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Anyone have their first LO past 30?

  1. JMOM

    apricot / 420 posts

    I had my first at 35 and the 2nd a couple months short of 38.

  2. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    I was 30 when I had my first and turned 32 less than a month before my second was born. If we go for #3 it will be before I turn 35. I'm want to be done by 35.

  3. MrsSCB

    pomelo / 5257 posts

    @knittylady: Same! My mom was 42 when she had me. I'm from the DC area, and out of everyone I know from high school and college, only two people have kids. I'm 27.

    ETA: @simplyfelicity I'm so sorry for your loss. Try not to stress about age--30 is still young!

  4. hotchildinthecity

    nectarine / 2272 posts

    I'm adopting but i'll be 31 when he comes home. Dh will be 33. We're only the second of all our friends to have kids. Most arent married yet.

  5. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    Currently 30 and will be 31 in Oct, still hoping to get pregnant with my first this year. Let's hope I'll give birth when I'm 31.

  6. sandy

    cantaloupe / 6687 posts

    LO1 - 32

    LO2 - 35

    We intentionally wanted about a 3 year difference

  7. mamimami

    grapefruit / 4120 posts

    I wasn't married yet when I turned 30! I had my son at 32 and my daughter at 34. I am sorry about your losses But try not to stress about your age if you can help it! Like some others said, in my world 30+ is the norm!

  8. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    I'll be 30 in a month and we're not planning to TTC for a few months yet. I'll likely (hopefully) be 31 when I have my first, but I'm pretty comfortable with the idea of being able to have kids till I'm 36 or 37 if things don't go according to plan. (Which they never do!)

    ETA: I agree with others that starting a family before 30 is the exception rather than the rule more and more these days!

  9. CakeLady

    pear / 1657 posts

    I had LO#1 15 days before my 32nd birthday. Many of my friends (who are the same age) have had or are having their first babies at 32 as well.

  10. rachiecakes

    coconut / 8279 posts

    @knittylady: agree! I was the first of my friends at almost 32, if we want to/are able to have a second, I'll be close to 40

  11. kml636

    pomegranate / 3225 posts

    @simplyfelicity: I had a miscarriage and d&c at 29 also. Now I'm 32 with two girls! Newborn and 20 month old. Took me three months to conceive after the d&c. Hope you get your BFP soon!

  12. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    Thank you, all! This has been helpful.

  13. BKCaribBaby

    pear / 1672 posts

    I had my first at 35. I have two friends who just had their first at 36. None of my friends had children before 32.

  14. mrs.shinerbock

    pomegranate / 3779 posts

    @simplyfelicity: I had a D&C on my 29th birthday and had LO when I was 30.

  15. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    We had T when I was 31 (turned 32 a few months later). I just turned 34 and LO 2 will be here in 4 months. It took 8 months to conceive our first son (had a miscarriage) but LO2 was conceived on the second month.

  16. LalaLove

    grape / 92 posts

    My mom was 31 when she had me (first & only) and I never thought of her as an older mother. She might have been a few years older than some of my friend's moms but I never noticed and it never seemed to bother her. Also, every first time mom I meet at my LO's play groups are in their 30's. Some are in their 40's and look younger and have more energy than all of us!

  17. chopsuey

    hostess / wonderful honeydew / 32460 posts

    1st - 2 months after I turned 31.
    2nd - exactly 1 month before I turned 33!

  18. AprilFool

    nectarine / 2591 posts

    I had just turned 31 when LO was born. And will be 33+ before any future babies.

  19. septca

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts

    The average age for first time moms at the hospital near me is 37.2 yo. So 30 is no where near "old."

  20. Trailmix

    nectarine / 2152 posts

    I was so close to being 30 I might as well have been. I'm the second out of a group of 15 friends who has kids. You have SO much time!

  21. krispi

    clementine / 911 posts

    I'll be 36 when we TTC #1 this fall. I didn't get married until I was 34.

  22. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    I had LO when I was 33. I will have LO #2 right around the time I turn 36.

  23. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    DS was born when I was 31, almost 32. #2 will be born just shy of turning 34 this year.

  24. Jellyfish

    apricot / 334 posts

    Had my first last year at 34. Thinking about TTC #2 later this year.

  25. night cheese

    apricot / 453 posts

    I had my first (and probably only) baby less than 3 weeks ago. I'm 39.

  26. sapphire

    nectarine / 2173 posts

    I'm 31 and will be 32 when I deliver. We are the first in our friend group to have a LO.

  27. littlehunny

    cherry / 231 posts

    I had twins at 31.

  28. Mrs Spoon

    kiwi / 603 posts

    I had LO when I was 34. Will aim to get KU again around when I turn 36 hand have LO#2 that year and be done.

  29. Sapphiresun

    nectarine / 2220 posts

    I was one of the first of my friends to have my LO at one month shy of 30. I still got lots of comments that I was "too young" to be having a baby, so depending what peanut gallery you want to listen to, you should be in good shape!

  30. Tanjowen

    nectarine / 2521 posts

    I turned 32 just after I had my LO. I would like to conceive #2 in 2 years, so will be close to age 35 when we have the second!

  31. sungirl

    apricot / 309 posts

    #1 day before my 34th bday and #2 at 35

  32. Irishmom

    cherry / 236 posts

    My first was born when I was 34 and my second when I was 36.

  33. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    I also want to add that you are young! In my group of friends and family no one has kids before 30.

  34. MoonMoon

    pomegranate / 3393 posts

    I was 33 through most of my pregnancy, 34 when I gave birth. Healthy, happy pregnancy & baby. If I have a second, I'll be 37 probably. Good luck to you!

  35. dolphin

    pomegranate / 3768 posts

    33 and hoping to have my second at 35.

  36. skibobrown

    pomegranate / 3388 posts

    I only have one friend who had a baby before 30. I had my first at 30 and will probably have a second around 34 or 35 if things go according to plan.

  37. Booker504

    pea / 13 posts

    I was 35 when # 1 was born and if we have a second it will not be before I am 37.

  38. Bluebonnet

    persimmon / 1427 posts

    I had my first LO just after my 34th birthday. LO #2 was born just before my 36th birthday.

  39. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    I'm 29 now, and am expecting my first little one in November. I turn 30 in September, so will have just crossed into my fourth decade as I become a parent. Although I thought I'd have at least my first kid a few years earlier (my husband and I have been together for nearly 11 years now), it's worked out this way and I am just feeling lucky now that we're able to have this baby.

  40. lady grey

    pear / 1696 posts

    Had #1 a week before I turned 34. Planning to have one more, will probbaly be around 36.

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