DS is 3 months old, and we just had a weight check because at his 2 month appointment his growth curve had dropped too much. The weight check was just with a nurse so we literally just went in, had him weighed, and left. I just got a call that the DR now wants to meet next week because he has dropped even further and she is concerned.

He has been bottle fed pumped milk since 2 weeks old, and we are switching to 100% formula within the next few weeks (unrelated to this issue, I had decided to stop pumping because I wasn't producing enough / hated it!).

Other than the weight gain issue he is an incredibly happy, easygoing baby. He is sleeping and eating great, and is very social / trying to grab things / etc as he should be.

Does anyone else have experience with this / advice on what I can expect? He is drinking 4oz every 3 hours during the day and has no problems with reflux or anything like that. He really seems fine he just isn't gaining enough!