This morning, I had a faint positive on a FRER. A week and a half ago, my PCP referred me to a rheumatologist, suspecting lupus (I had an elevated ANA titer). Two days ago, the rheumatologist didn't think it was lupus and ordered a ton of blood work. Yesterday, I got a Thyroid Peroxidase test back with my level at a 25 (9 and below is normal), and an anti-DNA double stranded test back that was negative.
In December, at 14 weeks, our NIPT came back positive for Trisomy 21, and at the follow up ultrasound the baby was dead. That event, on top of all these recent results, are creating a perfect storm of stress for me. I am trying to figure out what I should be doing and who I should be talking to.
I have a message in at the Ob-Gyn and the Rheumatologist. Last week, Ob-Gyn said to call them with a BFP, they would start to coordinate care with MFM. Two days ago, rheumatologist was very unconcerned about my possible pregnancy concerns, very much blew off those questions, didn't see any cause for concern (in her defense, we were talking before the thyroid test came back).
Does anyone have other ideas for what I should be doing? I know not all test results have come back, but I want to be proactive, and I am not a normally pushy person. But this is a baby, and if I have to be pushy to get more of what I need, I will be.
But can anyone help me with what I need? Or who I should be pushing harder to help me? Do I need to pursue an appointment with anyone else?