Hey all...well I've been absent for a few weeks. We lost this LO.
It happened naturally this time. Other Dec. 2013 moms may remember that LO was measuring too small at my first US at 7w2d. The MC started a few days later. Had an US last week and everything is gone. Just waiting for HCG to lower all the way, have to go back Friday and check. (Will be the 3'rd check.)
I have some questions for ladies who've BTDT. This is my 2'nd MC, but the first was missed, and I had to have a D&C. With that, I counted the D&C as CD1. Now, for charting purposes, do I count the first day of red bleeding as CD 1?
Also, my doc said I didn't have to wait at all to try again. Even though I'm getting RPL testing done now, she said she really feels that nothing is really "wrong." So we don't need to protect against another pregnancy right now. SO, I want to try right away. (And we'll be keeping a closer eye on everything if/when I get pg again.)
So my question is, when can I expect to ovulate? If I count the first day of bleeding as CD 1, that would put me at CD 12 today. Will I definitely NOT ovulate until HCG has returned to 0? Or could I still? (I took an HPT yesterday and it was still positive.)
Lastly...I know this is a dumb question but just for getting opinions sake...do you think something could be wrong with me? I mean last year: MMC at 9 weeks. LO looked like it stopped growing after about 6.5 weeks. This time, natural MC at 7.5 weeks, LO measured too small at first ultrasound. BOTH times we saw the heartbeat! Not to mention it took us an entire YEAR to get pregnant again after the first MC. I know "they" say that is "normal" but when you are charting and all that, and timing intercourse right...it shouldn't take a year, right?
::sigh:: I'm just glad we're getting more testing done I guess. I feel ok I suppose. We are definitely pissed that we've had rotten luck again. (I use the word "luck" for lack of a better word.)
The only time I get really upset is when I think that it could take a whole year again to get pregnant. I told my doc. I can't handle that...
Not sure how active I'll be for a while, I guess I'm a little bitter and it's hard.
Thanks for listening/reading.