How did you deal? Professionally/emotionally?

Before even going back to work, DS got sick every week at daycare. I got a spot in September but i didn't start putting him in there for a few hours at a time until mid October. Over the last month, he would be there for 2 days and then sick for the rest of the week. Last week was the FIRST time he was there for a full week.

This week is my first week back at work and he is sick with a stomach bug. AGAIN. I think this is the 4th time in the last couple of months he has had a stomach bug.

Luckily i work from home and DH's work schedule is flexible so he can look after him after he is done teaching a class/office hours. I don't have too much on my plate, but obviously it's not a great start to me being back at work when i have to deal with a sick baby. We have at least 4 more months of winter left!

I also am feeling so guilty with DS getting so sick. DD would get a fever/cough when she started daycare but only got a stomach bug once when she was older. I feel like he is sick all the time, and i'm feeling guilty that it was because i didn't do enough during my pregnancy or something.

Sorry, i'm not sure if this is just a vent or needing someone to commiserate with me.