So, my wonderful eat any method any time without fussing baby is gone. Sawyer is 11 weeks old now. I have given him 1-2 bottles per week since he was born, and he was always happy to eat from whatever he was offered. A couple weeks ago that started to change.

Sawyer started only taking enough from the bottle to take the edge of hunger off (1-2 ounces) and waiting to breastfeed until I was available. Then last weekend he would chew on the bottle rather than suck and let the milk run out of his mouth.

We are using pumped milk, I have checked and there is no soapy smell that would indicate lipase issues. We have tried several bottles (we have 5 different kinds on hand) and have tried even fast flow nipples in some of the bottles. Both me and DH have tried feeding him, with me out of the house, out of the room, and in the room. We have tried different temperatures of milk, and different locations and activities. Nothing changes.

Sawyer isn't upset with the bottle. He just won't drink.

I am conflicted about wether or not it is worth even continuing to try. I have 1 year of mat leave, so I can breastfeed until we transition to a sippy cup, but it means that I can't leave him for an extended period of time. That doesn't bear well for me and DH getting out for dinner, or for his company events, or for me to get my hair done. I try to tell myself he won't let himself starve, and will take a bit from the bottle if he was really hungry, but I don't think I can count on it.

I don't really know what I am looking for, other ideas maybe? Is there something that I am missing. How do other moms with bottle refusers handle it?