This is my second month with a negative HPT being on progesterone. Now the doctor wants to try clomid, an ovulation shot, and some testing. I know some of you have been through way more than what I am even starting on, but I am terrified. She told me she wants to check my eggs and my fear is that I don't have any, but the one pregnancy I did have and lost. I am scared that my journey of becoming pregnant with my own child will now end soon in the next up coming weeks and I am completely heartbroken about it.
How did you guys get through all of the poking and the prodding. How did you emotionally handle the roller-coaster. The last four months alone have been the hardest in my life. It seems like my poor husband and myself just get thrown one thing after another. I need some advice on the upcoming events that are about to happen in my life. I desperately want to be a mother, but I worry all of the doctors appointments and etc. are simply going to make me more crazy than I have already become.