cherry / 159 posts
I agree with others that you and dh and baby should move into the loft. Use black out blinds, drapery, white noise, to make it work for baby.
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@cranberryapple: I think you should put someone - you, your older child, or your new baby - in the loft and then just be quiet in the house when you need to let the kids sleep. I think that you as the parent should be inconvenienced before you inconvenience a newborn by putting it in the bathroom. But really... best of luck with whatever you do.
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
@cranberryapple: not even suburbs? I'd rent your current place and then maybe rent a smaller place in the burbs that has enough rooms for your family.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@MrsMcD: I agree wth you.
We live in a small 900 sq FT apt and during nap time I have to be very quiet because the bedrooms are right off the main room- our apt is essentially one big room that is the kitchen, dining and LR, and off to the side are the two bedrooms. That's the only reason we use white noise, but we just have to be conscientious of nap time for J.
I personally agree with the other poster that suggested you and baby #2 moving to the loft and your first child staying in the master.
grapefruit / 4800 posts
You could use the master for naps at least. But I'd go with bedtime in the loft with you and your husband. My kids have learned to deal with some noise and light, they're adaptable to some things as babies (well sometimes). Now when the dogs bark when someone rings the doorbell, that's another story. But I'd have the bathroom as a last resort option, I like babies near parents as newborns especially.
kiwi / 540 posts
@MrsMcD: @Mrs. Pen: Baby and me in the loft was our original plan, and in fact, I only came up with this crazy scheme yesterday. DH doesn't necessarily approve either. Another issue I came up with just now is nap times. While Baby #2 naps, if in the loft, DS might be the one to wake her up while playing! Argh! So many considerations! Any ideas on how baby might adjust from sleeping in one place during her nap (ie. the master bedroom) and then sleeping in the loft at night? I just don't want her to be confused with having to sleep in two different places, but I guess if it becomes a routine, it might work?
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@cranberryapple: I really have no solutions for you beyond totally nixing the bathroom idea. But I will say... I love that you listed "bacon" as your interest on your HB profile.
grapefruit / 4800 posts
@cranberryapple: My DD is 4 months and I stick her in a bunch of different places (crib in the nursery, swing in our room, bouncy chair moved to wherever I am) to nap during the day depending where I am and how long of a nap it's going to be. She hasn't had a problem so far.
apricot / 391 posts
@cranberryapple: I would think it wouldn't be any different than how most kids nap at daycare and then sleep at home... Just as long as it's the routine...
grapefruit / 4923 posts
i don't think it's crazy, assuming that, like you said, it would not be a bathroom that's in use for normal bathroom purposes. it might not work for other reasons, like not being a comfortable place for night feedings, but it's really up to you because it's your family and you know what will work best for you guys. there are some other suggestions on here which are viable also.
eggplant / 11824 posts
The first thing I thought of was That Wife. Let's just say putting my baby in the bathroom, especially when I had another option, is not something I would do.
I would try to make the loft work first.
nectarine / 2272 posts
I agree that I would put you/your husband/baby in the loft, and your other little one in the master bedroom until they can share a room. Bathroom should definitely be a last resort, in my opinion. And I'm all about small spaces. I live in 550 square feet with a husband, two cats, and probably a kiddo in the future if we can't get the leases to overlap the right way.
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
I did this with a spare bathroom at my parents when LO was too little to know. We tried being in the same room and that room just wasn't working, so we put the full size crib in the extra bathroom and used a different bathroom. Let the ugly comments roll but it was for a couple weeks and clean. No part of her crib ever touched the toilet. I've heard of people doing this in hotels too. Not for a permanent thing but honestly I wouldn't go so far as to say you're crazy or make a bitchy comment.
kiwi / 689 posts
@cranberryapple: I think you'd be totally fine doing naps and night sleep in different location. As long as you're consistent about naps being in one place and night sleep in another place and have a routine for each I'm sure your LO will adapt.
Good luck figuring it out! I know what dealing with small spaces is like - we were seriously considering having the crib in a large walk-in closet in our place for a while.
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
Are there no other "room" that might fit the pack n play? A closet? A alcove you can build a wall and add a door or curtain?
It just seem un hygienic to put a newborn in a bathroom at a time when cleanliness is so important. If the loft idea doesn't work out and this is the only solution I would not use that bathroom. . Ever. While the baby is sleeping in there.
P. S. Crazy idea. Is DH handy at all? What about building a wall to close off the loft area?
coconut / 8472 posts
@cranberryapple: My baby sleeps in many different places regularly. At home he naps in the swing in the living room, at night he sleeps in the PnP in our room. At daycare he sleeps in his crib. I would not put a baby in a bathroom.
I don't think a bathroom is an appropriate bedroom. I think you need to work it out so everyone's in a legit bedroom. Or at least, not in a bathroom. Worst comes to worse, I'd rent out your current place and rent a larger apartment/house.
grapefruit / 4800 posts
If you do end up using the bathroom just make sure to run your shower and flush your toilet (not being used) somewhat regularly. In our house we don't always use the downstairs shower and if the trap dries out it lets sewer gas in, so the shower needs to be run regularly to keep water in the trap.
You probably haven't had this problem yet or you would have noticed but our sewer vent sometimes gets clogged with leaves or snow and sewer odor comes in quickly then but it's easy to clean the leaves out, I just wouldn't want someone sleeping in the bathroom when that were to happen, I don't know if there's something to install to prevent that but something to keep an eye on and make sure you know where the vent is.
pear / 1517 posts
Personally I see nothing wrong with you putting the baby in the bathroom for a while (especially being that it is a large room) until the kids can share a room. Once they can share the master, I'd move your real master to the loft. I think it is a good use of space. It's not like your making your kid sleep in the toilet or anything
pomegranate / 3401 posts
@cranberryapple: I personally wouldn't put the baby in the bathroom. I would have your older child in your master bedroom and then you, your DH and new baby in the loft. Little newborns are awake thoughout the night anyways and trust me, they will adapt!
When our LO was born, we had a 1 bdrm/1 bathroom apt. We turned our dining area into a nursery nook for her. When we put her to bed, we would just dim the lights, turn on her white noise machine, and she would be fine. We would continue to watch tv, eat, whatever for the rest of the night. It wasn't a big deal. We got into the routine, she got into the routine. Everyone was happy and survived.
Just get a dimmer for your lights!!! It will really help.
pomegranate / 3872 posts
I wouldn't put my baby in a bathroom and most definitely not for a year. I get that space is an issue but I would utilize the loft and have your older child sleep in the bedroom. You could easily build or buy a partition to block off space or keep light out.
pomelo / 5607 posts
While I agree with those who say the loft should be fine with curtains and white noise, I personally wouldn't think anything of putting the baby in a clean, non-used bathroom. It just doesn't seem like a huge deal to me.
pomelo / 5820 posts
I agree with other posters who said to get blackout curtains and a sound machine, and sleep in the loft area with your newborn, while your older child sleeps in the master. My LO was a night owl... up til 11 PM when he was a newborn. It sounds like that would suit your lifestyle, and it keeps the baby out of the bathroom!
By the time the baby is old enough to go to bed at a set time, you could move both of them to the master.
honeydew / 7463 posts
In NYC it's pretty common to have "temporary" walls put up. They come and install a pressurized wall that is from floor to ceiling and has a door. You rent them for a period of time and then they come back and remove it. Before I could afford my own place my friend and I rented a 1 bedroom and partitioned the living room. Unless I told you, you probably would never have known it was a temporary wall. I think it's $1-2,000 if I remember correctly, and when they remove the wall you get a big chunk back because they reuse the walls. but it's been a while, I could be wrong. I'd think in another big city with lots of apartment living they'd have that option too?
Personally I'd rather lose a corner of my living room, master bedroom, or loft space than to use the bathroom. Not just because of hygiene but also because it's hard enough for my husband and I to share one bathroom on a vacation let alone every day
Also maybe an NYC thing because we have so much street noise, but I thought that you were supposed to not be quiet when baby is napping so that they learn to sleep through it? I think my friends do that...I just assumed that's what you're supposed to do? Guess I'll learn in 5-6 months!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
I wouldn't put a baby in a bathroom. I'd try to make the loft work.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@SweetiePie: I always thought the same thing - about not trying to be quiet - but it ended up so that my child needs silence! I think every kid is different, but especially the first child would be more apt to needing quiet sleeping conditions. Kids in larger families with older siblings tend to adapt better to noise (coming from a family of 6, my baby sister slept through everything).
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
@cranberryapple: my LO slept in a variety of different places as a newborn and it was never a problem. However, I think once your LO is no longer a newborn it would be nice to have a dedicated place to sleep.
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
@SweetiePie: our LO sleeps through our noisy dogs.. They just get used to it, I think
grapefruit / 4997 posts
Is there any quick fix to enclose the loft area? I would choose that over the bathroom. I thought about your scenario and asked myself would I allow the babysitter to keep my baby in the bathroom? My answer is no. So I wouldn't want that for my baby. My 2nd choice would be sleeping in the living room.
persimmon / 1363 posts
I read somewhere that it was good for babies to be exposed to household noise when sleeping because then they were more portable and didn't need silence or white noise machines to sleep. And they don't like quiet when they're babies because they're used to loud body noises. So the theroy was that you just do whatever you want to do as loudly as you want always and it's background noise like a white noise machine. Anyway, I took this as gospel truth, and I live in a super loud apartment with lots of neighbour noise and street noise, and the tv is usually on because I am a lonely heart and the doors to bedrooms are always open because I am a lonely heart and LO is almost 8 months and has always slept through it, unless it's something super loud and unusual like the phone ringing next to her or my dog having a prolonged barking meltdown.
Anyway, I don't know if it's a fluke, but noise really doesn't bother her sleeping. As she got to be less of a newborn she became more sound sensitive, but it still does not have to be quiet for her to sleep well. All this is to say that I would put new baby in the loft, worry about the light, but carry on the same with the noise, and see if that works. If not, then you can always move new baby to the bathroom!
pineapple / 12793 posts
I'd sooner sleep in the bathroom than put my newborn to sleep in a bathroom. I'd either make the loft work, or move.
nectarine / 2085 posts
My litmus test for places I'm okay letting LO sleep is whether I'd like to sleep there myself. I have two additional concerns about bathroom/closet-type nurseries: air flow (even with a window, small rooms do not circulate air or maintain temperatures like bigger ones) and safety (would a firefighter for sure check this spot if something terrible happened?). If the loft can be made to work, I'd do that. I'd be willing to bet that if you coslept/co-roomed for a while, your LOs would be ready to roomshare by 6mos to a year.
kiwi / 540 posts
@googly-eyes: You go girl!!
@locavore_mama: No, DH is NOT handy AT ALL! Although the idea of a partition is appealing.
@Maysprout: Thanks for the tips! I wonder if our HOA would be in charge of that stuff you mentioned.
@Beyond2: Hehehe. You are one of the few who doesn't think this is a bad idea! =P
@Pepper: I remember DS sleeping by 8:30 at 2 months! We had him sleeping in the living room at that time and were quarantined in our bedroom, which wasn't so bad at the time. Hahaha.
@SweetiePie: This partition rental sounds like a good option if it is offered here. I wouldn't even mind a semi-permanent option! Thanks for the suggestion!
@littlek: I agree! DS was able to sleep anywhere and anytime when he was a newborn. We had the TV on and his Pack N Play was right next to it! That was the first month. After that, I think he got more sensitive, definitely to light.
@Kimberlybee: Perhaps curtain would be the quickest fix? Not sure! I haven't researched this! We wouldn't be able to install it ourselves though. No ladders here!
@mskeee: I heard that too, so we weren't too concerned about noise in the beginning. Somewhere along the way, I think we did figure he was a somewhat light sleeper, like when we would sneak into the room to sleep and he would wake up.
@honeybear: I don't think there's a problem with air circulation in our bathroom. It gets a lot of air when we open the window, but in regards to temperatures, I do think it can get a bit cold in there. But, then again, our whole place is just as cold unless we turn on the heat, which we only do during sleep time.
apricot / 495 posts
It's been mentioned a few times already but do you have a closet you could put baby in? I slept in a closet the first few months of my life and I turned out fine
apricot / 303 posts
In addition to the cleanliness factor, I would be too embarrassed to use the bathroom as a nursery. Can you imagine giving someone a house tour? "Oh, please don't use the restroom down the hall. LO is napping."
I think you can totally make the loft work for you and your LO during infancy, and if noise becomes an issue then move baby #2 to the master with child #1. Second borns are so usually so adaptable, I think!
nectarine / 2973 posts
Ok, I seriously don't understand the big deal about a baby sleeping in the bathroom. It's not like you're making them sleep in the bathtub or something. It's not ideal but it's not awful. I feel like it would be more practical for you to have the baby next to you for awhile though. I think the idea of you, DH and baby moving to the loft and older son staying in bedroom might work? And then later on moving baby to the bedroom also. I hope it all works out for you guys. Living in small spaces can be rough, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do!
pomegranate / 3398 posts
@MrsMcD: I absolutely agree with you.
If you have the loft then in my opinion there is no reason to place a new baby in a bathroom in a pack n play for months. That just doesn't sit well with me.
bananas / 9899 posts
I think that surely there must be another solution. I can't really give a suggestion without actually visiting your place, but I just can't imagine putting a baby in the bathroom is the only solution.
I don't think it's necessarily the worst thing ever if your baby sleeps in the bathroom, I just think there must be a way to reorganize the space you have so that the baby doesn't have to sleep in the bathroom.
I wouldn't want to sleep in a bathroom, so I wouldn't want my baby to sleep in one either.
grape / 81 posts
I think having your new baby sleep with you in the loft, and your LO having the master for now is a great idea. Babies adjust and if the new baby is used to the noises of the loft he/she will be fine with it. And a partition is a great idea!
I would also be interested in looking into the legalities in your area. It may not actually be legal to use that bathroom as a bedroom.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@oliviaoblivia: ditto.
I'd say be in the loft with nb baby and son in master. or even couch with nb baby with son in master. before ever considering a bathroom.
Or, I'd move!
blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts
I agree with others that making the loft work would be my first option (which is obviously your first option as well!). I like the idea of renting a pressurized wall as long as it's ok with your HOA, or maybe even getting a few tall Ikea cabinets to create a wall-like structure? Plus, more storage! Obviously I don't know what your loft setup is like!
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