Baby D is 14 weeks old and the past several weeks, he has been excessively fussy. The doc says he has some reflux issues so we have been giving him Zantac, but it doesn't seem to help the crying.
The problem is, he can't fall asleep for naps or bedtime without a bottle in his mouth! I EP, and he eats about 30-33 oz a day. He eats 4 oz bottles every 2 hours or so, but sometimes he's hungry after just an hour and a half. He spits up a ton, so I am wary of feeding him more at a time.... but every 2 hours seems really often at this point!
He also had been doing 8-10 hour stretches of sleep at night but now he's waking up at 12:30 STARVING. We have to keep the bottle in his mouth in order for him to fall asleep. His naps have also gotten shorter and it's a struggle to put him down.
I guess my question is, am I feeding him enough? Should I ignore all the spit up and just feed him more at a time? Anybody else EP that can comment on how much their baby got at 3 months? It's maddening to try to figure out! I worry that maybe he is just overtired too. Anybody else have a fussy 3 month old?
Any advice would be appreciated!