pomelo / 5258 posts
FMLA eligible, Californian. I took 21 weeks.
2 weeks disability pay before EDD - state benefit, (4 weeks allowed)
1 week LO was late.
6 weeks Pregnancy Disability Leave - state benefit
12 weeks bonding time job protection - state benefit, unpaid
My company apparently offers 5 hours of maternity leave for every year you work. I'm not psychic though so I didn't know about policies that aren't in the manual and HR didn't tell me about in my leave meeting. I'll be using that pay for this pregnancy.
eggplant / 11716 posts
I've been posting about this a lot lately. I work in a school district, and I was given a LOT of misinformation the first time around. For LO#1, I gave birth over the summer (already unpaid. I'm a 10 month employee), and then I took 12 weeks unpaid FMLA. I went back to work when LO was 4.5 months since she was born in July.
For this baby, I have found out (through my own research), that I'm entitled to STD for whatever my doctor writes a note (probably 6 weeks for a vaginal birth); and then I'm eligible for another 12 weeks child rearing leave through the NJFLA (NJFLA can't run concurrently with one's own disability).
So this time I will hopefully have 18 weeks. 4 weeks will be paid STD (14 day waiting period), and then I have 6 weeks of NJFLI (NJ family leave insurance). The other 8 weeks will be unpaid.
watermelon / 14467 posts
I work for a non-profit that is not eligible for FMLA. Our handbook states that you can take 8 weeks of family leave and an additional four at the discretion of the director. I took the full 12 weeks. That time was partially paid through my vacation time, remaining sick time, and remaining comp time that I saved up throughout the year.
pomegranate / 3779 posts
I was FMLA eligible and had 6 weeks STD paid at 60%, then a mixture of paid holidays (Christmas/New Years), unpaid days, and vacation for the remaining 6 weeks. I opted to not return to that job and take another 5 months (unpaid) until I returned to work with another company.
persimmon / 1129 posts
I was extremely lucky (by American standards) to have 12 weeks paid maternity leave. Next time, I would consider taking the 12 weeks paid and then taking an additional month unpaid.
pomelo / 5524 posts
I was able to take 12 weeks under FMLA. 8 weeks were paid under STD (C-section), and the last 4, I was able to receive paid because I had saved my vacation time for it to be paid.
Hoping this time around, our leave policies are changing. I think I'll be able to take some additional time, though it may be unpaid.
pear / 1648 posts
12 weeks FMLA, unpaid, although 1 week of that was spent in the hospital being induced due to pre-e. So 11 weeks with baby. It was just about the right amount of time, but it was difficult leaving her at daycare when she was so tiny and I sure would have loved more time with her!
bananas / 9229 posts
I am FMLA eligible. My employer provides 12 weeks fully paid parental leave then the option of another 14 weeks at 1/2 or 2/3 pay (can't remember which). I only plan on taking 12 weeks.
grapefruit / 4235 posts
First time I took 12 weeks. I was FMLA eligible. My employer provided 2 weeks paid, I got 4 weeks STD after that at 80%, took 4 weeks vacation/sick time and then 2 unpaid weeks.
This time I will take 8 weeks. Not FMLA eligible and I have a smaller pool of co-workers, plus the timing is a bit trickier (state budget time). I'm getting 3 weeks off paid leave, and will use as much of my vacation/sick time to round out the next 5 weeks, will take unpaid leave to cover the rest.
watermelon / 14467 posts
@LindsayInNY: Oh, how I wish I had your benefits! I was a mess going back at 12 weeks and I would have loved to have an additional 4 weeks.
pear / 1610 posts
With DS I had 12 weeks of FMLA, I used up all my vacation/sick time which would have paid for about 6-8 weeks of my leave. I wasn't supposed to be paid for the rest but kept getting checks, when I talked to our fiscal person about it they said it was right and not to worry about it, wink wink. (Not company policy to pay us during maternity leave)
I came back part time.
With DD, I took 8 weeks (was working PT during pregnancy) I went back 1 day a week at 8 weeks and resumed my normal schedule at 10 weeks. All unpaid since I had no PTO benefits from working PT.
persimmon / 1427 posts
LO1 - 4.5 months
LO2 - 6 months
Both time 4 months was 100% paid (STD, parental leave and vacation) the rest was unpaid.
I'm very fortunate to work for an employer that is consistently recognized by Working Mother magazine as a top company to work for.
grapefruit / 4418 posts
I took 16 weeks. Employer told me I could take as long as I wanted (unpaid of course.). First 12 weeks were fmla. 6 of those were paid (at 60%) through STD. Around 10 weeks I worked from home part time on one project (I'm in consulting) and got paid hourly. My boss paid all my benefits while I was gone though.
cherry / 186 posts
I took 12 weeks. 6 weeks was paid short term disability, 3 weeks vacation and 3 weeks unpaid. I went back full time when I returned which, honestly, was a little rough.
pomegranate / 3127 posts
12 weeks unpaid FMLA. However, I took almost no sick days through my six years with the company (thank you, great telecommuting network) and I had so much sick leave it got me through almost two months of the FMLA. And then I worked from home some, but it was a really insane arrangement... though it still beat putting B in day care at three months.
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
12 weeks, at full pay, with benefits and accrual of vacation is what is offered by my employer. You can take some time unpaid as well, at the discretion of your management team.
pomegranate / 3275 posts
With my first, I took about 12 weeks (might have been a little less) and I qualified for FMLA. I was paid for 6 weeks of it, and 6 weeks I wasn't paid.
With my second, it was a different job and I didn't qualify for FMLA. I had only been working there 8 months and I would have only been given 8 weeks due a C-section. I decided to quit, for other reasons as well, and haven't been back to work full time since.
coconut / 8234 posts
FMLA eligible here, too. (If I got pregnant at my current employer I would not be FMLA eligible).
I used:
8-weeks short term disability (for C-section). This came out of my sick leave. We got so much that I still had plenty left over.
4 weeks vacation
In addition, I took Fridays off using vacation days for August and September.
pomelo / 5084 posts
@MrsBananaGrabber: Just TTC now but I chose "11 or 12 weeks" in your poll because our law firm gives us 12 weeks. And 2 weeks for the "secondary" parent.
clementine / 806 posts
My company offers 12 weeks paid maternity leave which is separate and apart from FMLA and disability, although they all roll together.
So I got 3 weeks disability prior to giving birth because my doctor cleared me. I qualify for 26 weeks of paid disability, so once my maternity leave kicked, disability continued to pay like $200 some odd dollars and my company paid the rest of my salary. FMLA also kicked in the minute I took disability to protect my job. So I have 6 months job protection. So total time I took off was 3 weeks disability, 12 weeks paid maternity and then a week off vacation for a total of 16 weeks.
blogger / pineapple / 12381 posts
First one, 4 months, last one 3 days. This one, I have two weeks scheduled. The US sucks, especially when it comes to adoption!
blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts
With Liam, I took 10 weeks of official leave, came back to work for one half day at the end of the year, then it was summer break. So I actually got 4.5 months off. This time, I will take 14 weeks of official leave, come back for one half day, then have summer break and I'll end up with 6 months total off.
persimmon / 1161 posts
I took 20 weeks off. The way my employer interprets the CA pregnancy leave with FMLA results in the amount of time you are out medically (usually 6-8 weeks, although my OB gave me 10 weeks off because I was on meds for awhile after delivery) then followed by 12 weeks of baby bonding time. I could have taken another week or two, but wanted to save the last two weeks in case I needed more time later on within the first year. I was paid via sick time, vacation time, overtime, etc. for all but one day of the 20 weeks.
grapefruit / 4278 posts
I took 8 weeks, which was all of my stockpiled vacation and sick time. I was FMLA eligible, but was required to use any accrued pto during my leave. I was not eligible for std because of a pre-existing condition, though it was offered through my employer.
coconut / 8430 posts
FMLA eligible.
I took 20 weeks which was the maximum allowed by my company. The first 12 weeks was paid. The next 8 weeks was unpaid, but I was able to use saved vacation days to cover part of the unpaid portion.
grapefruit / 4442 posts
I took 8 weeks since i had a c section. My leave was not paid so we used all my vacation and sick time. I was lucky DH has paternity so DD was able to be cared for by us for almost 6 months before she had to go to a sitter.
pineapple / 12053 posts
I took about 16 weeks off: 3 before delivery and 13 after. I was technically not eligible for FMLA because my company was less than 50 but I'm in CA so I used disability and our state Family leave for pay and my company had no issue keeping my position for me.
pomelo / 5298 posts
FMLA eligible.
11 weeks - all sick/vacation leave that I had accrued. I couldn't benefit from STD, as my company's policy is that you must exhaust your accrued time.
8 weeks - 6 weeks of accrued sick/vacation. Remaining 2 weeks STD (at <60% of pay). My STD policy is available through my employer, but fully paid by me (no employer contribution).
pomegranate / 3658 posts
My company isn't required to comply with FMLA but they do so anyway. I could take up to 6 weeks at 60% pay and an additional 6 weeks unpaid for a total of 12 weeks off with a guarantee I would have my job back. I didn't feel like 12 weeks was enough time to spend with my baby so I'm going to take a total of 6 months off, all of it unpaid except that first 6 weeks at 60%. No guarantee I will have my job back at the end of it, but almost every mother at my company has done something similar and 99% of them have gotten their jobs back.
pea / 6 posts
20 Weeks - Californian here.
12 weeks of it was paid at 55% by disability/FMLA
4 weeks vacation/sick time at 100%
Rest unpaid.
Still wasn't long enough! I would have gladly taken longer off unpaid but my company has a max of 16 weeks maternity (Can then apply vacation).
persimmon / 1436 posts
I was FMLA eligible (government employee) and took it. Most recently, I took 12 weeks and was able to use saves PTO for 9.5. I basically missed one paycheck so that wasn't bad at all financially. I would have loved to take longer but my job would not have been held for me.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@SFMummy: how did you get 12 weeks of paid disability by the state?? Please share! For some reason I thought it was only 6 weeks.
apricot / 343 posts
LO1: 11 weeks
LO2: 5 months
I'm a professor, so the times I am reporting are the time until I went back to teaching; I did, however, do research during that time. For both, I took leave until the current semester ended and then had a regular break (winter break with LO1 and summer break with LO2). For both, I had 6 weeks of paid leave (for medical) and then took some unpaid leave for both.
nectarine / 2951 posts
Baby #1
FMLA eligible. I took a total of 17 weeks. I was paid for 6 (but I had to use sick time). The rest of the time was unpaid, plus I had to pay COBRA for the last month.
Baby #2
Because I'm on a medical leave from work (modified bedrest), I will use up FMLA for the calendar year. Since I'm also using all of my sick time to have a fully paid medical leave, I'll have to take an unpaid maternity leave. Oh, and I'll have to pay COBRA each month. I'm either planning a 3 or 4 month leave.
Isn't America grand? Supposedly Governer Cuomo is proposing a paid maternity leave bill that will be voted on in May, but even if it passes, I doubt it will be in effect in time for my baby's arrival in June.
grapefruit / 4545 posts
6 weeks under STD....6 additional under FMLA.
STD was 100% paid. FMLA was completely unpaid.
I am choosing not to use any of my vacation time.
pea / 6 posts
I can't remember the exact terms, but you get 6 weeks for disability, or 8 if you have a c-section. Then you get another 6 weeks of PFL leave (paid family leave).
It was pretty easy, once the first 6 weeks was over I got a message in my online account saying I needed to fill out the new form. Went to the same card, etc.
Better outline - http://pregnancy.lovetoknow.com/wiki/California_Maternity_Leave
Also just a note - it took FOREVER to get any of my benefits. I didn't get anything until 8 weeks out, then the entire 6 weeks of disability was dropped in. Luckily it wasn't a huge deal for us financially, but I couldn't believe it took that long and wondered how people got by if they hadn't planned for that.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@SFMummy: Thank you for that info. And yes, I hadn't even considered that it would take a while for the benefits to kick in.
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
I took 12 weeks after the birth of my twins, but I was also on hospital bed rest for 6 weeks prior to them being delivered.
So not that I wanted to go back to work after 12 weeks, I did kinda feel like it was time to go to work and have a schedule. My DH is a SAHD.
My STD medical leave before they were born and the 8 weeks (c-section) after they were born was all paid. I took 4 weeks of unpaid leave under the unpaid bonding leave my job offers. My company offers upto 12 weeks of unpaid bonding leave.
I live in WA but my company is based out of CA.
Oh, I was FMLA eligible.
pomegranate / 3393 posts
I didn't vote because my situation is unique. I'm a part time instructor, so I didn't have any paid time off. But my baby was born in June so I got to stay home with him for 2.5 months before school started up again, and even after that I was only gone 2-3 days a week.
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