I get to be a SAHM, so I don't have to worry about pumping enough and storing it in the freezer for work. In the beginning, I pumped because I wanted to provide a bottle a day for the baby fed by DH, but eventually, we got kinda lazy. I don't know why it takes me so much effort to clean those pump parts and bottle parts, but it does. It's just so much easier to whip out the boobs! Sometimes though, I do worry/wonder if my supply will all of a sudden dwindle on me, and that maybe it is better I have a stash anyway? Here's another lame excuse....I don't have enough room in my freezer! I've had nights right before the baby's bed time feeding where it almost seemed like I was cutting it close because he seemed to empty out both of my breasts but still seemed fussy. But, anywayz, just wondering if there are any other SAHMs that don't pump/bottle-feed. Do you worry about your supply?