the newborn days in perspective. I remind myself of this as I am getting no sleep - that things will change soon because they always do.

  28. Boheme

    papaya / 10473 posts

    @Revel: We had a few days of the awful sleep, which then turned into the best sleep we've ever had! Changes may be just around the corner

  29. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    Yay! I love hearing how everyone is doing

    B is wonderful! I love his little personality. He is a goofy little dude who loves to laugh and make us laugh. He still isn't rolling or sitting up completely unassisted but he is working on it!

    Our sleep, on the other hand, has gone south. We've went from no night feedings to 2-3. He just got his first two teeth and it looks like a molar is trying to come through so we are hoping that's the cause.

  30. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    Also, are any other summer babies hitting? B has been beating me pretty consistently and it is so annoying! His whole nursing sessions are spent hitting me in the chest and face!

  31. Boheme

    papaya / 10473 posts

    @rahlyrah: YES. C flaps his free arm the entire time he nurses, and he kicks the crook of my arm with his feet. He also pinches with his toes, which is so fun. Not.

  32. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @rahlyrah: E has been grabbing our neck and face! Kid has a redonk grip. And if we haven't clipped his nails? Oweee!

  33. Boheme

    papaya / 10473 posts

    Oh, and HAIR. C loves to grab my hair and shriek with glee as he pulls it!

  34. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @Espion: Aww.. my mom was 39 when she had my sisters and I never felt like she was an older mom at all!! 36 is nothin

    @Revel: Ahh that stinks! But like you said, they change so fast, so maybe it'll be a short sleep hell!

    @grizz: Yayy for good sleep and delightful baby! He's such a cutie pie.

    @rahlyrah: G doesn't hit, but she kicks the heck out of me. Her feet end up on my collarbone. She also likes to grab my skin and try to rip it off... ouch...

    Has anyone else read back through their posts in this thread? WOW have things changed. I think I did have PPD for a while there, and was right that going back to work helped immensely. I love love love being her mom now, and if you had told me two months ago that I'd be this happy now, I would have never believed you!

  35. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @Bookish: Even better, going back to the due date posts when we were going crazy with WHEN?! I almost want to print my posts out for posterity, heh.

    It's just weird because my sister is done (with two) and she's three years younger than me! I got a late start, what can I say? But I don't feel quite complete yet. Is it weird that I'm already a little sad that E won't get my sole attention?

  36. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    @grizz: Hair! Don't even get me started. B perpetually has a handful of my hair. Oh, and when it's up and he grabs the baby hairs...OUCH!

  37. tlcbaby

    nectarine / 2750 posts

    @grizz: I've heard a lot of people say it is good to go ahead and try for the second one before you know what it is like not to have a little baby to take care of. Might as well do it while you are still in the throes of babyhood!

    @Revel: We had about a week of that a few weeks ago-it passed and he is back to his regular wakeups. Unfortunately there are still two of them, but he is a great sleeper and goes down easy so I can't complain.

    @rahlyrah: Yes! He smacks me in the face/puts his hand in my mouth the entire time he is eating. I also have scratches all over my boobs from his baby talons.

    @Bookish: Ooh I need to go back and do some reading-I would love to look back at the ones when we were all pregnant!

  38. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @Espion: totally not weird! Whenever I think about our #2, I get so upset that he/she won't get the oodles of undivided attention that G gets!

  39. bisous

    persimmon / 1304 posts

    Doing okay here. I had baby fever early, but it's gone away as PPD has reared its head. We will consider around a year from now, but I am not even sure I will be ready then! My return to work has been rough and at this point, I can barely imagine making enough time for two little ones!

    @rahlyrah: No hitting here, just lots of grabbing--neck, nose, eyes. They are lucky they're so cute!

  40. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @tlcbaby: Here's one I wrote when we were all about full-term: "You can bet your bottom dollar that I'll be a one-woman case study of every labor-inducing trick known to man before I hit that date. (I'm sure DH will be soooo happy, lol!) (Well, except castor oil. Because, you know, ewww.)"

    DH *was* happy and not one labor-inducing trick worked, lol!

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