LO is approaching 3 and has stopped napping at home. On days he doesn't nap, he goes to bed around 7:30-8, with no fuss, no antics, no drama, and generally STTN for 11-13 hours.

At school, he naps 2-3 hours and won't go to bed until 10-11 and it's an epic battle. We tried melatonin as a last resort after revamping his nighttime routine, we've let him cry a little, we've tried letting him sleep in our bed, it's seriously a shitstorm every night and our weekends are starting to be impacted as well.

This Friday night, he stayed up until 12am after a 3 hour nap at daycare, then slept until 10am (which was NOT my idea, I wanted to wake him at 8) took no nap, and went down around 10pm. Sunday, he woke around 8:30 took no nap, and went down at 7:30, sleeping a solid 12 hours (well, almost solid...he woke briefly after falling out of his new big boy bed).

All this leads me to think he really doesn't need the nap. But everyone naps at daycare, at the same time. And his teacher swears he still needs it, that he's often the first to sleep and the last to wake. I've filled her in on our sleep struggles and she still doesn't think he should drop that nap.

Has anyone btdt? Advice? Commiseration? I get that he really can't be the only one awake during nap, but surely there's some kind of solution or compromise?

I should probably also add that mornings during the week are brutal because he does NOT want to get up at 7am, after not going to sleep until 10pm, so there's a lot of drama getting out the door.
