Background first.

LO2 is currently 29 months and slept well in crib for naps and at night until we switched over to a toddler bed at 27 months bc he started climbing out of his crib. He also became a big brother at 25 months so I know there' s been a lot of transition for him.

Well, he now only sleeps on the floor. He refuses to sleep in the toddler bed and I have to lie on the floor with him until he falls asleep. When he falls asleep, I put him gently in the toddler bed without waking him but when I check on him, he's back on the floor. Sometimes, he will also sneak into our bedroom. He doesn't climb into our bed, he just sleeps on the floor at the foot of the bed. One time I almost stepped on him when I awoke to nurse. When I find him on the floor of our bed, I pick him up and move him into our bed but he slides back down to the floor.

Our floor is carpet. We don't wear shoes in the house. I worry he'll be cold...especially when in the fall/winter. He's always had a stuffy nose and problems with congestion and I feel like it's getting worse bc he literally sleeps with his face to the carpet (irrational fear..I know).

Any suggestions on what we can do? Should I just get rid of the toddler bed and put the mattress on the floor? We do have a twin size bed/mattress ready to go but I doubt he'll sleep in that either.