Hi everyone! This is my first time posting to any board, though I've lurked for a while. 😊 I am 11 months postpartum from my first daughter's birth, and we are not trying to conceive (just using condoms at the time). Last week a couple days before period was due, I felt off, so tested using a Testmedica hpt that I ordered from iherb.com (I live in Taiwan and hpts are very expensive here! Iherb is my cheapest option). It showed a very, very faint positive line. I tested twice more, both the same result. However, the following two days were negative using local brand hpts.
I then began bleeding right about when my period was due, so I gave up, thinking maybe it was a chemical.
But I couldn't shake the "off"feeling I had, so I tested again in the middle of my period, with a Testmedica strip, and again a faint positive! Now I have gotten faint positive lines for four days in a row on this brand of test.
I went to the doctor yesterday, and their urine test was negative, as well as showing nothing at all on a sonogram. They drew blood and will have results tomorrow.
But I'm going mad because I took another Testmedica strip today, positive. With the same urine and a different local cheap brand, it was negative.
Is the Testmedica brand of cheap test strips known for false positives? I can't find anything in a Google search. I'm so limited here in Taiwan. I'm mostly concerned about an ectopic pregnancy due to the heavy "period" bleeding I had.
Sorry this is so long. Thanks for any input! 😊