So I found out this morning my new babysitter ( hired her last Monday) cannot watch LO 5 days a week. I was furious but didnt show it to her. I told DH we should just find a daycare center and have her socialize with other kids.

I seem to be down on my luck with sitters. Our sitter of 5 months cannot watch A for a month because of her religious holiday (a is a bad napper) and I totally understand. She was also in our old neighborhood and the commute would have been killer. Another babysitter (sitter #2) was overwhelmed by A (again bad napper) and she cried all day because she was tired and the sitter couldnt get her down. the new one (sitter #3) we thought was a godsend. she could put LO down and took her out, but she dropped the bomb on us this morning.

So I called a family daycare and we're going to see if we can check out the place on Thursday but there will be a delay since we need to get her medical records signed off and her doctor is in our old neighborhood which is an hour away by train.

Sitter #3 asked if we could use sitter #2 for 2 days and have them split the hours. I feel like its inconsistent for LO since she already has attachment issues. What would you do?

Go to the daycare or use two sitters?