Does anyone have any experience getting baby back to breastfeeding after a short (or long) stint with bottles? DD2 is only 6 days old but was severely jaundiced at her 4 day ped appointment. She was close to being hospitalized so we had to give her pumped milk for 24 hours to make sure she was eating a certain amount to flush out the bilirubin.
She was an awesome nurser the first 4 days of life but has fought nursing every time I've tried lately. She can still latch and suck but doesn't want to, of course. I can't take bottles away completely yet since her bili levels are so high, but I so wanted breastfeeding to go well with DD2 (I was forced to pump for DD1 due to similar reasons).
I plan to find a lactation consultant once her jaundice is to a safe level, but wondered if anyone else has experienced something similar. Any tips?