clementine / 912 posts
@NovBaby1112: No, but I've been meaning to. Do you drink it hot or cold? I wish I could come up with a routine to drink it everyday.
squash / 13764 posts
@NovBaby1112: I try to drink it for a few days around O. I actually hate green tea (I think it tastes like feet). but I am going to try to up my intake this month. HOw much do you drink? I think I wasn't drinking enough to notice a difference...
grapefruit / 4066 posts
@JennyG: I drink it hot. I'm only drinking 1 cup of coffee now instead of 2-3 so I've just replaced the green tea with that
@hilsy85: try the mango or peach kind! I hate regular green tea too but those flavors are good. I drank 2-3 cups per day from CD5 - today at CD13 and I'll prob O today and stop.
apricot / 262 posts
@hilsy85: I hated green tea too until I tried Mighty Leaf Green Tea Tropical - it's on the expensive side for tea but it's legitimately delicious.
pomelo / 5132 posts
@FairSeas: @runnergirl: congrats!!!!!!!
@hilsy85: I used to drink a raspberry green tea because regular was so gross.
cherry / 168 posts
@NovBaby1112: No I don't drink green tea but I am thinking I will start. DH drinks it but I hate the smell! I might go looking for some other herbal ones tho, mango or peach sound nice!
Do you drink it just during your fertile period or your whole cycle?
cherry / 189 posts
Hi girls. I'm feeling like my chances are over for this cycle. bfn yesterday on 9dpo, which doesn't mean anything I guess, but my temps have been almost down to the cover line for two days now, and I have no symptoms, with AF expected on Wednesday or Thursday. I'm out of tests and don't even feel like trying to get to the store for more, I just feel so sure it would be negative this sucks!
grapefruit / 4066 posts
@snickers: I just started drinking it this cycle and did it right after AF around CD5 and continued through O. I really noticed a difference in my CM this month doing that
@CObee: hugs! I'm sorry you are feeling down
clementine / 912 posts
@NovBaby1112: That's a good idea! I cut out my afternoon cup of coffee, so I could replace that with green tea.
I'm proud of myself for drinking one cup this evening while watching the Bachelor.
grapefruit / 4066 posts
I'm so annoyed- tossed and turned from 3:30am on and couldn't fall back asleep, so I couldn't confirm O today with taking my temp. I'm almost positive I o'd yesterday due to the ovulation pain and positive opk the day prior, but still. I guess I'll put in a fake temp and see what happens tomorrow?
pea / 18 posts
Yesterday was our first appointment at the RE, after over a year of "trying" unsuccessfully. And we learned some very interesting news....
Taking a look via ultrasound, we found that my ovaries look great, each side had over 15 follicles, so there's no need for concern there. They did, however, find a uterine abnormality and now I have to go in for an HSG to investigate what exactly it is.
It could be a heart-shaped uterus, or it could be a uterine septum. Both are inhospitable to an embryo trying to implant and puts me at a high risk for recurrent miscarriage. Which would explain the chemical pregnancy I had a few months ago, and maybe I have had others and just don't know it.
The bottom line is that they can surgically remove or repair it, but until that is diagnosed and done my chances aren't so good for a BFP, let alone a BFP without a subsequent miscarriage. I'm feeling hopeful that maybe we found the problem (will still need to do an SA and FSH and Estradiol tests to confirm everything else is working properly), and can fix it. And then I can go on to have some babies already!!
But, also, I'm a little scared. And bummed. And really worried that they somehow won't be able to fix it and my uterus will never be able to carry a baby to term.
apricot / 261 posts
@NovBaby1112: thanks! good luck to you too! that's always annoying when things like that ruin my chance to temp.
kiwi / 611 posts
@MrsDoo: I'm sorry you're having to deal with that Hopefully you'll get some answers soon.
I'm stiiiiiiill waiting to ovulate. Lots of pressure in my ovaries for the last few days and EWCM but still no positive OPK.
apricot / 452 posts
@Runnergirl: & @FairSeas: Congratulations! Wishing you both happy, healthy pregnancies!
@MrsDoo: Finding something in IF testing is always a mixed bag; good to have an explanation of why you're having trouble and to know that it's likely fixable, but bad to know you have a roadblock to overcome. I hope that the solution is easy and that you get your sticky bean soon!
AFM, my CD3 bloods were all normal, but my ultrasound showed very few follicles (5-6, rather than the 10-20 they like to see). Not sure what's next for us... DH has another SA on Monday, and we have to meet with the MFM docs for a pre-conception consult due to my age and history of pre-e & PPROM and premature delivery. I just want to fast forward to having a plan!
Hoping to see more bfps here this month! I'm rooting for you all!
apricot / 315 posts
POAS Dates
shortiecake; busylizzy111; Honeygold89; CarrieLouWho; Ocean girl; elljay; Runnergirl; FairSeas
TBD: hellobeeboston
1/11: mrsjenbug
1/12: NorthStar; Bea; CObee
1/16: snickers; VegasBabyVegas; Willow
1/18: SugarplumsMom
1/20: mrs scrapbook
1/21: DesertDreams88
1/22: MittenMama
1/23: Charm54
1/24: MrsDoo; Imabee
1/25: Mrs.GM; NovBaby1112
1/28: chaosmaven
1/29: berly
1/30: My Only Sunshine
1/31: wheres_c; jodyblair; cranberry
Rollover to February: californiadreams; 2FarmMoms; JennyG; hilsy85; ballerinabee; Navy_Mommy; shellio
Cheerleaders: AprilFool; AMommyThang; NurseDMB
@VegasBabyVegas: @BelugaBean: Welcome and good luck this month!
@Runnergirl: Congratulations!
@FairSeas: Congratulations!
@jodyblair: With you there! I thought I was going to over the weekend, but then all the signs went away. Hope we both get a positive OPK soon!
@NovBaby1112: I've been drinking green tea twice a day this cycle and I've noticed a big difference in the number of days of EWCM.
@MrsDoo: I'm so sorry... Hope you can get some answers soon!
kiwi / 611 posts
I think I may have just missed my surge with the OPKs. My first one from yesterday was so close to positive and then since then they've gotten progressively lighter. So annoying, but I guess only time will tell!
@NovBaby1112: I drank green tea when we were TTC #1. I bought a few different kinds to try this cycle and they are all terrible! I have to put so much honey and sugar in it to drink it that I'm pretty sure it counteracts any potential health benefits
clementine / 849 posts
I've been stalking this thread from the TTC 6+ month board
@Runnergirl: Hello fellow running enthusiast! Congratulations! I'm also reaching the 11 month point and just started acupuncture so your story gives me great hope. As some others have asked, what do you think about acupuncture made the difference, and what herbs are you taking? I go to appointment #2 tomorrow and I she gave me Tang Kuei + peony, chaste tree (aka vitex), and wheat germ oil. On top of that I am taking extra folic acid, zinc, and cod liver oil (when I can stomach it).
Lastly (so many questions), did your acupuncturist say anything about running? Mine basically told me to stick with yoga bc too much running displaces the energy my uterus needs (or something like that)... but my BMI is also low so that could have something to do with it.
@NovBaby1112: I've been drinking green tea just about every morning as a sub for coffee. It might just be me, but I have definitely noticed more CM around ovulation (sorry for the TMI but EWCM and then quite wet). Hoping it works!
cherry / 197 posts
Ok I'm way late to this thread, but I just joined recently and just figuring out these boards. I read through this thread and love it! I have been wanting to talk to people about the TTC process but don't really have anyone besides my dh.
TTC Cycle #: 3
Ovulation date: Projecting O between 1/13 - 1/15
POAS date: 1/28.. if I can wait that long.
Baby #: 1
Your plan this month: I was using Clear Blue Advanced the last two cycles, but wasn't convinced it was working because of my varied results. I bought Wondfos this cycle and have been using them in conjunction, but I got a pretty dark test line on Day 13 and 14, but the last two days the line has been lighter. My CBOPK is still saying high readings, but not peak so I'm hoping I still haven't O'ed yet. My plan is to BD every day from Day 14-19 and hopefully that'll do the trick this month.
And just for fun… what is your New Year's resolution for 2015? To stop stressing so much and eat healthier.
coffee bean / 39 posts
Yogi runner: keep thinking positive! I worked with the naturalist for about 6 of the 11 months of trying. Amazingly enough I did nothing beyond a prenatal and opks the month we conceived. But I do feel like she really helped balance my hormones and cycle. I did progesterone topical cream, a few UNDA herbal drops, a balance remedy which had the licorice root & chaste berry, vit b, and an herbal supplement for stress and I was temping.
She did say to stop running so I started cutting way back but I had a hard time relieving stress without it. For me it wasn't worth the negatives of stopping running and I actually ran 12 miles on 3dpo and lots of 6-10 milers since.
My best advice is to keep being proactive and trying new things without letting it stress you out. Once you are stressed from temping etc it seems like it doesn't help. Cheering you on!!
Baby dust!! a
pear / 1614 posts
@hilsy85: I was not a big fan of green tea but really liked a pricier kind we bought that was "Japanese sencha green tea".
@Runnergirl: Congrats!!
@YogiRunner: Also @2farmmoms (does anybody know how to reply when posts are on two different pages of a thread??) regarding acupuncture - I went for 4 cycles when TTC my first, and while I found it super relaxing, I didn't get my BFP and couldn't afford to keep it up. I think any time you can go it can help. My acupuncturist told me that as early in the cycle as possible to start is good. I don't remember noticing any difference in my LP (it was short which I think was our big problem). She just told me I was under too much stress every time. Which I know. My sister, on the other hand, tried for 2.5 years and got her BFP the first month she tried acupuncture. So you never know!
blogger / pear / 1509 posts
@shellio: thanks! That didn't tag me but I caught it anyway. Ijust got a response from an acupuncturist who specializes in fertility and we are going to talk later this week. I'm hoping that will make the difference! She's just back from maternity leave herself and it sounds like she had a long journey to having a baby so I hope she'll be great to work with. Feeling encouraged!
grapefruit / 4361 posts
Just chilling here, waiting to ovulate, day 21. I normally O on day 17. I had 2 positive OPKs and EWCM Friday, but no thermal shift. We were managing to BD 2 days on, 1 day off, but now DH is sick and trying even EOD is difficult. Boo. Thankfully he took tomorrow off of work so hopefully he will feel better.
Funny notes though:
Had a dream last night about having tons of EWCM.... you know you're TTC when you are dreaming about CM!
Another one... you know you're TTC when you have a cell phone alarm reminding you to NOT pee, and then three hours later another alarm telling you to use your OPK!
kiwi / 611 posts
@2farmmoms: glad you were able to find someone! Hope it helps!
I'm officially calling today 1 dpo. I'm pretty sure I ovulated yesterday and just missed my surge with the opks. We had pretty good timing and were able to hit O-3, O-2, and O. Do you ladies typically try to BD on O+1 too? Let the TWW begin!
grapefruit / 4066 posts
@MrsDoo: I'm so sorry at least you maybe have some answers though, and they can help you now. Sorry you are going through this.
@ballerinabee: goodluck! Sounds like you have a nice plan in place and hoping all your testing goes well!
@renee0106: welcome and goodluck!
@DesertDreams88: sorry your DH is feeling sick! I hope you O soon!
@jodyblair: I'm 2dpo so we can wait together! We hit O-5, O-4, O-3, O-2, and O-1. We were so exhausted we skipped O day and the day after but I did some research and O day and the day after aren't that important. The days prior to O give you the best chance.
squash / 13764 posts
@jodyblair: I agree that O+1 is not really that important, and much better to hit the days pre O than O itself. @NovBaby1112: wow lady! I am impressed I am trying to figure out which schedule (so sexy right?) will be best--either O-5, O-3, O-1, or O-4, O-2, O...I know that BD'ing ED will just not happen for us and will probably make us feel too much pressure. Any thoughts? I'm leaning toward the first, because then I can always do O-1 and O if we are feeling up to it...ETA assuming of course I O when I think I will!
squash / 13764 posts
@DesertDreams88: I hope it happens soon!!
@NorthStar: so sorry
@shellio: I think DH drinks sencha....or something called "hojicha"? It smells awful!!! I need to try one of the fruity ones....
grapefruit / 4066 posts
@hilsy85: haha yea, if this cycle doesn't works out we aren't doing that again. It was a lot, I went a bit crazy. I think either option would be fine! You could always try EOD starting 0-5 and then once you get a positive opk do that day and the day after, and you should be covered! From what I read, the most important days are O-3 through ovulation, but then again, all it takes is one time and perfect timing means nothing either! Gah. I felt a lot of pressure this cycle for some reason but I'm trying to relax. We'll see how that goes
cherry / 152 posts
2 positive days?.. Congrats to all the Bfps I've missed. It's been crazy around here!
kiwi / 611 posts
@NorthStar: I'm sorry
@NovBaby1112: Good luck in your TWW! When do you plan on testing? Or will you wait for AF to be late? As much as I wish I could wait, I'll probably start testing next Friday at 10 dpo.
@AMommyThang: Your OPKs look just like mine did. Really close to positive, but not quite there yet. Can you take another one this afternoon?
cherry / 152 posts
I can try. I have the smallest bladder in the world and can't hold it for 4 hrs. I took one last night and it was super light but then again it wasn't concentrated enough.
apricot / 315 posts
So I think I ovulated yesterday? I never got a truly positive OPK, but my temp went up slightly today (.3), and my cervix & CM make me think that I'm past. I'm not used to not even seeing a close to positive. Anyone have experience with Wondfo OPKs? I was using them morning and night for the last 4 days, but I only saw one that seemed a little bit close, but definitely wasn't as dark as the control. I'm so confused!
kiwi / 611 posts
@Chaosmaven: I'm right there with you. I peed on what felt like a million sticks and I am OVER it! I got some that we're really close to positive on CD 14 and they started to fade back out after that. I don't temp, but my cervix and cm make me think I already ovulated. So frustrating not getting a positive OPK! I like how cheap the wondfos are but I'm considering getting some digital ones if this month isn't it for us.
nectarine / 2834 posts
@hilsy85: just stalking but want to say that every time we conceived this year, we hit O-1. The months that we did O-2 and O didn't work out. Just a fun fact
grapefruit / 4066 posts
@jodyblair: knowing me, I'll prob start testing at like 9dpo haha. But I have cheapies and its mainly just something to kill time.
@Chaosmaven: I started using wondfos this cycle and here's what my positive looked like. I confirmed it with the 1 digital opk I had left.
grapefruit / 4066 posts
@Chaosmaven: @jodyblair: did your almost positives look like mine? Bc I didntthink mine was as dark as the control either, but pretty close. I know I Od as well based on CM and my temp was way up this morning though.
apricot / 305 posts
@NovBaby1112: I'm glad you mentioned that the days prior to O give you the best chance. I was just wondering about this since my estimated O date is this Saturday, but we are going on a family vacation from Friday-Monday where we don't have a bedroom and we will be sleeping with at least 3 other people on air mattresses in the basement, so BD'ing isn't really an option. I thought that might mean we were out this month, but sounds like we might have an okay chance if we BD before the trip. We already hit O-4. Maybe I should try for 0-3 and 0-2 too.
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