I have a tiny baby, he was born 5 lbs. They had us supplement with formula in the hospital and that was almost easier in that we knew exactly how much he was eating.
Now we are home, my milk is in and I'm just not sure hes getting enough. He only feeds on one side for 10 minutes and he seems happy. He usually falls asleep. I try to wake him up by changing him and sometimes he is fully alert but will not take the second breast. Sometimes he will and feeds for 5 minutes before falling asleep again.
But 10 minutes only doesnt seem like enough? I have been pumping and we feed him extra from a bottle sometimes. Sometimes he doesn't want it, usually we can eventually get him to drink it
The nurses said we could try weaning him off the bottle (and me pumping) but I just dont know if 10 min could possibly be enough!
They told us if he meets the number of poops and peed a day he should be good. He definitely meets the pee. Poo I think so? He has a lot of little poos more so than big ones.
Anyone else struggle like this?? He is only 6 days old.
Our next appointment is in a week.
Only twice now he has woken up a bit fussy showing signs of wanting to eat (and still only eats for 10 min) otherwise we were told to wake him every 3 hours. He just never cries. He will be awake and just look around so he seems happy... am I just over worrying??