A brief back story: DH and I have been TTC for 18 months. I had a BFP last November, followed by a miscarriage in December. No BFPs since. I had an HSG a few weeks ago, no blockages found, and all other tests have come out fine. DH's SA went well with no large concerns (small amount of WBC). I have an adequate LP (12-13 days), but since my temp drops around 10DPO, he thinks there might be a slight P issue. I temp and use OPKs.

My RE is making me feel forced into an IUI as the first step with clomid, trigger shot (edited to correct for terminology), and progesterone.

Since I am ovulating consistently on my own, with no large issues for either myself or DH, do you think it would be worth it to try clomid and progesterone with timed intercourse? Or is IUI really the way to go?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.