This is going to be a long post, but I have a lot going on right now and need to get it out. I have a baby who will be 8 weeks tomorrow. He was IUGR, induced 2 weeks early, weighing 5 pounds 1 oz, and left hospital at 4lbs9oz. I have been exclusively breastfeeding but it has not been easy. First, DS was not latching deeply enough and after the LC in the hospital (we were in NICU for a week) worked with us with no luck, I had to start using a nipple shield. This saved us. I try to go without it sometimes but can't get a deep latch and end up in pain. From the beginning, I have been nursing on demand and LO nurses pretty much constantly, sometimes actively eating, sometimes comfort sucking. It has been so exhausting but I have been taking it one day at a time. He juat isn't happy unless he is on my breast. At his weight checks he has been doing good until now. 2 weeks ago he was 6 pohnds 3oz. I thought for sure when we went today that he would be at least 7 pounds but he was only 6 lbs 7oz! I was so upset. The dr wants me to stop nursing after 30 min and supplement either with expressed milk or formula. Well LO is refusing to take a bottle and I don't know what to do. The dr also wants me to see a LC and we have a follow up weight check next week. I feel like a failure. He stopped growing well during the pregancy and now he still isn't growing well. My DH has also tried to give him the bottle with me out of the room but he just screams until I bf him. Then I have my aunt telling me I should be spacing out his feedings becahse she thinks that his constant nursing means my breasts aren't filling up. But everything I read says that's not how it works and to just feed on demand. It does seem like there is an issue since he acts like he is never satisfied, but I don't know. I also have read a lot of stories of IUGR babies not gaining what they should , so I feel that is a factor but the dr said no. I'm also stressing because I will be going back to work next month and he will need to take a bottle. His diaper output is good. He does like 8 pees and 5 poops a day so I can't understand the problem.
If anyone has any advice or encouragement I would appreciate it. I will be making an appt with an LC.