I'm looking for some suggestions about how to start moving my 8 week old toward an earlier bed time.
We bed share and she has been going to sleep for the night when I do. I nurse her lying down, and she is out pretty quickly.
However, this means she has been going to be at about 9:30, and then I read until I'm tired.
I would love to move her toward a more reasonable bed time, and everything I've read says that now is the time to work on that.

So my plan starting tomorrow was going to be: at 7:30 start bed time routine. Nurse her to sleep and try to sneak away. When she wakes up, go in and either pat her butt or nurse her back to sleep. I go to bed around 10, she will likely wake up then so I will nurse her to sleep again.

She has trouble sleeping alone. I'm working on trying to get her to take one nap alone each day by trying the nurse to sleep then sneak away trick...some times it works, sometimes she is up 20 minutes later.

My concern about doing this at night is that she will wake up and have trouble going back to sleep. She usually sleeps from 9:30 to 2:30, and I really don't want to mess up that beautiful chunk of sleep for myself!

How did other folks who co-bed manage this? Co-bedding works well for us, and I'd like to continue, but get a little more freedom in the evening for myself and husband.

Thanks for the help...I have no idea what I'm doing!