This Wonder Week (leap 9) is kicking my butt!!!

My 14m old used to be asleep by 6:30 or 6:45 and up at 5:30ish with no wake ups. I would put him down awake for naps and bedtime and he wouldn't make a peep and go right to sleep.

Now everything is a major fight. He used to love the bath, but now he doesn't want to bathe. It takes us 45 mins-1 hour of lying him back down in his crib since he keeps standing up at bedtime. He wakes around midnight then we bring him into bed with us because we're exhausted. Up at 5ish he naps on me because for the life of me I can't get him down in his crib!

He naps twice at daycare (30 mins in the AM, 2 hours in the afternoon). Up at 3pm. He is tired at bedtime so I don't think it's because he's not tired. Maybe he's overtired?

Anyways I'm second guessing everything now since I want to go back to the way things were!!! Is he napping too long? Up too long between 3pm and bedtime? HELP please!!!

Or will this just pass once the WW is over?