What is bedtime really like at your house? Are there tears?
Admittedly, we suck at bedtime. For awhile LO was sleeping in his crib AFTER he fell asleep- pass out on the floor with DH or with in my arms sitting in the glider. Then he fought the transfer and we would co-sleep in our bed or on blankets in his room. DH put his foot down again that LO needs to sleep in his crib, which means we get our evenings back.
This time however, we are putting LO in his crib awake. The first time he cried for about 30-40 minutes until falling asleep. The last two nights he's cried for about 3-5 minutes. Cry is an understatement because he stands up and screams bloody murder. He's definitely tired and between screams he takes a break to lay down. Now he knows it's coming as soon as I start reciting bed time prayers.
Is this normal? When will the tears stop? We don't have a super relaxing routine, but after dinner we read and play downstairs, diaper and PJs, read and play upstairs in his room, then prayers.