My 9.5 mo old daughter LOVES food! But she is not gaining weight. She has been hovering around 16 pounds for about a month (born at 6.7 oz.). She is considered in the 14th percentile for weight but 96th percentile for height! She has NEVER been a huge milk drinker (is FF) and was diagnosed as a Happy Spitter at 2 weeks old. That has finally slowed down UNLESS I try pushing too many ounces in a day. I am lucky if she drinks 18 oz a day--usually its around 16 oz. She does eat 3 meals a day and will eat anything. We do baby led weaning and hasn't had "baby food" since turning 7.5 months and spits up less than 3 times a day now. I am adding in healthy fats like peanut butter and avocados. She started crawling 3 days before turning 9 months old and is pulling up and cruising some by holding onto furniture. She recently got her bottom 2 teeth and I originally thought that's why she might be refusing her bottle but it hasn't changed in over 2 weeks. At her 9 mo. well check, the Dr. felt she would be walking by her 1st birthday. She sleeps through the night (7 pm-6am) and takes two 1.5-2 hour naps a day (another reason I can't get in more formula as she is a great sleeper). She is energetic and a happy baby. I will type out her schedule below but can someone please encourage or offer positive advice for this worried mama??? She is my whole world!
**we aren't 100% sure if she might have some intolerance to dairy but when she does spit up now, its either because I have tried pushing more ounces of formula or heavy dairy items (yogurt--I have even tried soy and greek). She has been on Similac sensitive (after trying everything--including Alimentum) and they ruled out reflux when meds didn't do anything and nothing changed her "happy spitting"***
6:30 am- 1/2 cup of oatmeal or cream of wheat made with formula and peanut butter and sometimes 1/4 banana or mini pancakes and turkey sausage. We offer 1 oz of formula in a cup.
8:30- offer a 3 oz bottle---its 50/50 if she takes it or leaves about 1/2 oz
9:00-10:30 nap
11:00 about an oz of each: a meat, veggie and fruit (no pureed baby food) and a cup with 1 oz of formula in it
1:30 offer 3 oz and typically drinks it all
2:00-3:30 nap
3:30 2 oz formula and drinks all
5:00 about an ounce of each: a meat, fruit and veggie with cup of water (a few sips)
6:30 bath, story
6:45 6 oz bottle and typically takes it all
7:00pm-6:00am- sleeps