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Who watches Game of Thrones?

  1. yoursilverlining

    eggplant / 11824 posts

    @MsMini: yes, I definitely think he was hinting at her being pregnant. Especially the smug look on his face after she was like "no one will remember you" . . . just the look like "YOU will remember me" + something more.

    So, is she marrying {{spoiler}} now? I'm sure his help came at a price. . .

  2. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @yoursilverlining: that's what the preview seemed to suggest- he was like, I think you know what I want, or something to that effect. And yes that was my thinking, and he said something like I'm part of you now.

    Have they said how many more seasons there will be?

  3. yoursilverlining

    eggplant / 11824 posts

    @Foodnerd81: my husband said he heard there will be 2 shorter seasons. Apparently that's what the executive producers asked for (?) and HBO agreed.

  4. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @MrsBrewer: Two episodes ago, Sansa said "“I can still feel what he did in my body, standing here right now” when she was talking to Jon. Then Ramsay said something about how she couldn't kill him because he was "part of her now". :shudder:

    @yoursilverlining: I think that's definitely what he was hinting at in the preview. I also heard about the two shorter seasons....which I don't love the idea of.

  5. catlady

    grapefruit / 4988 posts

    @yoursilverlining: Nooo, she better not be pregnant. Wouldn't she be showing by now anyway? Judging by how far Theon has manged to travel since they escaped, I feel like it has to have been months.

  6. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts

    Oh gosh, I hope she's not pregnant with Ramsey's baby!

    That battle scene was epic. There was a behind the scenese clip on how it was made. GoT uses technology well. Movies with even bigger budgets look so fake, but not GoT. They had 80 horses total and a couple hundred extras. That's it.

    I am loving all the girl power- looks like there may be four head of houses/ queens soon. Sansa, Iron Throne, the little girl, and Danarys.

    The scene with Aria and the candle was bad ass. Sircy appears to have been outsmarted finally.

  7. yoursilverlining

    eggplant / 11824 posts

    @catlady: I hope she's not pregnant too!! Can you imagine It's hard for me to calculate how much time has passed between each episode, and she's always wearing bulky capes and things so we get no help there lol

  8. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @catlady: @yoursilverlining: I don't think they have shown a real body shot of her in a few episodes. Always from shoulders up or with a really bulky cape. I've been watching for it! So would littlefinger want to marry her and raise Ramsey's baby??
    (Giving up on being vague since we are on the second page of the thread now. )

  9. catlady

    grapefruit / 4988 posts

    @Foodnerd81: Gagging at the thought of her marrying Littlefinger and raising Ramsey's kid! Sansa really can't catch a break.

  10. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @catlady: and that was after she dodged the Joffrey bullet. Tyrion must be looking like an amazing husband right now.

  11. catlady

    grapefruit / 4988 posts

    @Foodnerd81: Is she still technically married to Tyrion? I don't even understand her whole multiple marriage thing. I sort of hope Theon brings her up to Tyrion at some point.

  12. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @catlady: didn't she promise that they had never consummated the marriage so it was ok? Something like that.

  13. NCSUchick27

    clementine / 995 posts

    Spoilers for the season finale below!

    Thoughts on last night's episode? I thought it was really good. I could see a few of the major things coming (Cersei and the wildfire and revealing Jon Snow's true parentage), but they didn't quite happen exactly how I thought they would. I definitely didn't see Tommen jumping out the window, and I thought Margaery would somehow escape the wildfire. I also didn't see Cersei ending up as Queen.

    I LOVED seeing Danny with her army, dragons, and ships heading to Westeros. I also love that she named Tyrion Hand of the Queen.

    Here are somethings I found interesting:
    1. Granny Tyrrell teaming up with Danny and the women in Dorne.
    2. Jon Snow being named King in the North, and the looks on Sansa's and Littlefinger's faces in that scene. I couldn't quite read them so I am not sure where that is going.
    3. The looks between Jamie and Cersei when he shows up during her coronation after he sees what she has done to King's Landing.

  14. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @NCSUchick27: I love how powerful so many of the women are now. I agree that I couldn't read the look between Sansa and littlefinger. I assume he would be thinking he's got to get rid of Jon so he came be king. But not sure about her.

    How did cersei become queen? There's just no one left from the baratheon line so she's up?

    I thought it was really good! Did they say who jon's father is for sure? I assume it was rhaegar but couldn't tell if they made it clear or alluded to it.

    Next season will be so good.

  15. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts

    @NCSUchick27: although the finale was so good, it was anti-climatic b/c I watcehed some spoiler video on what viewers may have missed from battle of the bastards...but

    Cersei is truly the HBIC! In a way I feel sorry for her because she no longer has her children, but she's ruthless & careless. Why didn't she have Tomlin near her? The boy king was so confused.

    Jon Snow is a cousin/ brother? LOL Someone is going to have to explain why Ned Stark passed him off as his own kid. Who raped Ned's sister again? Is Jon actually a Barathean?

    I love that finally the Mother of Dragons is ready to fight for her throne. Now she has a good team of advisors. IDK is Tyrion really going to pick her over his own siblings- he does like Jamie.

    Aria's scene with Fraye was sooo good. Glad it didn't take her forever & a day to get to Westeros. She might even get to Winterfell in the first episode of the next season. I hope she recoonects with the Hound and they become a duo again.

    With all the wars going on do the Lannisters still have the most money in Westeros?

    Besides Danny, who else is still fighting for the throne?

    What happened to the blacksmith/ Barathean's dark haired bastard?

    I never really liked Sansa, but her storyline now that's she's become a sly abuse survivor is so interesting now. Can't wait to see what she does next season especially as it relates to "ruling" with her brother.

    At Jon's "coronation" everyone agreed winter has finally come and people want to bunker down in their castles until winter is over. Isn't winter code for the Whitewalkers? Is that how these people have survived all this time- hide out? I feel like the Whitewalkers have suoernatural talents and could win any game of hide & seek. LOL

  16. NCSUchick27

    clementine / 995 posts

    @Foodnerd81: I don't think they said for sure who his father is, but I think it is Rhaegar too. That is what surprised me about the reveal. They revealed his mother, which I was pretty sure would happen, but they didn't say for sure that his father is Rhaegar.

  17. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @NCSUchick27: ok, so the sound did cut away as she was whispering it then. We can't watch too loud with the sleeping kids!

    @Mrs. Lemon-Lime: rhaegar targaryon kidnapped and raped his sister, who was engaged to Robert baratheon. So theoretically Robert could have had the baby (Jon) killed since he was having all the targaryon children killed so there wouldn't be anyone else to claim the throne. Hence Ned pretending he was his bastard. I don't think we know what happened to the blacksmith- he escaped from the red woman right?

  18. catlady

    grapefruit / 4988 posts

    I loved this episode so much. I can't even pick my favorite part. Loved seeing Dany finally on the move and also her conversation with Tyrion. Omg the Aria scene! I enjoyed all the craziness in King's Landing. Poor Majaery though. I was really hoping she'd make it out of there somehow. Loved Olenna telling the sand snakes to shut it. Lol I feel like that one was for the audience since everyone hates them. I can't wait to see what happens between Cersei and Jaime next season. Hopefully Sansa hasn't made a serious enemy by turning down Littlefinger again. Wonder what will happen now that Bran knows about Jon (wonder if he will ever meet up with his siblings again).

    @Foodnerd81: Gendry did get away. Didn't Davos give him a rowboat and tell him to get going? Then we never saw him again.

  19. NCSUchick27

    clementine / 995 posts

    @Foodnerd81: I don't really know how Cersei became queen. Did she just proclaim herself as queen? I was confused by that too. Cersei as queen is terrifying. I don't know how she expects to rule a city that she just blew up a good portion of. Is she just going to have the Mountain kill everyone?

  20. yoursilverlining

    eggplant / 11824 posts

    @Foodnerd81: @NCSUchick27: I believe she became Queen because she’s next in line (since her father and all her kids are gone). I guess technically maybe that also means Jamie could make a run for it, but that look they exchanged told him all he needed to know, and he would back her anyway (I think). But which other Lannister is left?

    I thought last night’s episode was SO GOOD and I was actually glad there was no huge cliff-hanger like last season. They just really set everything up nicely for next season. I love what will be the battle of the queens. That scene with Arya and Frey was so freaking good – she does revenge the best!

    I was thinking that ultimately maybe Jon Snow and Dany would end up marrying, but given they are apparently related (which also isn't surprising), guessing not.....

  21. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts

    @Foodnerd81: a ha! Thanks. I'm wiki'ing all of this now and atarted the series from the beginninh. So good!

  22. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @yoursilverlining: the lannisters don't have a claim to the throne, so Jaime couldn't. But cersei is the widow of Robert, from the baratheon claim to the throne. I think.

    I also had the same thought about dany and Jon. But now he is as related to her as Sansa I think. Or something. Cousins marry cousins all the time though.

    @catlady: yeah that's right. I knew someone we like helped him.

  23. NCSUchick27

    clementine / 995 posts

    @yoursilverlining: The throne should have gone to the next Baratheon in line though, and I don't think there are any more heirs. Robert's bastard Gendry would be one, but we have no idea where he is. Cersei's children were Baratheon's because were supposed to be Robert's children. Cersei was never in line for the throne.

  24. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @NCSUchick27: right. So since cersei isn't royalty I think that sets up a perfect time for someone else to claim the throne!

  25. yoursilverlining

    eggplant / 11824 posts

    @Foodnerd81: @Foodnerd81: hmmmm you guys are right. Maybe she just took the throne HBIC style!! Or as widow, I guess? I can't keep all these royal families straight

  26. NCSUchick27

    clementine / 995 posts

    Jon Snow has a claim to the Iron Throne now if he is indeed Rhaegar's son, but only Bran knows this right now. Rhaegar was the Mad King's eldest child, which would make Jon the next in line for the Targaryens.

    Danny thinks she is the only Targaryen left. I wonder what will happen if she finds out about Jon Snow.

  27. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    Dany & Jon could eventually get together... Targaryen's have a history of intermarriage... ooooh.

  28. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    Lady Mormont = Tiny Badass. My new favorite character.

  29. Miss Sarah

    persimmon / 1259 posts

    @mediagirl: Ha, yes... I love her!

    This season has had a very "girl power" feel and I love it! I don't have much to add that others haven't. The only thing I'm throwing out there is that while it's likely that R+L=J, a theory with strong evidence and hints throughout the series... I still think there is a sliver of a chance (and my initial thought) that Jon is Robert's son. Look at his black hair! Plus, Lyanna still would have wanted to keep Jon safe from the Lannisters, since Tywin wanted Cersei to marry Robert.

    I don't know, I'm just keeping the option open since GoT is so good at throwing in twists to the story!

  30. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @Miss Sarah: yeah I think they intentionally left that as an option by making her whisper inaudible.

  31. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    I'm finally all caught up. Last season was the pits but this season was really awesome!

    Few thoughts:

    Isn't Jon Snow, Ned stark's illegitimate child? I thought the dark hair dude in the flashbacks is Ned Stark much younger and the woman was his lover? DH and I was speculating that perhaps this was the first pregnancy. And maybe everyone else is "technically" illegitimate and Jon Snow is the true heir the throne of the North?

    I was not a fan of Daenerys last season. But god, I love her this season. Next season will be one big huge b!tch fight between her and Cersei and I'm voting for Daenerys!

  32. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @regberadaisy: No Jon is probably not his bio cold at all. He made a promise to his sister Lyanna on her deathbed that he would protect her baby, which is Jon. The theory is that Rheagor is the father and that he was in love with Lyanna, even though she was betrothed to Robert. So Ned kept her secret and his promise. That would mean that Jon (being targareon) is the true heir to the throne.

  33. NCSUchick27

    clementine / 995 posts

    @regberadaisy: The woman in the Tower of Joy flashback is Lyanna Stark (Ned Stark's younger sister). In the flashback she says, "I've missed you big brother" to a young Ned Stark. She then makes Ned promise to protect baby Jon.

  34. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: @NCSUchick27: ooohhhhh thanks for clarifying!

  35. SugarplumsMom

    bananas / 9227 posts

    I'm sad about Margaery. I was really looking forward to her character development. I'm really happy to see all the female rise to power. I found this image which seems up to date for the upcoming season (minus Arya).

    I have a hard time remembering which house is at war and which characters are related. I once found a family tree, but now most of the characters on it are dead. I'd love to find a new one so I can make sense of where the all the characters belong.

  36. NCSUchick27

    clementine / 995 posts

    I am sad about Margaery dying too. I liked her character, and I was hoping she would make it out. It sucks because she figured out what was going on when no one else did, but it still didn't help her make it out.

  37. NCSUchick27

    clementine / 995 posts

    Bumping for season 7! Who else is excited for tomorrow night? I am rewatching the finale from last season right now.

  38. Synchronicity

    grapefruit / 4089 posts

    @NCSUchick27: yesssss! We rewatched the last season recently because my memory is terrible but I'm super excited now!

  39. Purpledaisy

    nectarine / 2973 posts

    @NCSUchick27: so excited!!

  40. helloperidot

    cherry / 236 posts

    I can't wait!!!

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