Hi all - I'm sure many bees have posted either this exact question before, or have asked a similar question...so I apologize for that!

I'm currently 5 days late. I took a test this morning as soon as I got out of bed, and it was negative. We're talking 'there is absolutely not even the idea of a second line there' negative. I've been off BC since May, and we just started NTNP in January. Since I've been off BC, I have actually been more regular than I was while on it. I haven't been late once. If anything, I'm usually a day early.

So, I guess I'm wondering if any of you have tested around this time, had negative pregnancy tests...and still ended up with a BFP a few days later? I won't be heartbroken if I'm not pregnant, I was actually hoping it wouldn't happen until after March I'm just more annoyed that my body is messing with me like this!