LO will be 1 next week, and I'm really hoping this is just a phase. I'm at my wits end though. Going to sleep at night used to be a breeze 10-15 minutes tops. Now I'm happy if she goes down in under an hour. Naps? Ugh don't get me started on naps. She just cries, all the time. She's exhausted, but she doesn't want to be rocked to sleep, she just squirms. So I try to put her down I the crib, and she cries and fusses but still doesn't fall asleep. Sometimes if I'm lucky she will eventually give in.

I just don't know what to do, at the end of the day I'm almost near tears. I'm so frustrated and I'm just getting so mad at DD. It's irrational. It's totally not her fault, but I'm taking it personally like its something that I'm doing wrong.