apricot / 374 posts
@HeartAbandoned: There it is! You're making me want to change my plan of testing just once a day this cycle. What a difference two hours makes!
clementine / 933 posts
@nanilani: If these weren't the cheapie tests I wouldn't have been such a crazy lady! 4 tests/day is a little much! Hah!
My OB recommended BD only EOD for the sake of sperm count/quality when we were trying for #1 (for the record, DH had a normal SA when he tested), but I'm thinking I want to go crazy and aim for every day...we BD last night, and with that positive late in the day, I think I want to try for tonight & tomorrow, too. What would you do? I'm expecting that today will be O, but will have to wait on temps to confirm....
apricot / 374 posts
@HeartAbandoned: I'm toying with trying SMEP this cycle (DH doesn't know yet, but I don't think he'll mind ). It suggests EOD and then three days in a row when you get a positive OPK, so your plan sounds good to me! I've heard EOD is really most important for guys with low motility anyway.
ETA: I know following SMEP perfectly still only gives a 25% shot at conceiving, and three days in a row in my fertile window didn't pan out for us last cycle. Still couldn't hurt though!
clementine / 933 posts
@nanilani: Maybe we'll both hit that 25% this month! Can't hurt, right?!?!?
apricot / 373 posts
Cautiously joining after a chemical last month and irregular cycles...
Cycle Day:18
TTC Cycle:4ish
Ovulation Date:I'm thinking today or tomorrow (not temping or using opks just going off cm)
POAS Date: 8/8
Baby #:2 DD is 2 yrs old
What's up this month: nothing exciting just hanging with DD. Dh has been working a lot lately so it's just us 2 during the day.
For Fun: Any good plans for the last month of summer? camping in a few weeks 🤗
Good luck everyone
clementine / 874 posts
@HeartAbandoned: @nanilani: It totally stinks that even with perfect timing, the chances of conception are so low even with a perfectly fertile couple! I got pregnant the first cycle for my first three pregnancies (2 ended in loss) and now am on cycle #4. I guess I just got really lucky before!
clementine / 933 posts
@Coral: so crazy, right?!? And people get pregnant on accident! That blows my mind.
@hocuspocus: Welcome!
cherry / 121 posts
@Coral: I know! It's crazy! We got pregnant super easy last time and despite my attempts to get him to understand that that's unusual, DH is convinced we're the most fertile couple ever and we'll get it on the first try this time. I'm trying not to crush his optimism while still being realistic for myself. I have a family history of secondary infertility, so I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much...
pear / 1728 posts
@Bernieboo: DH is totally the same way. We got pregnant the first month wiith DD and he's completely convinced it'll happen again this time. I've been trying to tell him that he's being unrealistic but he's still so confident.
persimmon / 1339 posts
Okay so, my POAS day (if my tracking is right) will be August 15th. I'm just at the start of the fertile window now. Time to practice the art of seduction
nectarine / 2242 posts
Let me know if I missed anyone!
August POAS
8/6 - happybaker, coral, heartabandoned
8/8 - hocuspocus
8/10 - bernieboo
8/11 - yogibeachwife
8/15 - scarletbegonia
8/23 - mrsjbeeg
8/25 - raspberry
TBD - nanilani, mrs. oreo
cherry / 239 posts
Cycle Day:27
TTC Cycle:2nd after a loss in May
Ovulation Date:according to my app TODAY
POAS Date: 8/11
Baby #:1
What's up this month: finally came positive on my OPK last night, so its relief to be somewhat back on track.
For Fun: looking forward to the start of the football season,goign to some preseason games this month GO GIANTS!
cherry / 132 posts
Cycle Day: 2
TTC Cycle: 2
Ovulation Date: 8/15
POAS Date: 8/24
Baby #: 1
What's up this month: We were optimistically hoping that we might be one of the lucky ones to get pregnant on our first try, but we're back at it again.
For Fun: Any good plans for the last month of summer? Just spending time outdoors in the nice weather (when it's not constantly raining!) and spending time with friends.
I have a question for you ladies with a short luteal phase. I've been tracking my cycle for the past 4 months since being off BCP. I've consistently had 28 day cycles and have been ovulating on CD 20/21 (confirmed with OPKs and taking my BBT) which gives me only a 7-8 day luteal phase. Is it possible to get pregnant with such a short phase with no additional medication? Is there anything OTC that you took that helped to elongate your luteal phase?
I called my OBGYN's office today to ask if they had any advice and the nurse said I would have to come in for a consult with the doctor and run tests, etc. We hadn't been trying for very long, but I'm nervous that we could have perfect timing and everything else could go correctly, but it won't result in a BFP if the egg isn't able to successfully implant. Please let me know if anyone else has any experience with this!
clementine / 787 posts
@HappyBaker: when you make a change can you change my POAS date to 8/17 please. Didn't realize ovia was still calculating an ovulation and POAS date based on. 33 day cycle and I'm back to 28 days. Thanks!
clementine / 787 posts
@chypmunk: congrats! I'm sure that's a positive feeling based on how I felt after my may loss and getting the ability to try again
cherry / 132 posts
Cycle Day: 2
TTC Cycle: 2
Ovulation Date: 8/15
POAS Date: 8/24
Baby #: 1
What's up this month: We were optimistically hoping that we might be one of the lucky ones to get pregnant on our first try, but we're back at it again.
For Fun: Any good plans for the last month of summer? Just spending time outdoors in the nice weather (when it's not constantly raining!) and spending time with friends.
I have a question for you ladies with a short luteal phase. I've been tracking my cycle for the past 4 months since being off BCP. I've consistently had 28 day cycles and have been ovulating on CD 20/21 (confirmed with OPKs and taking my BBT) which gives me only a 7-8 day luteal phase. Is it possible to get pregnant with such a short phase with no additional medication? Is there anything OTC that you took that helped to elongate your luteal phase?
I called my OBGYN's office today to ask if they had any advice and the nurse said I would have to come in for a consult with the doctor and run tests, etc. We hadn't been trying for very long, but I'm nervous that we could have perfect timing and everything else could go correctly, but it won't result in a BFP if the egg isn't able to successfully implant. Please let me know if anyone else has any experience with this!
nectarine / 2813 posts
@sunflowerbee: It is going to be difficult to get pregnant with a luteal phase shorter than 10 days.
I would recommend scheduling an appointment with your OB and discussing progesterone supplementation.
apricot / 374 posts
@sunflowerbee: I'm not a medical professional, but it's my understanding that a 7-8 day LP would make it extremely difficult to get pregnant because a fertilized egg wouldn't have enough time to implant before AF arrived. You've been charting with two reliable methods, so I think you've taken the right step by calling your doctor. If their tests do show there is an issue, at least you've gotten a jump on treating the problem instead of waiting it out for a year while knowing it may be too short. S/he should be able to help you lengthen your LP. I think progesterone is common, not sure about natural methods but I'm sure there's probably suggestions on the googlewebs. Good luck!
nectarine / 2242 posts
@MrsJBeeG: sure thing!
@chypmunk: @sunflowerbee: Welcome!
August POAS
8/6 - happybaker, coral, heartabandoned
8/8 - hocuspocus
8/10 - bernieboo
8/11 - yogibeachwife, chypmunk
8/15 - scarletbegonia
8/17 - mrsjbeeg
8/24 - sunflowerbee
8/25 - raspberry
TBD - nanilani, mrs. oreo
nectarine / 2784 posts
@sunflowerbee: I took vitex to help improve my luteal phase. Definitely see what your doctor recommends but I thought I'd chime in since you can get it otc. I know some people have success with B6 as well. If @theotherstark: sees this hopefully she can chime in
cherry / 121 posts
So I'm pretty sure i ovulated this morning!! Got my darkest ever OPK (though still not really positive), then my temp was up .13 of a degree! Then I had that really distinct pain on one side lasting about 30-60 seconds this morning! I made DH come home for lunch since I was working from home today ! I'm so hopeful! We'll probably BD again tomorrow and Sunday just to be sure.
I ended up downloading Fertility Friend and it's putting AF at 8/13. So now I'm not sure when I'll test. With M, I got a negative 4 days before AF was due, then didn't test again until i was like 12 days late! So i have no frame of reference... Thoughts?
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
Cd1 is making me feel more optimistic so I'm joining up.
Cycle Day: 1
TTC Cycle: #4 post d&c
Ovulation Date: 8/13?
POAS Date: 8/25 for now
Baby #: 3
What's up this month: I delayed my cycle with bcp since dh and I are apart for 3 weeks. I've done it once before, we'll see if it changes my cycle. We haven't had good timing in months so I'm hopeful this cycle we can be together all of the window!
For Fun: Any good plans for the last month of summer? Hiding out from Texas weather right visiting family up north. When we go back it's a week and half until my daughter starts kindergarten! It's going to be a huge change for us.
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
@Bernieboo: I always test earlier but I think 12dpo is a good time to test!
cherry / 132 posts
@mrskansas: Thanks for the recommendation! I'll plan to call my doctor on Monday.
@nanilani: Thanks for your reply! I definitely agree with you that it makes sense to contact my doctor now to start trying to find a solution instead of waiting a year to be diagnosed.
@Anya: How many months were you on vitex before you noticed a difference to your LP? How many days was it lengthened by? I have read about B6 too and will see what my doctor recommends. Thanks for your help!
nectarine / 2784 posts
@sunflowerbee: The first month I took it I had a 10 day LP, the next cycle an 11 day LP and the cycle after that I conceived. I also started ovulating on CD 14-16 where before I was going much later. Good luck to you!
clementine / 933 posts
@chypmunk: @sunflowerbee: @bhbee: Welcome! Glad to see so many new ladies on the board!
As long as my temp doesn't nose-dive tomorrow, FF will mark 7/26 as my O date! In which case, we got in BD on O-2, O-1, O, and O+2! Hoping that's enough to get a this month!
cherry / 128 posts
@sunflowerbee: Hi. I also have a short LP. Went off of BC 6/16 and got bfp 10/16 and ended up having a blighted ovum. I started charting and realized I have a short LP 7-10 days. I swear my mc had something to do with my short LP. I've been taking B6 for a few cycles now and it's not helping but I hear it helps for others. I just had my first appointment with a RE since we have been trying for a full year. It's good you contacted your doctor. I've heard/read it's hard to get pregnant on an LP shorter than 10 days. I think it has to do with low progesterone levels. Let us know how you make out. I'm starting my fertility testing at the beginning of next cycle. Good luck!
clementine / 787 posts
I'm feeling optimistic this month. Last month I never felt hopeful. I'm starting a good healthy exercise and eating plan to lose some of the weight I gained this winter and spring. I realized I'm happy about trying again - regardless of what comes of it this month. Day 9 and DH initiated BD this time and told me lets keep at it way past day 14 just to have the best go. I like having his support too. I hope there are lots of BFP this month on this board!
clementine / 933 posts
And now we wait...
How are planning to distract yourself during your TWW?
clementine / 787 posts
@HeartAbandoned: I have not come up with a good plan in the several months we have been trying. It's border line obsessive at times for me - i really need to figure a new hobby out that can be done in two week spurts.
clementine / 794 posts
Cycle Day: 1
TTC Cycle: 2nd IUI cycle (have been trying for 3.5 years)
Ovulation Date: I imagine it will be on 8/14
POAS Date: 8/29
Baby #: 1
What's up this month: This month I will have my second IUI! Unless something changes (and I won't find this out until Monday) I will be taking 2.5 mg of Letrozole CDs 3-7 and 100 mg progesterone from 3DPO.
For Fun: Any good plans for the last month of summer? Our 4th anniversary will be on August 9th so we're probably gonna do something fun for that but other than that I'll probably spend all month knitting!!
clementine / 933 posts
@Marfi: welcome & good luck this cycle!! Are you working on a particular knitting project? I love to crochet but haven't made time for it lately.
pear / 1677 posts
Not much going on over here....
I finished my Prometrium last Monday 7/24. I was spotting the day before up until yesterday, but no real period. I even thought I was about to get AF a few days ago, but my tampon was just brown and only 50% saturated. I even took a pregnancy test just to see what was up, but it was negative. I guess I'm just confused because last cycle, AF came the day before I finished the pill.
So, I know it take about a week for it to arrive after stopping progesterone, so we'll see. I'm just waiting to take my Femara!
clementine / 794 posts
@HeartAbandoned: I'm making a cowl! Its a test knit for a designer on Ravelry. I love doing test knits, it makes it easier for me to decide on a project! This one is for a designer that I have done several test knits for in the past!
clementine / 794 posts
@Mrs. Oreo: It's interesting how progesterone affects people differently! I stopped taking mine Wednesday night and woke up with AF this morning. Hopefully AF comes soon so you can start your next cycle!
pear / 1677 posts
@Marfi: so weird! Ugh. Not even spotting anymore.
But good luck with this cycle!!! We have an appointment with an RE in September. If I don't get a BFP this cycle, we're moving forward with an IUI. I'm sick and tired of feeling like shit about our TTC struggle. I want it to be OUR turn already!
nectarine / 2242 posts
August POAS
8/6 - happybaker, coral, heartabandoned
8/8 - hocuspocus
8/10 - bernieboo
8/11 - yogibeachwife, chypmunk
8/15 - scarletbegonia
8/17 - mrsjbeeg
8/24 - sunflowerbee
8/25 - raspberry, bhbee
8/29 - marfi
TBD - nanilani, mrs. oreo
nectarine / 2242 posts
It's August tomorrow!
I'm 7dpo and already having to talk myself out of testing ha. I know its next to impossible this early but I just love peeing on all of the things. Luckily we're out of town this weekend so I'll test this Thursday (10 dpo) and then won't get another chance until we get back Monday. Also already symptom spotting, even though again its pretty impossible for anything I'm feeling or not feeling to be related to this.
pear / 1728 posts
Good luck everyone! I’m most likely out for July but I’ll wait until AF arrives to officially join in!
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