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Would you rather be 3rd trimester, or have a newborn in the summer?

  1. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    I loved my spring baby. We got to go out right away and cold and flu season was over. Summers here are usually not much hotter than the 90s though. I am miserable being early pregnant in the summer so I wouldn't want to know how bad the end of pregnancy would be for me.

  2. Ms. RV

    pear / 1930 posts

    I have an August baby and would love if #2 could be guaranteed to be August. I don't want to lose a camping season because I have a newborn and with DD I was still camping up until the day before 37 weeks. But I don't want a LO in September and be the oldest in their class.

  3. Mama Bird

    pomegranate / 3127 posts

    My little one is a July baby so I've gotten to do both. The heat actually didn't bug me that much before she was born. Having a summer baby was pretty nice, I didn't have to put tons of layers on both of us to go out, and I wasn't stuck at home while she was very small and nursed all the time - I just brought a cover and fed her outside if I really had to. But yes, the heat was awful and even when DD was just wearing a diaper she'd get really hot in a carrier. And she pretty much never wore any of the cute newborn clothes because of the heat.

  4. yellowbird

    honeydew / 7303 posts

    i was really swollen with my september baby all summer, but I still loved having a fall baby! Having an early spring baby was great also, though. The weather was pretty mild for both of them as newborns and that was ideal for getting out and about.

  5. Boogs

    hostess / papaya / 10540 posts

    Trying didn't work out as planned, I really wanted a May/June baby. I also have a Sept baby and I wouldn't ever want to be pregnant sheikh the summer again. April was a great month to give birth, so aim to get pregnant in the next month or two. 😉

  6. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    I'd rather have a new born. My coworker just had to take early maternity leave b/c the heat wave is causing her to have really bad swelling, high blood pressure, etc... Not fun!

  7. Modern Daisy

    grapefruit / 4187 posts

    I've had both and prefer pregnant! I worked all through a sweltering summer then had the nicest fall maternity leave with three months of beautiful weather. I was able to go outside every day which really helped with ppd. Now I'm home with a 7 week old and we have been house bound due to the extreme heat since he was born. And going to my parents beach house sucks because it's too hot for any outdoor activities and he wakes us up for feedings all nights so we can't really stay up to hang out with anyone.

  8. LuLu Mom

    GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts

    I have an October 1st baby, will never do that again, summer pregnancy was awful. Second baby is March, I will totally do this again! Got pregnant in July so I wasn't big pregnant during hot months, was able to eat ALL the holiday food in my second trimester, and then a nice spring baby with sleepers, and we could be outside on maternity leave.

  9. catlady

    grapefruit / 4988 posts

    I have an Oct baby and it was kind of the worst of all worlds - very pregnant by the end of the summer, then we had only a couple nice months before winter hit and she started daycare right in the thick of cold/flu season and got a million illnesses immediately. I'm due with a Dec baby this time and so far, it seems like it will be better because I'll be most pregnant in the fall and he'll start daycare at the beginning of spring.

    I always think that my ideal would be a spring baby but we never managed to, so I'm not sure if it would actually have been better.

  10. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @sorrycharlie: Rethinking it-- pregnant. Not being pregnant in the winter and not worrying about slipping and falling on ice-while pregnant-that sounds pretty great to me.

  11. WinterBee

    persimmon / 1071 posts

    @sorrycharlie: I'm in my second trimester now, 5 months pregnant, and this summer is sucking! It's really hot and humid where I live and we've been in a no rain heatwave for awhile. While I haven't hit the third trimester or newborn phase yet I still vote for third trimester in summer vs. newborn.

  12. peaches1038

    nectarine / 2047 posts

    I'm going to shoot for a spring baby next time. Anything to not send a 12 week old infant to daycare in the height of cold/flue season again. So awful.


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