Before I got pregnant with my first I downloaded a few apps. I thought it might be neat if we shared the baby related apps. Whether it's an ovulation calendar, baby names or tracking feedings.
Iphone :
Period Tracker Deluxe:
I used this app to know when I was ovulating. I would track my periods and put in my info to get an idea when it was time to "focus" on baby making.
What To Expect
This app was general information about the stages of the pregnancy. I love reading on a daily basis both what's happening with my body and the baby's growth.
Baby Bump :
This app is great for tracking your weight, to know where you are in your pregnancy, how many days left etc. You can even add pictures of your bump, kick counter, baby names and the best part theres an online community to answer any questions you might have.
Total Baby :
I used this app to input diaper change, feedings, bath time, sleeping and other info from the doctor appointements. (Weight, length, head size etc)
White Noise :
When I wasn't home, the white noise app was a life saver. I would put in some rain or ocean noise and baby slept with no interruptions. A must if you don't have a white noise toy/machine in the nursery.
Peekaboo Barn:
This is one of Mavi's favorite apps. There is a lite version but the full version is worth it. It's well designed and educative.