Very specific and it’s the weekend so I know it’s a long shot...
With my first we did 12x12 pretty easily because he took a paci and we could extend each feed by at least 30 mins every night. He’d wake, I’d pop the paci in, he’d sleep anywhere from another 30-60 minutes. We were able to get him sleeping 7-4/5am pretty easily that way and then dropped ounces and CIO to get rid of that last feed.
This baby is trickier! He won’t take a paci very often, he usually just spits it out or just won’t let us put it in. So extending him at night is way harder and I have minimal success doing it. I might be able to pick him up and rock him with a paci but I’m not sure that’s going to produce the results I want (meaning I don’t want to teach him that every time he cries at night I come in and rock him).
I would really like to just extinction CIO but I’m waiting for our 4 month appt for my doc to say it’s ok (per my other posts about his eating, which has improved dramatically). So until then I’d like to do SOMETHING to get to more consistent, later and later wakeups. Right now he wakes only once, anywhere between 12-3 and the days it’s closer to 12, I feel pretty frustrated.