If you've had experience with starting an older baby on Nutramigen or Alimentum, did it go well? I've heard that older babies have a particularly hard time with these formulas and refuse to drink them.
My DS is 8 months old, has been EBF thus far, and is MSPI. I had a sudden supply drop pretty much overnight last Friday/Saturday. I'm not sure why my supply has dropped, and I've added in some additional pumping sessions to get it back up, but no luck thus far. We've had to use up some of my freezer stash to supplement what I'm not making for his daycare bottles.
I'm going out of town for work for 4 days/3 nights in a few weeks, and since we're using up some of my MSPI-safe freezer stash now, I know for sure we won't have enough to cover the time I'm gone. It seems like we're going to have to supplement with formula, I suppose Nutramigen or Alimentum. Based on what I've heard, I'm assuming he might not like it and might even refuse it. So needless to say I'm very worried about what is going to happen in the next few weeks!