My 3-month-old started breaking out of his Summer Infant swaddle the past couple of nights no matter how tightly I swaddled him. This kid is strong! It's so darn cute seeing him suck on his little fist though; but then that meant he wasn't going to sleep anytime soon. Well, at least that's what I thought! Then I put on the miracle blanket and he broke out of that too b/c I didn't put it on that well and I just gave up. I let him suck his little fist and he fell asleep for about 3 hours. Not a long stretch for him since he usually does between 4-6 hours overnight usually. And this morning he was almost completely out of his miracle blanket swaddle. Haha! I was in a jam and improperly put it on him last night. No wonder his arms came out!

I like how fast the Summer Infant swaddles are to put on but I guess he can wiggle his little left arm out every single time now. I seriously thought I had it down to keeping that little arm in but I guess I was wrong!

What swaddle do you use and if you use either the Summer Infant or Miracle Blanket do you have any advice on keeping those little arms in? And how long did you swaddle your LO for? I feel like he could use another month or so and then I'm going to use sleep sacks and then sleep train him. But in the mean time I like my long stretch of sleep at night!