I'm completely stumped.

My best friend is the hardest person to buy for ever, because she's just not materialistic at all. She's one of those people who does nothing for herself at all, and is perfectly happy that way.

She has a three year old son and works full time, in a job she hates. She has just bought a new house but she's such a minimalist, I'm scared to buy her anything for the home.

She doesn't really go out anywhere any more (except to the job she detests) so jewelry is out of the question, and she's never been one for beauty treatments. She doesn't read books or listen to music or even watch anything specific on TV. She doesn't enjoy cooking or baking or.... well, I can't think of a single thing she likes, except being with her son.

Previous years, I've done the whole framed picture of us together thing and toiletries have been done to death.

I'm stumped. What am I missing?