since i'm in my TWW, i've been thinking about how to announce if we do end up pregnant this cycle. if not, i can always use them in the near future when we do finally achieve our BFP. reminders don't bother me and fortune cookies take forever to go bad =)

so i've decided that i'm going to order custom baby related fortune cookies! then DH & i can order chinese food for dinner & i'll swap out their cookies with the ones i'll have made. they'll be baby related, but not straight up "Mrs. Bird is having a chick!" so then if he doesn't pick up on those i ordered a fred baby rattle dumbbell & a book called 'Baby Barbells: The Dad's Guide to Fitness and Fathering' for him to open. he's a total gym rat, so he'll love them =)

the fortune cookies come by the dozen & i figure i might as well order enough to do a similar announcement with our families later. it would be fun to have each person open a different fortune, but have them all baby announcement related & see how long before someone picks up on what's happening =D

but now i need to come up with the sayings, like a dozen of them! and i need some help! i'm thinking along the lines of:
-the only creatures evolved enough to convey pure love are dogs and infants
-Be alert! You're about to make a new lifelong friend.
-there is only one pretty child in the world and every mother has it
-There will always be delightful mysteries in your life.
-Babies are Mother Nature's way of saying there is more to life than sleep
- Great gifts come in small packages
-A mother understands what a child does not say
- Happy news is on its way to you!

i'd like some amusing ones in there too, so please make suggestions! any get short quotes or little saying will work =)