Hellobee Boards


What's the high temperature where you live today?

  1. sera_87

    pomegranate / 3604 posts

    17c (62F) and rained pretty much all day.

  2. Pancakes

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    It was 75. So lovely!

  3. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @simplyfelicity: 86 but our humidy was low so wasn't that bad

  4. MrsRoo

    pear / 1642 posts

    86 here. Felt even hotter because we just spent a long weekend in northern VA and it was beautiful and cool. Not the case in FL.

  5. sometimesshesings

    apricot / 358 posts

    93 here in Northern CA. When I was a kid, we had fall weather in October. Now we have to wait until December!

  6. FannyMae

    persimmon / 1461 posts

    its 28 celcius here in melbourne today, very sunny and warm.... 33 tomorrow! feeling very summery.

  7. lemondrop

    bananas / 9118 posts

    Almost 100 today, 102 tomorrow. I'm about to go apeshit.

    I want boot weather!

  8. lamariniere

    pineapple / 12566 posts

    We are on vacation and the high where we are is 98, but the high where we live is 48. Going home is not going to be pleasant!


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